𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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The next morning Bakugou woke up and noticed how quiet and empty it was, like before you moved in. With light steps he opened y/n's room door to make sure she hadn't run off, and she didn't, she was still sound asleep in her bed although she did leave a space open for Bakugou just in case he hadn't listen to her and now he wishes he didn't, he might've gotten more than three hours of sleep.

As tempted as he was to go in deeper to get a good look of her, he didn't. Bakugou closed the door with a small click and continued his way downstairs. He didn't see anything wrong about last night, usually he would go out with friends after a tough mission, it was tradition. When he was alone. But now he has you and it's difficult to remember that you're not some extra staying in his house, you were way more than that. He ruffles his hair out of thought and grabs his car keys to leave, right as you woke up.


y/n's pov

Waking up you do a big stretch and jump a bit when hearing Bakugou's car roar to life, he's leaving? you quickly peek through the window and sure enough he peels out and speeds to the already opening gate, hm.

Sure you were still upset at him but you didn't think it would push him out of the house, it was kind of sad. You give him space and decide against texting him, so you go back to sleep.


"Wake up y/n." Bakugou says and pokes your cheeks.

You groan and turn the other way, "Kat I don't have work today, let me sleep." you whine.

"Fine, I'll just give these fucking flowers to another girl." he grumbles and your eyes immediately open, he wants to smile when you turn around and a grin is already on your lips. "Here."

"Kat thank you!" you smile wider and hug him tightly, "They're so pretty." you compliment the large bouquet, "Where did you get them?"

"I don't know, the damn store?" he crosses his arms but in reality he went to this sweet little shop ran by an elderly woman who helped him pick out the best flowers to say I'm sorry. Because he could never say those words out loud.

"Well thank you." you give a kiss to his warm cheek, "You're forgiven."

Bakugou grunts, thankful you didn't force the words out of him.

"Get dressed." he says and walks out but you catch his hand again, "What? We have to go."

"No we don't. I don't have work today, we can stay in bed and cuddle." you look at him and grin as he looks at you intensely. "Come on Kat.. you know you missed me." you open your arms and he rolls his eyes and slaps one hand before leaving again.

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