𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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The next morning you all have to drag Mina out of bed and into the chair for her to get ready, "I'm sleepy." she moaned and laid her head on your shoulder.

"You're about to get married." you pat her thigh and let the hairdresser do your hair.

"Oh shit I am." she looks at herself, "I look like a wreck." she mumbles and rubbed her face.

"Shush, you look beautiful." you tell her firmly and you notice her playing with the tie of her robe  out of nervousness.


After sometime you were ready and waited for Mina, you leave the hotel room to get ice and hear Eijirou's loud voice, "They can't know what we did last night. Do you know how mad they'll be?"

"I don't think they'll be that angry." Denki tried to sound optimistic.

"It was basically cheating.." Izuku's voice was in obvious panic. You stay close to the ice machine as the footsteps are getting close, "Especially you Kacchan."

"Shut up." Bakugou mumbles and you see the four pass the door without a look in at your shocked face. 

You quickly grab the ice and look at your best friend that looked like a queen in her white dress, "Min.." you whisper.

It was basically cheating.

"I'll be right back." you raise a finger and walk out again, "I have to go to the weakest one.."

"Denki, it's me." you knock on the blonde's door.

He opens it cautiously, "H-hey y/n.. funny seeing you here." he chuckles and plays with the tie around his neck.

"Denki.. what did you guys do last night?" you ask while letting yourself into his room. "It was just a regular old bachelor party right?" you press and turn around to face him.

"N-not really." he mumbles, "But they made me promise not to tell anyone, especially you." he instantly covers his mouth.

You shake your head and slowly walk closer to him, "Denki.. you know me, we're friends right?" you question and he nods, "So tell me, I'm sure it can't be that bad." he shook his head and kept his hands over his mouth, "Fine, no cake for you." you mumble and walk towards the door.

"We got massages from other girls!" he blurts out loudly which causes you to stop, "Not like that but—.." 

"I've heard enough." you close the door behind you and leave Denki almost peeing his pants.


You told the girls who laughed at the whole story with you, "They really think we'll be upset about that?" Mina wipes a small tear.

"I mean they don't know we know so I am angry." you tease, "Let's go, the cheaters are waiting."

As the couples met the girls acted off.

"You look—" Bakugou starts.

"Thanks." you say and look straight, holding the flowers against your chest.

He tries to kiss your lips and when you dodge him he was shocked, "What the hell?" he mumbles.

"I have lipgloss on." you purse your lips together and look to the opposite side, laughing silently. "I know what you did." you look at him.

"What did I—"

The music starts and you hook your arm around his, "Nothing, let's just get this over with."

You both walk as Bakugou continues to try to talk to you but you just hold a smile and go off to the side when the time came. The guys never stopped looking at their girlfriends questioningly as Denki looked guilty and avoided eye contact all together.

Eijirou dipped his wife and kissed her lovingly before the officiant could finish "You may kiss the bride."

When in the beautiful reception venue you instantly leave Bakugou and hug Keigo, "You made it!" you laugh and hug him tighter.

"You were great out there! Made me wonder what you'll look like in a wedding dress..." he trails off and an arm is roughly around your waist pulling you against something hard.

"Keep wondering, loser." Bakugou tch's and drags you out of the reception. "What the hell's your problem?"

"I don't know." you mutter and are pushed in a random closet, "Hey we can't—"

"Shut up, say ahh baby." he takes off his tie and gags you with it, "I told you I would show you what I do to bad girls right?" he smirks at your shocked face, "Give me a nod y/n."

You give a shaky nod and make a noise when his belt comes off along with his pants, "I got us some since you seemed to enjoy it so much." he pulls out handcuffs, "Raise them for me." 

You're locked around the pole that was holding the small amount of coats. Your moans are muffled when he gets on his knees and head disappears under your dress, "Oh baby." he moans and kneads your ass to bring your sex closer to his face.

"I wish I could hear you." he takes off your underwear and lifts your legs over his shoulders, licking in between your folds and tongue already trying to fuck you. You throw your head back and cry out around the tie when his tongue presses against your clit and vibrates come from him groaning.

He comes back up and scrunches your dress up to your waist and presses his dick slowly in between your walls, "Shit." he hisses and looks at your flushed face.

Hands grip the back of your head and pull back so he could suck on your neck and leave wet kisses. Bakugou goes harder into you, reaching a hand up and undoing the cuffs to push you against the wall. You wrap your arms around his neck and moan loudly when he places one leg down and the other over his shoulder. He didn't feel satisfied with not hearing you so the tie quickly came off, making him grin down when you immediately whined and mewled for him.

"K-kat!" you grip onto his shoulders for stability and his hands were on either side of you.

"y/n you feel so good— fuck!" he pulls you in for a heated kiss and you both cum at the same time. "Shit." he whispered and breathes heavily along with you.

"Shit is right you didn't wear a condom!" you lean your head against his chest then look up at him.

Bakugou shrugs and makes sure your dress and hair is right before lifting his pants back up and retying his tie. "Come here." he whispers and grips your neck to kiss you again, "I already want to fuck you again."

"How about you go back to the masseuse." you tease and laugh as his expression changes.

"Fucking Denki." he mutters, "Look she did try to suck my—"

"What?" you ask and push him back, "What?" you repeat.

"What are we talking about?" he laughs and tries to walk out, "Come on the love of my—"

"She tried to suck your dick?" you exclaim, "This one?" you cup his dick that was half hard, "And why the hell are you hard?" you frown and punch his stomach.

"You look sexy when you're mad." he smirks and grabs a hand to bring to his lips as you scoff and push through him, "Come on baby, don't be mad."

You already made it out of the coat closet and fix your hair, "Oh I'm not, looks like I'll be offering something new at work this week." you look back and smile, "Maybe I'll ask Keigo if he wants the first one."

"Like fucking hell you will! Get back here y/n!"


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