𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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As time went on y/n felt more and more unsatisfied with her relationship. She knew Dabi had secrets and wasn't sure if knowing them would make her feel better.

One day she was at a fruit stand, picking up some mangos for a craving she was having. Dabi smiles from afar, she was perfect to him. He snuck up behind her and kissed her cheek making her quickly turn around in fear. "Doll, it's me."

"Hi Dabi." she grins and kisses his lips.

"Almost done?" he readjusts the sunglass that hid his face pretty well although, how many people do you know with half of their body covered in scars?

"Yeah let me just pay." y/n gathers up the basket of fruit and goes to the cashier.

As they scan the items and look up to speak a surprised expression is on their face, "Is that you, Touya?" they spoke with a smile and Dabi noticeably stiffened against his girlfriend. "I haven't seen you since—"

"Keep the change." Dabi throws crumpled bills and takes the basket while dragging a confused y/n behind him. "Let's go doll, I'll cut these up for you right when we get home."

y/n thought about the weird interaction to herself but quickly answered, "Thank you Dabi, you're so sweet." and to make him melt she kissed the hand tightly around her wrist.



A few days go by, Dabi was very nice and sweet to y/n. Suspiciously nice and sweet, it worried her and she felt like she was on eggshells around him.

"Dabi, I'm going to grab my appointment book from work." she called while putting on some shoes.

"Let me come with you." he was mid putting on a shirt and she tried to think of an excuse.

"It's ok, you have work in half an hour." she points to the clock, "I'll see you when you come back." she kisses his lips and hurriedly

Dabi nods silently and waits.


y/n quickly made her way back to the fruit stand, thankful to see the same guy from the first time. "Hey." she walks up to them.

For some reason they try to avoid her and walk the other way, "Hey!" she says louder and follows, "I know you remember me!"

"You need to go." the worker says without turning back. "He already warned me."

"Who? Please talk—"

"Just get away from him, do anything you need to do for that to happen. Come back in two days and I'll tell you everything." and with that they walked away to greet other customers.

y/n watches in fear, who was she sleeping in the same bed with?


When getting back home y/n lets out a deep sigh and lowers her purse to the ground.

"Hey, doll." a voice comes out that causes her to jump and reach for protection when the main light is turned on.

"Dabi." she breathes out and looks at her boyfriend who was lazily lounging on the couch, "I thought you had—"

"Did you get that book?" he asks, feigning interest.

"Y-yeah I did." she smiles and nods, "What should we do for dinner?"

"I don't know. How about we look at what your day is looking like tomorrow shall we?" he pulls out the appointment book from under the pillow and flips through it. "What were you really doing?" he asks darkly.


"Ok, I did lie." she sighs and drops her head. "Only because I wanted to surprise you." she says flirtatiously while slowly rising her shirt and feeling her self-worth go to about a zero. "Do you like? I got it for you." she twirls in her new lingerie set, well new to Dabi's eyes.

"Come here baby." he throws the book and reaches out to rip the fabric already.


y/n was anxious when the day came, she sat to watch tv to settle her nerves. As her fork was stabbing a piece of watermelon the news flashes. Her ears ring when seeing the familiar face and reading the large text.


Killed? Was y/n responsible for the young owners death? He knew Dabi.. or whoever Touya was. y/n feels sick and puts down her bowl when Dabi happily strolls in, "Hey doll, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just this horrible incident." she points, "Did you know them? They seemed to know you.."

"I never knew them personally. But they could never never keep their mouth shut." he says and eats the watermelon off the fork while y/n stares in shock, this fucking psychopath.

She fucking fell in love with a psychopath.

She let a psychopath use her body for pleasure.

"Dabi, do not peak ill about the dead." she quickly slaps his hand lightly.

He looks at her, "This is all your fault."

"E-excuse me?"

"If you stayed in place like a dumb dog I would've never been forced to kill them."

He's worse than a psychopath.


Dabi spared y/n for the time being, he did love her but he never let her forget how quickly he could end her life.

y/n continued to act oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend was a killer. She wanted to throw up every time she kissed his lips and let his hands touch her body, she was tainted in every way. She prayed for forgiveness everyday and hoped that worker was at peace now, she wished it had been her.

But this was her personal hell after all.

It was a miracle when one night Dabi got really drunk, y/n had slipped something in for them to have fun. She's plotted for weeks and built up trust just to have the police ready to take him on the other side of the club door. Dabi was shocked, how could some stupid naive girl be able to catch him with his guard down?

He was silent while being taken away and they made eye contact through the foggy window. y/n was shaking as he smiled and got driven away by the police car.

He would be back.


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