𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Bakugou sensually kisses his way up your naked body, softly biting at the skin that he's been dying to have against him. You look down and make eye contact as he slides down your underwear.

"So pretty." he mumbles and opens your legs, running fingertips along the inside of them. His mouth finds its way to your boobs, sucking on one as the other is played with in his rough hand.

"K-kat." you moan out and arch into him when he grazes his teeth and blows air to the erect nipple.

He looks up and smirks down at you, "Is there something in particular you want me to do to you?" he looks down and lets a hand do down to touch your pulsing pussy, "Fingering? Eating you out?—"

"No no, I just want you." you practically beg and grip his bicep when your clit is being rubbed just right.

You watch closely when he takes off his pants, letting his dick slap against your thigh. "Let me get a condom." he whispers and leans over to get one from his bedside drawer, he grabs the unopened box to pull out the packet. "Tell me if I'm too rough, ok?" he looks down and rips at the edge of the foil with his teeth.

Nerves were kicking in as he slides the condom on and adjusts himself to push his dick in. You calm down when feeling his dick bit by bit get deeper in you. Bakugou lets out a breath when he's fully in, he could barley think straight with the way you were squeezing him. "Damn y/n.. you're so tight." he groans and fucks you with purpose.

The moans leaving your mouth motivate him to hit deeper, he was clutching the sheets next to your head and watching your eyes roll back in pleasure, he wish he had a camera, you were art. Your boobs move up and down with every thrust and he leaned down to suck on your inviting nipples.

"Kat!" you moan out loud and scratch at his back, only making him go harder. "I c-can't.. I c-cant eve-n—"

"Can't even what baby? My dick has you speechless?" he flips you around and starts thrusting at an angle. He watches your ass bounce against him, "You're fucking yourself on my dick?" he reaches up and catches your hair to wrap around his fist and pull you back. "You look so sexy when you're horny, I never knew you were like this." his free hand slaps your ass once then grips your waist to meet your thrusts.

"I can't help it!" you look back and whine, making Bakugou almost cum right at that second. "I've waited so long to fuck the number two hero!" you half joke making him rolls his eyes, he pushes your back down to a deeper arch to lift himself off your ass to fuck you better. "Kat that's too deep!" you whimper.

"No baby, you've waited so long. Let me show you what I can do to this pussy, I mean.. I've waited so long too." he lets his head roll back when feeling you uncontrollably tighten around his needy dick.

He rocks his hips against you, listening to your soft mewls as they brought him closer to his breaking point. "Cum for me." he kisses down your spine and reaches a hand to your swollen clit.

You do cum for him, you cum so hard you feel fuzzy everywhere. You let out short pants and your body is still hot and he cums into the condom. Pulling out he throws away the condom and lays the blanket over both of your sweaty bodies. Bakugou tugs you to his chest and kisses your forehead. He wasn't sure what to say.. this had been the best sex he's had and it literally left him speechless. Was that making love? No.. it was pretty rough but maybe that's our version of making love, none of that soft shit..

After a few minutes you find the courage to whisper out, "Kat.. I love you."

More silence is in the air and you look up only to see him sleeping which makes you smile, "Night Kat." you kiss his pec and lay back down to sleep too.

Now Bakugou opens his eyes, you had just said the three words he has been scared of most. He was careful to not move but his heart was racing.

For the first time in a year those words brought him peace to his heart instead of the usual sting Sofia had left.


In the morning Bakugou was shocked to see you were gone, he looked up and called out your name, not getting a response. He got a pair of boxers and sweatpants on quickly to go downstairs. He opened your door and didn't see you, when in the kitchen there was a note on the counter which made his heart drop to his stomach. Is history really repeating itself right now? 

Bakugou snatches the note and reads it over and over.

my kat <3

i'll be back.

y/n :)

Relief flows through him then quickly it's gone. He begins to wonder what time this note was left. What if it was just something to give him hope while in reality you're moving back in with Mina and never plan on seeing the hero again. His thoughts run wild and he didn't even notice you happily whistling into the kitchen.

You say his names a few times but he was too deep in though to notice so you poke his bare back and he jumps, "Scaredy Kat." you smile and peck his lips, he was frozen in place.

"Where the hell were you?" he asks and your eyes widen in shock, why did he sound so angry?

"I went to get us coffee and donuts.." you motion to the counter, "I left a note." you stare at it crumbled in his hand and he throws it behind him. "Heyy—" you say and then he lifts you off the floor to wrap your legs around him.

"Why didn't you text me.." he asks, damn Sofia did him dirty.

"I-i couldn't find my phone. It must be in your car." you hug him and rub his back, "What? You thought I snuck out to run away?"

"No.." he murmurs, "I just missed waking up with you is all." that part was true but he was worried that you would leave him as well.

"Kat, you'll always wake up with me." you promise and then are placed on the counter with him still in between your legs. "Cheer up, have a donut." you place one in his mouth and he brings the other half to your lips. You laugh and then bite the other end, both of you eating it until your lips meet through the sweet frosting.

As you two are kissing Bakugou can't shake the feeling of sweet warmness that fills him when you're around and he never wants to be without it. He never wants to be without you.

I love you is on the very tip of his tongue but he just can't say it.. not yet.


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