⊹ 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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⇢ "Hi Kat." you walk to your boyfriend and lift yourself up slightly to kiss him.

"How are my girls?" he grins and rubs your seven month belly, "Was she wide awake?" he feels a small kick.

"Yes, it was like she was working with me." you joke and lean into his gentle touch.

"You can't work anymore.." he rubs your back, "I'll take care of you two." he promises and kisses the top of your head. "Go upstairs to change and meet be back down here." he slaps your ass with minimal force.

You do and see a box on your bed, opening it and pulling out the nice dress. "Wow." you whisper in amazement and smile when seeing how well it hugged your bump.

Going back Bakugou was in a nice suit and offered his arm out for you, "Come on." The backyard was set up nicely and the small table had food plated, "I'll be honest, I ordered the food but it's from your favorite place." Bakugou reaches over and grabs your hand while you let out a laugh.

"This is perfect Kat." you reassure him and you both begin to eat while talking about the baby, "We're going to have a daughter!" you smile brightly.

"She's not allowed to date until at least.. forty." he nods and sips some water.

"We're rushing it then." you giggle and finish your food, letting Bakugou clear off the table. "Romantic movie time?"

"Not yet.. I got something for us.." he sounds nervous, "I'll bring it, don't move." he rushes back inside and yells, "Close your eyes."

"They're closed, promise." you try your hardest not to peek, "Can I look?"

A few seconds went by, "Yeah, look baby."

There was a pitbull sitting nicely and staring at you with a little sign around their neck, "Will you marry him?" and a small arrow points to Bakugou who was on his knee with the small box open.

"So will you—"

"Yes of course yes!" you cheer and kiss him, slipping on the ring then kissing him again. "Whose dog is this?" now you turn your attention to the dog and pet them softly.

"Ours, I adopted him yesterday from the shelter." Bakugou scratches the back of his head, "His name is Blaze."

"Blaze, oh gosh he's so cute. Look at this face." you pout and let him sniff you, "Kat look!" you whisper when Blaze sniffs your stomach and nuzzles into it gently, "He already knows he'll have a baby sister." you giggle and sit on the floor to get more acquainted.

Bakugou watches and you look at him, "Everything ok?" you ask and stand up to hug him, the dog now in the middle of both your legs.

"Yeah.. who would've thought this would happen from one massage?"

You laugh and nod in agreement, "You're the only that gave me a happy ending." you joke while looking up then kissing his lips.

He chuckles and places one hand on your stomach and the other pets Blaze, "I can say the same to you baby."

el fin.


this was bad but ah im emo, thank you for reading <3

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