𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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You've gotten back to Bakugou's place two hours ago and he hasn't left his room since. You watched movies in the living space and waited until you heard his door open. Looking back you see him silently walk down the stairs and continue his way to the kitchen without even looking at you.

"Katsuki?" you call out, pouting when he rolls his eyes and doesn't say anything. You get up and wrap the big blanket around yourself to follow him, "Katsuki." you say again, seeing him grab rice and chicken, warming it up and plating it on two plates then sliding one over to you.

"Kat." you get close and he backs away.

"Eat the damn food." is all he says.

"Talk to me." you ignore what he says and continue to chase him around the house. "I'm not letting you leave without talking to me!" you say loudly.

"You left without talking to me so I should be able do the same fucking thing to you!" he growls as you two stood at either end of the long dining table.

"I'm sorry!" you cry out and run to him again, "Don't ignore me." you mumble as he sighs, grabbing you by the blanket and pulling you closer.

"So annoying." he grumbles and fixes the top of your head so the blanket wasn't in your vision anymore.

You smile in satisfaction and go back to eat your food, "This is good Kat." you eat more.

Bakugou leans against the counter, "Kat? Pick a damn name and stick to it."

"Ok, I'll call you Kat." you put your empty dish in the sink, "Because no one calls you that." you sing-song and leave him alone in the kitchen.

You go up to the room where Bakugou put your bags in and start to unpack, it was cozy but it would never replace your real bedroom. Taking another look around the large room you notice a pile of pillows and blankets in the corner with a small table next to it, my comfort corner you smile and fix it up.

Walking to his room Bakugou hears the soft sound of your personal record being played, leaning against the wall as you sing to yourself. He didn't want to admit that you ignoring him so easily pissed him off to no end while it was hard for him to ignore you calling out his name.

It was fall time and when you opened your window you allowed the cool air to breeze in while laying down and listening to music, falling asleep after a few minuets.

When waking up it's late and you change into a soft shirt and shorts set before going out to get some water.

"Kat, you scared me." you breathe when turning on a light and seeing him standing right there, with slight bedhead making your heart flutter.

"y/n.. why are you awake and what the hell are you wearing?" he frowns sleepily.

You look down at the small outfit, sure it showed more skin but it was comfortable. "What? I thought it was cute." you do a twirl for him, "Feel how soft it is." you get closer.

Bakugou's warm hands reach out and slip underneath the fabric on your thighs. He makes your breathing more uneven as he casually slides behind to your ass, his thumb rubs the skin. "You're right, it is soft."

"I don't think you're talking about my clothes." you say quietly as he continues to run his fingertips on you.

"I guess you'll never know." he mumbles and takes his hands off of you, "Damn it y/n, you piss me off." he mutters and leaves you in the hallway, confused on what you did to make him angry.

You shrug and continue your way to get water, sipping on it while sitting at the island. His hands were so rough yet I want them to touch me more, touch me anywhere. You blush at your own thoughts before rushing back upstairs to sleep again.


"Kat, I'll be ok at work." you say while getting ready, "You have to go to work too, your schedule matches mine, just pick me up after ok?" you look at the hero and smile.

Bakugou rolls his eyes, "You better fucking tell me if anything happens or if he comes to you again."

"I will." you nod and grab your phone, "Drive me?"

"Come on." he leaves without waiting for you.

It was silent while he drove you, his mind was thinking of all the ways this could go wrong and he was tempted of calling out of work to wait in the parking lot for you. "Kat, it'll be ok." you reassure him when you notice how tense he was.

"Fucking go before I change my mind."

"Bye!" you smile and get out of the car.

When walking in the girls stare at you in shock, "What?" you ask and look behind you but saw nothing.

"Katsuki drove you?"

"Oh yeah.. I insisted he drive me." you say while walking to your room to avoid any questions. You both agreed to not tell anyone about the situation to keep as many people safe as possible.

Walking in you shut the door and lock it, feeling someone already in the dark room. "What are you doing here?"

You feel his chest against your back and hands gripping onto your wrist to keep them from moving, "I told you I would get you alone, baby." he grins at how fast your breath is going, "Don't be scared, remember how in love we were and how much fun we had."

"That wasn't love, I was just blind." you mutter out, "Our relationship was built on lies, I wished you never walked in here that day."

"You're the one who was so naive, I almost felt bad."

"I hate you."

"You were the one to say I love you first." he remembers that day and when the words fell from your lips he said them back no problem. "I missed you, I missed your skin.. trembling under me while I fucked you into oblivion and you always begged for more."

"Stop." you grit out, feeling disgusted that you ever let him touch your body.

"You would claw my back until I bled, making me fuck you harder. How your pretty face would look when you were fucked out and instantly falling asleep on my bed."

His hands begin to move to your front, almost slipping underneath your shirt.

"y/n! Your first appointment is here." Momo knocks on the door loudly and jiggles the door handle.

"I'll let you work baby, I'll be back soon." he kisses the back of your neck with cold lips and disappears as soon as you turn on the light and look back to see nothing.

You take deep breaths while rubbing where he kissed like it was poison. "Fuck." you whisper and quickly compose yourself to work the rest of your shift.


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now