𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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You were slightly shaking in the tub as Dabi scrubbed you with a loofah. "You're still so beautiful." he murmured while pouring the slightly cold water of your body to rinse the suds.

"Thank you." you whisper, since seeing Dabi you've imagined this exact scenario and thought of ways to escape him for good. It started with faking love again. "Why didn't you join me?" you look back.

Dabi's eyes widened but cleared his throat, "Jus' wanted you to get comfortable." he scratches the back of his neck.

You grin and take the bath towel from his clenched hands , "I'm always comfortable with you.. I know I act as if I hate you but.. I'm just scared." you start to cry and lower your head in shame.

"Scared? Scared of what?" he lifts your chin and your tears were coming in fast.

"I don't want you to go back Dabi, I'm sorry I betrayed you before. Please don't go back. I need you." you cling onto him and roll your eyes, this would be an exhausting process.

"Oh baby.." he wraps his arms around you tighter.

He was confused but felt like he was slowly getting the old you back. The one he could trust.


Bakugou was a lot of things but never emotional, he never let his 'frail' side show and it had always been locked deep within him until you walked away.

His emotions went loose.

He slammed the door shut when entering and ran frustrated hands through his hair, pulling slightly. He didn't know what to do. Was that bye? Was it code for something? He thought back to the sad face you held for one second before saying the most rude things you could ever say to Bakugou.

After some thought and texts to the friend group he grabbed his car keys and drove quickly.


Bakugou slams his fist on the yoga studio which was actually connected to Eli's apartment and doesn't stop until a sleepy Eli opens the door. "Who are—"

"Who was y/n's ex?" the blonde doesn't waste anytime and pushes by him, "Huh? What was his fucking name?" his little patience was running thin and Eli would be woken up with a shot of fire.

Eli does wake up when Bakugou makes a small ball of fire that was ready to be thrown in seconds, "W-whoah! His name is Dabi! Dabi! Well his real name is Touya but when they were dating he used Dabi." the yoga instructor raises his arms in defense.

"What do you know about him or their relationship?"

"I-i drove her home once, she asked me to drop her off at a convenience store. When I did I watched her go into an ally, s-she must've lived with him. She was happier when they broke up but she never said why. Even after y/n would always stay careful of new people and kept her circle small."

The ball of fire was put out and Bakugou pushes through Eli who attempted to grab his arm to stop him but the hero brushes it off with ease. "What's going on? Is she ok?"

"I don't know, I'm going to find out."

Eli quickly slips on shoes and follows, "Me too!"

"No. You're not." Bakugou stops, "The less people involved the better and you're not even a hero." he scoffs and continues to walk away.

"Do you know how many convenience stores are next to alleyways in this city? A fucking lot. I supposed if you hurry you might actually get close in... two days." Eli yawns and walks in the opposite direction before a ball of fire barley misses his head. "What the hell?!"

"Go get fucking ready." Bakugou waves him off and gets inside the car.

Eli rushes and gets inside the car too, "So is it just us or?"

"No, the other top hero's are meeting us as well."

"Deku?!" Eli asks, he admired that hero who has done so much at a young age.

"Shut up." Bakugou tch's while checking his phone for any news.

He was determined to see your face in less that twenty-four hours.



"Dabi should I make a strawberry to chocolate cake?" you look though the pantry.

"Chocolate with strawberry slices on top." he called from the room.

You couldn't believe how far you were going to make him trust you. While making the cake you look around for your purse.. I must've left it with Kat. you thought and felt sad, you missed him.

"Oh no.. we don't have an strawberry's, can you run out and get some." you say when he walks in and hug him tightly, "Please baby." you gag at the use of his favorite nickname.

"Of course." he kiss the top of your head and puts on a hoodie before quickly leaving.

You watch a movie when he leaves and in twenty minutes he was back, "That was fast bab—" you freeze when seeing Bakugou on the others side, in the clothes from yesterday.

"Baby? You're actually in love with that psyco?" he looked tired and you wanted to hug him tightly.

"Katsuki.. why are you here?" you blink four times.

"I thought you would want me to fucking save you!" he shouted while his echo kept ringing.

One blink, "I never asked for you to, I made my choice." you say confidently.

He stays silent, one blink dash two blinks "So you're really staying with him, the end of us?"

One blink dash dash one blink, "Katsuki please don't make me give more reasons as to why I don't want you. I even told Mina I couldn't be in her wedding if I was walking with you."

"So leave me alone." Dash. One blink.

Bkaugou stares as you shut the door in his face. His fists clench at your side and he walks out of the alleyway, going to the right.

Dabi overheard and entered through the left, quickly entering the loving home. "Hi doll." he grins and places down the groceries.

You hurry to greet him with a kiss, "Katsuki came by and tried to 'save me'. Men like him can never take no." you roll your eyes and start to cut up the strawberries.

"Good thing you saved me." you wink and feed him a slice.


"She literally said help me in fucking morse code!" Bakugou let out a groan back in the car where the other hero's and Eli watched the conversation through the small camera on Bakugous shirt. He knew that you knew hero's had to learn morse code for the sake of saving hostages and now you were one in a way. Your blinking was no mistake.

"I can't stop now, let's go back to my house."


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now