𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧

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You and Bakugou walk into the lounge, meeting up with the group of loud friends. "You two came together?" Denki asks and points between you two.

"Yeah, he just can't leave me alone." you tease and elbow Bakugou lightly.

"I'm getting a fucking drink." he mumbles and then leaves to go to the empty bar while you talk with the girls.

Bakugou watches you laugh and nod in agreement to whatever Mina said and it made him a tiny bit happy that you were managing to have fun, although he was the one who did the worrying for both of you.

He deeply frowns when a guy approaches you and points to across the club, you seem to be looking for someone and when you see the hero you point the guy you just met and motioned that you were going with him. Bakugou shakes his head no while you smile and give a thumbs up before getting up and leaving with the stranger. "What the hell is she doing?" he mumbles and drinks his beverage whole, after he orders another one while casually watching you.

"I haven't seen you since high school!" you tell your friend, "What are you up to now?"

Hawks gets close to your ear, "I'm thinking of becoming a hero!"

"A hero wow." you smile and nod, "Well you sure do have the build for it." you tease and raise a hand to grip onto his huge bicep. "But you've hidden your wings.." a pout is on your lips.

"They're always here." he smirks and soon the wings come out in all their glory. He picks one feather off and hands it to you, "You used to always try to pick one off when you sat behind me in class."

You throw your head back in laughter at the memory, "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I was so annoying." you mutter in embarrassment.

"I thought it was cute.." he trails off and lifts your chin up to look at him, "Are you here with anyone?"


"She's here with me." a deep voice comes from the side. You both turn and there's Bakugou practically fuming at the sight of Hawks 'grimy' hands touching you.

"Mr. Bakugou, this is Keigo or Hawks.." you introduce the men that begin to have a staring contest. "We're not here here together but we did come together." you look at Bakugou whose eyes haven't left Hawks hand still on you. Subtly you move out of his grip and stand up, instantly getting your wrist pulled by the angry hero. "It was nice seeing you again Keigo, hopefully we can catch up another time." you smile and Hawks nods before handing over his phone.

"Can I get your number?"

Bakugou cannot believe what's happening in front of his eyes.

"Sure, why not?" you laugh and take his phone to do so. As soon as the phone is back in his hands Bakugou pulls you without another word. "Bye Keigo!" you turn to wave.

"Ow Mr. Bakugou." you lightly whine and notice that he's passed the table surrounded by your friends.

"Katsuki." he says and you tilt your head in confusion.


"Call me Katsuki." he demands and drags you out of the club.

You thought about what brought this on, "Why?"

"If you can call that fucking guy by his first name no problem then why not say mine too?" you lean against his car and he stands a few inches from you.

"Ok ok." you say softly, "I like your name Katsuki." you giggle and look up at the clear sky.

Bakugou's heart starts beating like a drum in his ear when hearing you say his name, it sounded perfect coming from your lips. "Shut up, get in the car."


Back at your place you both get ready for bed and lay down next to each other, "I'm running out of clothes." Bakugou says into the darkness, "I'm going back home tomorrow."

For some reason you've gotten used to him being there in the short amount of time. "Oh.. ok." you say and turn away from him making him frown in confusion. "I guess I'll see you-"

"You're so fucking dramatic, I'm going to come back." he rolls his eyes and grabs onto your shoulder to lay you flat again.

"Why don't we sleep at your place? If he does come I don't want him to see Mina too.." you would hate if anything happened to your best friend because of your past relationship with a psychopath.

"Maybe, I don't know if I want you to mess up my place."

"Hey.. I clean up after myself." you punch his shoulder and then close your eyes to sleep.

"Fine but one crumb and you're out." Bakugou grumbles causing you to smile and attack him in a side hug.

"Thank you Katsuki." you tighten your arms once before attempting to let go but he forces them to stay in place. "Katsuki..." you whisper.

"Go to sleep."

"Ok." you snuggle more into him.


You wave bye to Mina, "I'll still see you at work and this is only temporarily, ok?" you say while hugging her, "So don't give away my room just yet."

"Never, it'll be the same as you left it." she promises and you give a sad smile before waving and walking back to Bakugou who was putting all your bags into his car. "I want to cry."

"Girls like you are so emotional." he rolls his eyes and slams the trunk shut.

Tears come out of your eyes, "Yeah? And guys like you are such dicks." you wipe your cheeks and get inside of the car.

Bakugou's eyes widen at how fast your emotions change and when getting in the car he attempts to check on you but all you do is keep your head straight, "Damn it y/n, not this again." he groans and starts to drive.

You sniffle and check your phone, making plans with someone already.

Once at his house you let him take your bags inside while you sit on the fancy couch. "I'm going out." is all you say and attempt to leave but his arm catches you before that could happen.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"I don't know maybe some place where I can be emotional and cry all over the place." you roll your eyes and slap his hand away.

Bakugou growls, "Fine, the hell if I care, make a river with your damn tears."

"I will!" you yell as he walks away from you.

"Good!" he looks down from the staircase and shouts back.

But in reality you were just going to get tampons.


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now