𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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⇢ "I can't Mr. Bakugou, I can't tell you anything about this." you whisper hopelessly.

"Like hell you can't, tell me who that man was and what he wants." Bakugou demands, his tone was scary.

"I can't, let me go." you try to open the door but he pulls you closer.

He feels your shaking body and felt sympathy but couldn't let it show, "y/n, tell me."

"Let me go." you say.

"Fucking tell me!"

"Either you take me home or let me go and I'll walk home." you don't crack, keeping your voice firm.

Bakugou groans, "Why the hell would I let you walk home?" he places you in his passenger side, "Did you drive to work?" he notices your white uniform and begins to drive after you shake your head. "I'll tell them you're done for the day."

You watch him pull out his phone and type, hearing the swoop sound and then he tosses it onto the dashboard. His body was hot, his leg was bouncing and he side eyes you. "So you're really not going to tell me?" you stay silent and he groans, gripping onto the steering wheel tighter than ever. "So fucking difficult." he grumbles.

"The sky is pretty today, I might watch the stars tonight." you look out the window and smile at how simplistic it was.


"Ever stargazed Mr. Bakugou?"

"You have someone trying to hurt you and you're talking about looking at the damn stars?" he looks at you as if you were crazy, who is going to protect her?

You laugh a bit and shrug, "He won't hurt me that bad and I can't continue to live in fear." you sigh and try not to think about it.

That bad? Is that supposed to make me feel better? "No, I haven't." he answers.

"You should when your hero schedule allows you, it could be very calming." you look at him and see his face in a prominent frown, "Come on.. smile." you give a cheesy one and he rolls his eyes.



"Bye Mr. Bakugou." you turn to the hero who doesn't say anything, only keeping his face forward. "I can't tell you anything because.. because then you would only be collateral damage, I would never forgive myself." you shake your head, "It's something I have to do alone. I hope you can respect that." you end with that and open the door to exit.

Bakugou grips your wrist to keep you in place, "I can't, I can't respect that. I'm a fucking hero, tell me and I can help you." he doesn't look at you when speaking, raising a hand you guide him to look at you.

"Even a hero as wonderful as you can't help me, I'm sorry." you whisper, leaning over and pressing a small kiss to his cheek again, "Thank you for saving me, again." you smile and leave the car.

Bakugou throws his head back and groans loudly, why is she so fucking difficult?


As you said you sat on your balcony, bringing your vinyl player out with you and relaxing to the soft tunes, sure you should be on high alert but.. it was exhausting.

Getting up you run to grab a drink and snack before stargazing. On your way back to your room a sudden pounding knock on the door almost makes you drop everything, is it him?

Leaning up you look through the peep hole, seeing a unfriendly face but you let him in anyways. "Mr. Bakugou?" He pushes through you and walks to your room with a bag on his shoulder, not saying a word. "What are you doing here?"

"One of us has to take your safety fucking seriously, if you won't then I will." he sets down the bag and looks back at you, "Is that ok?"

"Yeah, it's ok." you smile and he scoffs before walking off, "Wait, come watch the stars." you pout and reach for his hand, upon contact he flinches but allows you to grab it. Silently you both sit on the balcony, "How long do you plan to stay?"

"Until I know you're safe."

"Why do you care? You know you can't save everyone, that pressure will only ruin you." you sigh, looking up at the twinkling stars, "There's other people who need your help."

"How am I supposed to be ok and let you go when I know he could come back at any moment and I wasn't there to protect you?" his voice is hoarse and he picks at the blankets you placed over the two of you. "I assume he's someone from your past, can you at least confirm that?"

"I can.." you nod, cringing at the thought, "He is."

You both don't say anything, just staying up and admiring the wide spectrum of stars.

"Does that mean you're going to be here for a long time?"

"Twenty-four-seven y/n."

Your eyes widen and you know he's serious, "What about your hero schedule?"

"You are the hero schedule, my boss insisted."


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now