𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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⇢ "Mr. Bakugou, come here." you groan out from your bed.

The hero just shakes his head and continues to lay down more blankets, "I'm going to sleep in your cuddle corner or whatever the fuck you call this mess."

"It's a comfort corner but we can cuddle." you tease, kind of. "Seriously, just sleep up here, I can keep you warm." you sing-song.

"I use fire everyday, I'm always warm." he hmphs and side eyes you.

"That's artificial, I'm natural." you smile.

He huffs out before slowly walking to your bed with his pillows, "Scoot over." he demands and you follow. You laugh loudly when he places a wall of pillows next to you and lays on the other side, "Goodnight." he mumbles out.

"Mr. Bakugou, I'm cold." you whisper after a few seconds and he groans loudly, shoving his part of the blanket onto you, "Not enough."

"Damn it y/n, do you want to sleep in the oven?" he turns to face away from you.

You laugh softly and gently remove the pillows, inching over to him and being big spoon, "Perfect." you say softly and lay your head on his back, hearing his soft snores as he tightens the grip on your arms around him.

"You're... such a dumbass."

"A warm dumbass."


In the morning you and Bakugou brush your teeth together, making it a competition. "There's no way you brush your teeth for four minutes straight." you cross your arms when you were the first one to stop brushing.

Bakugou looks down at you while gargling mouth wash and spits it out, "You don't know me."

"I know you can never let yourself lose a competition."


"Mhm." you say and walk out.

He frowns deeply and follows you, "Don't walk away!" he yells while taking longer strides to get ahead and smiles in satisfaction.

"See." you hum while bumping your shoulder with his on the way to the kitchen.

He tenses up and balls his fist, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"How about waffles?" you pull out the mix and other ingredients.

"I make the best waffles, move out of my way." Bakugou roughly pushes you and pulls out a bowl.

You frown at him, "Mina says I make the best waffles."

"How does it feel to know she lied?"

"Shut up this is my kitchen!"

"I'm the fucking guest, you should be bowing down to me and kissing my feet while you're at it!"

"Like hell I will that'll only make your head bigger and then it would take up this whole building!"

"My head is the perfect size!"

"Is that what your mom-"

"Guys..." Mina says softly, she's been there the whole time.

Both of you were gripping the box and getting closer with every sentence spoke, "Mina.."

"Tell this damn extra who makes the best waffles."

"Finally you recognize that you're the extra! Tell him Min." you huff and cross your arms.

Mina looks at the both of you and feels pressured to the max. "I can't, I have to see Kiri!" and she dashes out.

Both of you watch before turning back to each other. "Let's just see who makes the best waffles." Bakugou huffs, leaving no room for objection.

"Just as suspected." you say but grab an apron for yourself then slipping one on the ash blonde from behind.

He looks down and growls, "What the hell? I don't need the apron."

"You do.." you look at his outfit, "You're right, hopefully you do get food on your clothes so you can change." you go to raise it up but he stops you with another growl.

"Why do I get the pink one?"

"Because you're like a little princess." you smile and mix the ingredients, adding something of your own into the bowl.

It was silent the rest of the time and you both used the waffle maker before plating it nice and pretty to present to each other.


"You first."

"No, you might've poisoned me."

"I could say the same thing to you."

Bakugou rolls his eyes harshly as he cuts a piece of the waffle he made and feeds it to you forcibly, "Good right?"

You chew, it was amazing.

"No." you pretend to gag and he smirks knowingly.

"Fucking liar." he then takes a bite of yours, "It's ok."

"I'm not afraid to admit that yours is better." you shrug and eat the rest of his, feeding him a bite as well. Bakugou blushes a small bit when making eye contact and he pulls back to chew. "Only because you probably cook for yourself, you had the advantage." you roll your eyes.

"Fine, pick the next competition." he offers while grabbing the now empty plates and washing them while you think.

The lightbulb goes off in your head, "A massage, let's see who gives the better massage."

"You're so annoying but I accept."


"Ok, and you're done with yours." you shake Bakugou from his light sleep as you finished his massage.

He gets up lazily but then gets serious, "Go change."

You nod and put on the robe, walking back out the lights were dim and light music was playing. "Lay down."

"Could be nicer." you mumble and lay down on the portable massage table you had.

Bakugou hm's and lays a towel over your bottom half then removing the robe gently. Goosebumps raise when his hands meet your skin and his thumbs apply pressure, enough to make you relax. As his hands get deeper you let out a small moan making Bakugou's eyes widen, what the hell? he looks down at your soft skin, rubbing circles that make you release more moans. "y/n.. fucking stop it."

"I can't help it, I'm tense." you whisper out, "A-nd your hands feel so good." you basically whimper when he goes harder.

"They do right?" he smirks and continues, listening to your reaction as if it was music to his ears. "Tell me more."

You let out another moan before answering, "Mm, I wouldn't mind if they went somewhere else.." you tease flirtatiously.

"Tell me and they just might.." he leads off and runs his fingertips up the back of your thighs, making you really want to moan but you hold back as best as you could.

"The back of my head."

His hands stop, "Such a fucking tease." but his hands raise to massage your head lightly nonetheless.


new shouto todoroki book out now <3
in which y/n reconciles with shouto while stripping and now he can't let her go.

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