𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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⇢ "I'm so happy we can shop for this weekend." Mina giggles as you all walk through the designer store.

You mindlessly look at all the beautiful gowns and feel overwhelmed, how am I going to afford this?

"Katsuki said get anything you want, even if it's not for the ceremony." your best friend smiles and hands you a platinum card.

You stare at it with wide yes, you never even knew he was considering it. With that Mina pulls you and pushes you to try on every dress they had in the store.

After the seventh or eighth dress you were beginning to feel tired, "What about this one?" you ask in hopes this would satisfy her.

"That's the one!" she smiles brightly and you sigh in relief before closing the door and getting dressed in your normal outfit again.

After swiping Bakugou's card to pay the hefty amount you kiss Mina on the cheek bye and drive home. The hero was lounging on the couch and looked at you entering the door.

"Hi Kat." you breathe out and he immediately comes to greet you with a kiss and takes the bags out of your hands.

"You found a dress?" he tries to peek into the bags but it was in a box anyways.

You nod and hand his card back, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, let me see what you got." his hand goes under your shirt and rubs circles with his thumbs as his lips kiss your jaw teasingly. "Give me a fashion show baby."

"I only got one dress." you breathe and close your eyes.

"You can show me the dress and then what's under.."

"I'm tired Kat." you whine and grab the bags from his hands to go upstairs, "And I probably won't be wearing anything under." you get on your tippy toes to let your lips press soft kisses to his ear.

"You're such a fucking tease." he groans out and you laugh softly while shaking your head.

"Only for you."

"Better be."


You take a shower and then lay on your bed, catching up on social media when Bakugou comes in shirtless and lays on your chest, "May I help you?" you look down while he's still trying to get comfortable.

"No, carry on." he mumbles and finally picks a position.

One hand plays with his hair and the other holds your phone, "Kat, can we get a dog?"

"No." he says firmly and you pull his hair a bit, making him hiss out in pain. "What?" he growls.

"I think we should get a dog." you show him the small puppies, "Can we at least go to a shelter?"

"What's the point if we're not getting one."

"I know you always wanted one as a kid." you poke his cheek and grin when he doesn't say anything. "Please Kat."

"Fine, but you'll only be sad when we don't get one so remember I tried to avoid getting you upset."

"Yeah yeah, go back to sleep." you rub his back and continue scrolling through your feed, a second goes by then a notification pops up at the bottom of your screen.


You press on it and the screen takes you to a page, your eyes widen looking at the username.

@ sosafifi

Scrolling through her feed you see her aesthetically pleasing luxurious lifestyle, she was very much active and had just posted a photo a few hours ago.

Scrolling through her feed you see her aesthetically pleasing luxurious lifestyle, she was very much active and had just posted a photo a few hours ago

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@ sosafifi

liked by 2,000+ users

first day back and he was quick to have me in his arms 😩💞

i love u k


You look at the picture in shock, sure you couldn't tell if that was him or not but she deliberately followed you so you would see this picture and it did hurt, he had gone to see her that day she claimed to be back. Looking down, Bakugou had fallen asleep on your chest and hugged you tightly which made you more irritated, how can he be with her a few days ago and now cuddled up with you as if it was nothing?

Slowly you push him to the side and put a pillow in your place before going downstairs to sleep on the couch, you needed to put distance between you two right now. Your mind flashes to how happy he looked with her and maybe you could never achieve that, you were just a random girl that he got stuck caring for, for hero sake.

It was a long time before you were able to sleep comfortably but you managed and hugged yourself tight, trying to imagine Bakugou safely behind you.


In the middle of the night you wake up while moving up the stairs again, "What's going on?" you mumble sleepily and attempt to look at your blurry surroundings.

"y/n why were you sleeping down there?" he looks tired too but continues to be careful on his way up.

"I don't know I just felt like it." you shrug against his chest and allow yourself to accept his warmth that you missed.

"Well next time let me know so I can sleep with you."

"Mm ok." you yawn and are laid on your bed, "Is it ok if I sleep alone tonight?" you whisper and begin to get comfortable.

Bakugou looks hurt and tries to not let it show, "Yeah, I was going to my room now anyways."

"Night Kat." you call out and he walks out silently, closing your door gently behind him.

In bed he thinks of you and what would make you want to sleep alone after almost a month of sleeping in the same bed together, it was hard to not sleep with you and he wondered if you felt the same way.


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