𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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⇢ "Kat, I'm home." you called out and placed your car keys on the hook next to his. "You didn't die on me right? Or I can call my side." you joke and empty the plastic bag onto the counter that held what would help nurse Bakugou back to health.

"You're so dumb." he tch's and pulls you towards him to kiss after you just hug him tightly, still a little shaken up about Dabi's words, should I tell him? Will he try to find him?

It's silent as he moves to grab the gatorade and medicine while you still hug him tightly from the back, "You're clingier than usual, what's wrong?" Bakugou asks and taps your hand.

"Nothing.. nothing." you take a deep breath, "How was your day? Do you still feel shitty?"

"Yeah, hopefully this makes me feel better." his voice is a bit nasally and he was still shivering.

You frown and turn him around to push his hair back, he was sweating. "Go back into my bed and I'll make you some dinner, soup ok?"

"Sounds good." he nods and shakes his leg nervously, "Wait, I wanted to talk to you about something.." he leans against the counter as you look through the pantry to get chicken soup with hero shaped noddles.

"Go ahead." you say nervously, thinking he somehow found out about today.

"The heros.. they have this stupid ceremony next weekend and we can bring a plus one.. Fuck I'm just trying to ask if you wanted to fucking come with me?" he looks away and you smile at him, running up and hugging him again, "Is that a yes?"

"Of course Kat, it's always a yes with you." you look up and grab his cheeks to kiss his pouty lips, his hands quickly move behind your back to keep the kiss going. Your hands tangle in his hair and pull at the roots, making him groan softly against your lips.

"Stop before I fuck you on this counter." he whispers and you pull back, watching his eyes open lowly and a deep shade of red.

"You're supposed to say make love." you pout, you've fucked plenty of times... you wanted something deeper and you knew Bakugou could give it to you if he allowed himself to.

Bakugou heart thumps loudly in his chest, "I-i.. call me when the soups done." he mumbles and kisses your forehead before slowly walking upstairs.

As you stir soup the doorbell rings, quickly you place the steaming soup in a bowl and open the door. "Aw how sweet." you smile at the small basket filled with goodies.

You grab the soup in one hand and the basket in the other. "Here's your soup and this was left at the door, I think there's a note attached." you hand the bowl and show him the note.

"I just want the soup." he grumbles and takes a spoonful, feeling warm already, maybe because he knew you made it. "These canned soups always taste like shit but this one tastes better."

"That's because I seasoned it and added more cubes of chicken, have to get that protein back in you." you smile softly and kiss his cheek as he slurps lowly, "I'll read the note for you, maybe you can tell them thank you."

"Go ahead." he looks as you take the ribbon off and grab the small paper square.

"It says, back in town Katsuki, wish this finds you well and hope to see you soon. Hopefully we can put these goods to use. Love you always Sofia." you frown a little but quickly fix it to a loose smile, "How nice." you grab the candies and.. "Comdoms..?" you look at the large box in shock and Bakugou looks unfazed.

"Wow, never thought I would see the fucking day." he mutters and finishes his bowl of soup. Bakugou stands up and stretches, "I'll be back." he takes the basket in his hands now and walks out the door.

"Wait!" you call out, "Where are you going?" you looked at him worriedly.

He stares back and grabs your hand to bring to his lips, "Nothing you need to worry about princess, thank you for the soup."

As he walks out your heart is going right with him.

"You're welcome Kat."


You try not to worry about this Sofia girl and continue with your night, which consisted of stress cleaning your room and bathroom. You've never gone into Bakugou's room and felt that it was a huge invasion of privacy, so you left that alone and did the rest of his gigantic house. "So many magazines." you grin at all the covers he's been on and place them under the coffee table with the rest. With the overflow of items in the small space you hear something drop on the other side.

"Please don't be something made of glass." you whisper and breathe in relief when it was an upside down picture frame. Slowly you pick it up and take a look, it was Bakugou with a girl on his arm. He looked around the same, must've been taken a year or so ago. He was grinning down at her as she smiled perfectly for the camera, and the next one was them kissing while attempting to block out the camera. "Wow.." you whisper sadly, you weren't even trying to find anything and yet it found you.

I don't think I've ever made him smile.

He doesn't look at me like that... more like I'm the bug on his shoulder.

and she's so pretty.. they look good together, a real power couple.

Your lips quivered as you pieced together that this was the girl who sent your Bakugou a basket that included condoms that she intended to use with him.

And maybe he's gone to just do that.


You watch the notebook in the living space, wearing one of Bakugou's hoodies to keep you warm. It's been about an hour and he's still not back. You talk yourself out of calling him numerous times.

Twenty minuets later the movie has ended and you feel like shit. You give up on waiting for him and go into bed. While laying in darkness the door opens slowly and you feel the bed dip behind you.

Bakugou feels relief when he sees his spot open for him and doesn't second guess sliding in. His arms wrap around you, "Are you awake?" he gets close to your ear to ask lowly.

"I am." you say back in a voice just as low, he spins you around to look at him, "Did what you had to do?" you ask, trying to not sound irritated like you were on the inside.

"I did, don't worry about her, she's no one important to me." he assures you and pulls you against his chest to kiss the top of your head then lifting your chin to look up at him, "It's just you and I, baby."


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