𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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You stare at Dabi, "What are you doing here?" you ask, trying to keep some distance but he walks closer and closer until you're backed into a corner.

"I couldn't miss an opportunity to see you dressed so sexy.." he raises a finger and tilts your chin up, "I also came to get you my beautiful doll. To take you home, where you belong."

"You aren't where I belong." you cross your arms and he chuckles.

"Right.. you belong with that stupid hero. Where is he to protect you now hm?" he looks around, there was no one close to help you. "Building full of hero's and yet I'm still able to take you."

"You're not—" you start and are cut off by a slap across the cheek.

"I'm sorry to cut your honeymoon short but either you come with me or I walk in there and burn everyone to a crisp. Starting with Katsuki Bakugou." he starts a flame in his hand and keeps eye contact with your teary eyes. "Your choice baby, it's always your choice."

You slowly nod, "Ok.. let's go."

"Not so fast, I want you to go break it off with him. Tell him you found someone better. I want him to hurt so bad that he doesn't bother to look for you." Dabi smiles at the thought as that sounds like your worst nightmare.

"No, please no." you beg, gripping onto Dabi's hand.

"Do it in five minutes or less. I'll be watching, meet me on the rooftop after." he states and vanishes.

You look at the spot he just stood for a few seconds, how am I supposed to hurt the man I just told I love you to?

But I can't let Kat get hurt by him because of me.

You walk back into the loud ballroom and walk up to the table, smiling at your friends. "Kat.. can we talk outside?" you ask Bakugou lowly.

Your heart literally falls into pieces as he kisses you lovingly. "Of course, let's go." he holds your hand.

In the hallway you hear the loud music and Bakugou looks at your worriedly. "Baby.. what's wrong? Are you too drunk? We can go home—"

"No. You're home was never mine." you say harshly, "I thought I could do this Katsuki but I can't. It's too suffocating, you're suffocating me."

"W-what?" he's taken back and attempts to hold your hand but you clench them by your sides. "If space is what you want then—"

"I need space from you." you feel yourself starting to tear up but you force them down. "I should've known we would've never worked out. We're two different people so this is where it ends. You can go back to being the rude hero you are and I'll go back..." you take a deep breath, "I'll go back to someone who can actually say I love you back. You're twenty-six Katsuki and afraid of commitment. Pretty pathetic."

Bakugou's eyes widen, "Back to that dick of an ex?" he can't believe what's happening, it feels like a horrible nightmare. He hopes you wake him up and bring him back to reality. But this was his reality.

I hate you Dabi. I hate you with all of my being. "He's not a dick.. I just misunderstood him." you say and look up at Bakugou's pleading eyes. "I've seen him a few times recently and I realized my feelings never left, you just.. confused me." you lie damn you lie so hard it should be a crime. "Bye Katsuki."

Please don't make me say more.. please just let me—

"Baby wait!"

"No Katsuki. Stop trying to force something that I don't want! I'm glad you never said you loved me back because then I would've felt bad about leading you on." you push him away, "And I'm sure as hell am glad I was never your girlfriend... or fiancée." fuck why am I doing this? Look at him.

"But I love you!" he calls out and pulls you back against him, "I love you so fucking much. I know you fucking love me! If space is what you want I'll buy you a damn house. I'll get you as many dogs as you want! Hell I'll get your name tattooed on my forehead! You know we work so well because we're so different. I'll do anything you want. Just stop saying these hurtful things that you don't mean." he tries to hold your cheeks and you push him off again but he still catches you.

You let his arms hold you in a tight hug. "Just stay with me.. please don't give up on us." he whispers and you close your eyes when you start to cry.

You keep the closeness, letting yourself enjoy his warmth against you for the last time. "There is no us. Get it through your head that you're not the one I want. You were just a funny distraction." your voice is a bit shaky but still firm and harsh to Bakugou's ears.

Please save me Kat, please take me somewhere.. somewhere it's only you and I.. that would be paradise. Don't let me go.

But he does.

His heart is shot down and he never knows when it'll be up again, if it ever will be. He's felt real love and it was something that would never leave him. He was ok with never giving anyone his love again because he just wants to give it all to you. Even after everything you just said.

He can't fight for someone who wasn't fighting for him. He's done that before and it ruined him.

Bakugou lets his arms hang loosely at his side, you hear him sniff in the slightest. "I hope he can give you the love you deserve." he says clearly.

And with that he turns around and walks away.


More tears come out of your eyes and cries leave your lips, it hurt so fucking bad that you were scared your life would end right there. Watching Bakugou not turn around as he went back to the ballroom hurt him more than you.

He just wished he was enough for you.


In the restroom you dab your face, feeling exhausted. More tears want to be free when you think this will be the first night without Bakugou holding you in who knows how long.. He is my home.

You ding the elevator up and when pressing the rooftop button the door stays open for a while. You see all the girls laughing while coming out.

"y/n there you are! Where are you going?" Mina notices how sad you look, best friend instinct.

"Yeah Katsuki just left.. I can call him."

"That's ok." you smile sadly at them, they continue to to watch as the elevator door begins to close, "Just tell him that he'll be ok... he'll find a girl worthy of his love."

They don't get a chance to respond because the elevator door is shut and now you're going to Dabi.

It was a windy night and you see him sitting on the ledge. "y/n.." he turns around and flashes a smile. You meet him at the edge, letting his arms wrap around you. "I'm so glad I have you in my arms again." you take a deep breath and stare at the city lights. I wonder what Kat is doing.

"This time, I'll never let you go."


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now