𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞

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After Bakugou told you what happened with Sofia you held him extra close as you two slept in your bed. "Masaru, come look at our sweet Katsuki." a voice says loudly and you jump out of your sleep.

"Kat.. someones here." you wake him and stay in place.

Bakugou groans and turns to look at the door with a hand raised to burn them, "Oh it's just you. Why the hell are you in my house?!" he shouts and you wince.

"Is that how you talk to your mother?" the lady tsk's and Bakugou shoots fire at her anyways, "You're still such a damn brat!"

"And you're still an old hag!" he growls and you slap his head, "What was that for?" he turns back.

"Don't speak to your mother that way." you frown and then rub the spot you just hit, pressing a kiss too.

Looking you see her with sparkles in her eyes, "Katsuki who is this?"

"This is y/n, y/n this is my old- my mother." he corrects himself.

You notice how Bakugou is almost the splitting image of her and offer a smile, "Hi."

"Masaru! Come and meet Katsuki's girlfriend!" she yells, "I'm Mitsuki, Masaru is his father, he's just getting breakfast ready."

"Oh then please, let us meet you down there." you offer and Bakugou shakes his head, "Kat, get out so I can change."

"You never mind when-" you pinch his arm and he hisses in pain.

"Yeah don't be a creep." he's mother retorts and waits for him to exit before closing the door behind them.

You get dressed in something casual and open the door, seeing Bakugou waiting for you. "I missed the strip tease?" he pulls you close while you laugh and nod.

"Sadly you did." you back away but still hold his hand, "Let's go."

HIs parents had set the table and placed plates filled with food as well. "Wow this looks really good Mr. Bakugou." you bow to his father.

"Please, call me Masaru." he smiles and shakes your hand.

"And me Mitsuki." his mother says nicely while Bakugou sits down and pours you orange juice, "We're sorry to wake you two." his mother smiles.

"No you're not." Bakugou mumbles around his waffle.

"Kat, be nice." you smile.

"What are you two doing here?"

They look at each other and shrug, "What? We can't miss our son? You never come around anymore."

He looks at them suspiciously, "You know why I don't."

"You're still letting her ruin your life Katsuki? Sofia was just a gold digger that got caught red handed before she could enter the castle of Katsuki Bkaugou's money. Now look at you, bigger house and a girlfriend that makes you happy. Focus on that." Mitsuki tries to tell her son.

"One, she's not my girlfriend and two, I'm not letting her ruin me. I just would rather be as far away from her as I fucking can." he states, not realizing he's hurt your feelings in the process.

You quickly finish your waffle and get up to place your empty plate in the sink, "Thank you for breakfast Masaru and Mitsuki, hopefully next time I'll get the honor of cooking for you." you smile and grab your jacket.

"Leaving already?" Misuki frowns a bit, noticing how quick you were moving.

Bakugou stands up as well, "We have to-"

"No, it's ok. Spend the day with your family." you cut him off to say and give a wave while walking out of the door, leaving him confused.

"Look what you did!" Mitsuki slaps the back of his head, "You pushed her away!"

"That fucking hurts!" he shouts, "And I didn't push her away!"

Mitsuki laughs at her oblivious son, "Cuddling with her and then rudely saying she's not your girlfriend, tell him how rude that is Masaru." she looks at her husband for backup.

He sits down next to Bakugou, "It was pretty rude, you should've seen her face when you said that."

Bakugou slumps, why did he always manage to go five steps forward then ten steps back? Because he was nervous, nervous to lose the girl who has finally made him believe in love again. "Shit.. I have to go after her."

"Oh no you don't." Mitsuki roughly pulls her son down. "I'll help you." she grins and hugs him, hugging even tighter when he tries to push her off, "Just accept it, brat."


You write nonsense down on paper and look up when the door bell rings, in comes a delivery man with a huge bouquet of flowers and an edible arrangement. "This is for.. y/n." he says.

"That's me.." you say in shock and he sets them down before leaving. Who would do this? you wonder and read the note that was on top.


if you're not busy tomorrow, go on a damn date with me.


A smile is on your lips and you feel giddy while taking out your phone to go into your messages with Bakugou.

y/n 🙄🖤

yes! i'll go out with you

kat 😩💕


be ready by eight tomorrow.

y/n 🙄🖤

ok kat 😽

read. 2 pm

You feel excited and think of him the rest of your shift as Bakugou tries to come up with something that will make truly happy.

He wanted everything to be perfect for you.


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now