𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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 You all sat at the noisy bar, slamming drinks and laughing at ridiculous stories. Bakugou has subtly been keeping you close to him all night, making sure nothing slipped into your drink as men come up and ask to dance. You've said no with a smile every time and they would take it as disrespect but before they could go further Bakugou would always tell them to fuck off before someone gets burnt.

"Mr. Bakugou, you're a hero, you can't threaten to hurt them." you laugh a bit while watching the scared man run into the crowd in hopes of losing the red eyes following him.

He rolls his eyes and takes another shot, "I don't see a problem with it."

"Of course you don't." you smile and turn to grab another drink that Mina was offering you.

Bakugou was feeling more than buzzed but he knew how to handle himself... he thinks. He side eyes you before leaning against your back and closing his eyes. You paid no mind, maybe he was just tired. You continue to chat and feel him mumble something close to you.

"Mm, so when are we going to do it?" he looks up while you look down at him.

"Do what?" you ask and focus on him.

"Fuck. When are we going to fuck?" he laughs a bit and sits up straight.

You turn to see if anyone was listening and thankfully no one seemed like they were, "We're not.." you trail off and wonder what brought on this behavior. We just met..

"Come on.. you know you want to, this pretty dress is just asking to get messed up." Bakugou's eyes slowly make their way down your body. He was used to one night stands so he felt that his behavior wasn't anything but normal.

Now you were worried, you knew he wouldn't force you but his stare was enough to back you into a corner. You breathe fast and feel your hands get sweaty, "I-i'm sorry what?"

"C'mon y/n, I know you want to sleep with the number two hero, they all do." he smirks and reaches a hand out to your hair as you stay frozen in spot.

"Dude, what the hell?" Denki slaps his hand away, "You're a fucking hero, act like it and stop scaring her. I love you man but you should leave." he says lowly so no one knows what's going on besides you three.

Bakugou tch's, looking in between his friend and you, although in any sober situation he would want to wipe the worry off your face and apologize for being an arrogant asshole but, he was wasted so he didn't. "Fine, I'll find someone else." he slurs and looks around, walking to the first pretty girl he sees and flirts at her table.

You feel yourself shake as he stares at you, lifting a hand to the girls face and bringing their lips together. "I think I'm going to go, congratulations Mina and Kirishima." you give a smile and hug your friends around the table. They all wish you a good night and to get home safe.

On the way back to your apartment you thought about Bakugou, you thought you two were becoming somewhat friends and it made you a bit happy. But his behavior tonight took you about twenty steps away from that milestone. Lazily you take off your heels inside and take a shower, even though he didn't touch you, you felt dirty. Why are men scumbags the second they enter a bar?

You thought out of everyone he would have some self control but you were wrong, I guess hero's aren't as perfect as they seem. You two were getting close in the short amount of time and you actually enjoyed his company, even when he was a bit rude. He had saved you from the creeps at the bar but turned out to be one himself.

He's just as I suspected.


You wake up and instantly cringe at yesterday, hoping you won't see him again anytime soon. While doing your routine you notice Mina never came home so you make breakfast for yourself and eat it while watching a movie. After you finish you skim through the channels, stopping on the news for a second and instantly changing it when seeing Bakugou rescuing a cat from a tree.

Mina soon comes home, still over the moon about he recent engagement, "y/n!" she tackles you on the couch and hugs you.

"Mina!" you hug her back and let her go so she can sit next you on the couch, "Hungry?"

She shakes her head, "Kiri made me breakfast in bed before he went to work, sweet right?" she smiles at nothing.

"Super sweet." you grin, "Does that mean you're moving out?" your face changes into a pout.

"No no, we thought since he worked so much that there would be no reason for me to be lonely at his place so I'm staying!" she raises her hands, "But he will be sleeping over regularly, if that's ok with you.."

You nod and sip some orange juice, "Of course, I have no problem with it."

She cheers, "Now, why didn't you tell me Bakugou made a complete fool out of himself yesterday?" her expression turns into a serious one.

"I didn't want to rain on your big moment and it was nothing serious." you wave as your friend shakes her head, slapping your hand away.

"No, he's a total dick for that." she grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. "The boys all ripped into him last night, I'm sure he'll leave you alone now."

"Oh.. well that's good." you mumble and down the rest of your juice.

"Forget about him. How about we have a spa day! We can do face masks, eat chocolate, paint our nails... whatd'ya say?" she grins and pleads with her hands.

It felt good to be with your best friend and to take care of yourself, "How can I say no to you?" you smile and she grabs your hand to get you off the couch.

"You can't." she laughs evilly while walking down the hallway.


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now