𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞

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You passed out. Dabi had put some serious drugs in your drink and you ended up in the hospital bed. "Mina.." you whisper to your friend who was looking blankly at your frozen hand.

She jumps and gets the water that was waiting for you, "y/n you're awake oh my gosh!" she breathes in relief while hugging you tightly.

"Wait Min," you lightly push her back, "where's Kat? Is he here too?"

"Drink some water." she puts the straw to your lips, "You need rest babe."

"No what I need is to see Kat." you look at your best friend, "Please Mina." you whisper.

"That's the thing is.. we don't know where he is." she says and looks down at her messy dress. "They haven't identified the bodies yet and there's no telling where he went if he's not there."

"K-kat could either be dead or missing?" you ask, it sounded unreal your head was starting to get dizzy again. "M-mina I can't.. if he's gone then I deserve to be too." you cry and set the water to the side. "I need to be alone." you lay back down and face away from her.

"y/n I don't—"

"I love you Mina but please, just some privacy. The room is spinning." you rub your forehead and close your eyes in hopes to help. You take a deep breath when the door is closed, What about Eli? Is he ok? Now I really deserve what Dabi was going to do. He should've done it, I fucking hate him.

You raise your head and look for anything, pills specifically. "She fucking took them."

Mina shoves the prescription in her purse when meeting back with everyone, "She's awake." they all breathe in relief and stand up, "But she wants to be alone."

Everyone was in their dirty clothes from last night, all staying in case you woke up and they weren't there. Even now that they knew you were awake they didn't move to go home, take a shower or even eat. Last night was impactful and they replayed the events over and over again like a bad movie.

"Remember when they first met, it was like oil and water." Mina laughed, "y/n was so mad after she massaged him and he shot fire at her." the groups laughs.

Eijirou comes in with coffee and hands them out one by one, "Or when we asked them to be in our wedding... they only did it for us." he smiles sadly, playing with the lid of the styrofoam cup. "But I think Katsuki was happy to have a reason to get close to her again."

"He would never admit it." Denki laughed, "He always had such a hard head."

"Especially when it came to her, he would drop anything for her. Anything." his best friend repeats, no matter how many endings they came up with Bakugou was ok with being the one eliminated as long as they promised to help you and never let you be alone. He knows you hate that.

The reminiscing had hurt them more than help, they knew you two were so happy together and now the happiness was shot to hell.

All soon fell asleep in uncomfortable positions to pass time. Mitsuki and Masaru looked at them in sadness, "They probably stayed here all night." she whispers and grips her husbands hand tighter.

The couple wake them up gently and usher all out to shower, eat and get some real sleep. "We'll be here, don't worry." Mitsuki smiles.

The group couldn't even look at her because when they saw her they saw Katsuki and how they let him down. But they do as she says and promise to be back in three hours.

After an hour the nurse knocks on your door but doesn't get an answer, "Are you with this patient?" she asks Mitsuki and Masaru.


"Please, give her theses pills." they hand the small cup, "She told me to give it to someone outside."

Once she leaves they slowly walk in and see you in the same position, "y/n..? Honey.."

"Mitsuki." you gasp and turn around to face them properly,

"I'm so sorry." your face was puffy and needles were in your skin to stabilize you. "I'm the reason he's—"

"No, don't think like that." they both hug you and rub smooth circles, "Katsuki was— is a hero with no regrets. I know he felt damn good saving the woman he loves most."

You shake in their arms and bite your lip to stop from sobbing, "He was always doing the saving." you shake your head.

"Here, take these." she lifts the cup to your lips and Masaru brings the water to help you as well. "Your friends have left to change and eat but they'll be back soon." she smiles and pushes your hair back, "You made Katsuki a happy man and that's all a mother wants." Mitsuki didn't cry or hold any resentment. She was really happy that Katsuki knew real love but wished he could've enjoyed it more.

"Katsuki was so put off by the idea of love, I think he got that from you know who." Masaru wraps an arm around his wife and laughs when she begins to protest, "Not in a bad way. She just wanted him to be the best of the best and he was scared of doing otherwise. Although he would never admit it."

"I wanted him to be someone that could love deeply but he always stopped himself from doing so. He was so scared of looking weak and thought girls were just a distraction. But not you.. he was right to love you." she looks at you lovingly while tears well up in your eyes, surprising yourself that you had any energy to cry— or even still have tears.

"Katsuki doesn't have any regrets saving you. Don't blame yourself."


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