𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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⇢ "Mina, hell no." you shake your head at your friend and turn to leave the restaurant. "You lied to me."

"y/n, wait please!" she follows you, the two men look up in confusion. "Please." Mina pleads.

"Fine." you follow her back to the table.

"y/n, I'm glad you could make it. You remember Bakugou." Kirishima points to his friend across the table who has yet to look at you.

You drag the open chair next to him to the end of the table. "Yeah, I remember Mr. Bakugou" you say tightly before sitting down.

"Bakugou, I think you have something to say to y/n." Mina tells him, slapping his hand across the table.

The blonde grits his teeth, "Can we go talk?" he turns to ask you.

You hum, looking at the menu, "I don't know what I want, and no, thanks for asking though." you give a fake smile.

"y/n, we really can't talk?"

"No, what is there to talk about? I believe actions are stronger than words, so there's no use."

After a few seconds of silence Mina and Kirishima look at each other, "Babe, did you get that package for me?"

"It's in my car!" Mina gasps after saying, "Let's go get it. We'll be right back." she gives you a smile before walking out hand in hand with her fiancée.

You sigh, you two had taken a taxi so you knew why they suddenly left you two alone. You don't say anything, just continuing to flip through the menu and read about dishes.

"y/n, I'm sorry for the way I acted that night. I have no excuse except that I was sloppily drunk and I misread what I thought were signals, I'm sorry. I don't want to make you scared of a hero who is supposed to protect people." he looks at you while you keep your eyes down.

Your eyes flicker to his red ones, "It was just out of nowhere, I thought we were becoming close to friends." you put the menu down.

"Maybe we were, I don't really have friends outside of my dumbass coworkers and their girlfriends, one fiancée." he scratches the back of his head nervously.

"Well thank you for apologizing, but I think I need time." you confess but Bakugou nods understandingly.

"Yeah, of course."

Just then Mina and Kirishima make their way back to the table and you all order your food.

"So.. now we can tell you why we invited you two." Mina smiles at you two. "Do you want to go first Kiri?"

Kirishima shakes his head, wrapping an arm around her, "Go ahead Min."

You were a bit nervous, "Ok someone tell us."

"y/n... will you be my maid of honor?" Mina giggles, reaching over to grab one of your hands.

In shock you looked at her and then started nodding, "Of course! Why is that even a question?" you lean over to hug your friend.

"Good." she smiles and turns to her fiancée, "Your turn."

"Bakugou, be my main man." Kirishima smiles and looks at his best friend who rolls his eyes.

"Fine." he tch's, looking away from the red and pink haired couple.

They cheer and so do you, it was exciting to know that you were able to be there for Mina and help her. But then you realized how close the maid of honor and best man have to be.

"Wait, us together?" you look at them.

"I know I know, and I have a resolution." Mina nods, "I want you two to get together once a week for at least two hours until the wedding, do whatever your heart desires. Just get to know each other."

"How will you know we'll do that and not just go away for two hours?" Bakugou asks, drinking some strawberry milk from a small carton.

"Trust me, I'll know." her gold eyes stare at him, making him nod and reassure her that he will do it. "Is that ok y/n?"

"Sure." you nod, not looking at Bakugou who was staring intently at you. You didn't want to decline, it's what she wanted for her wedding so who are you to say no?

Mina claps her hands in success and turns to talk to Kirishima. You look at Bakugou, blowing air out and leaning your head against your hand for the remainder of lunch.


tuesday, 2pm

At home you lounge alone, trying to come up with ideas to give to Bakugou, you felt that he wouldn't take it seriously and it was no use arguing with someone like him. As you write in a journal your phone buzzes, flashing an unknown number.


"y/n.." the voice starts, "It's Bakugou, sorry to bother you but I thought we could set up a time for this week." he rough voice says over the phone.

"Uh, sure." you say while grabbing your planner where all your appointments were, "I can do.. thursday, around four?" you question, unsure of his hero schedule.

"Yeah, sounds good. Mina told me you enjoy records, just music in general." he says, sounding more causal now.

You smile and nod, "Yeah, I have stacks in my room."

Bakugou leans back in his office chair, putting the stress ball down, "I know this place where you can make custom records with any songs, I thought we could check it out if you want."

"That sounds really fun actually."

"I'll pick you up at four." he mumbles a bit, glad on the inside that you thought his idea was interesting.

"Ok, bye Mr. Bakugou." you say softly before hanging up and saving his contact to your phone.


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now