𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Dabi lets you go to work although he said he would always be watching and you knew it was a test, a test for your loyalty.

"y/n we never saw you again at the hero ceremony!" Mina walks up to you as soon as you stepped into work.

"I'm sorry, I ran into someone." you smile faintly, you knew he was watching somehow. "I did get your maid of honor stuff though. This week is the rehearsal dinner right?" you ask and hand the small book Mina had given you to help.

"Yes yes," Mina lets go as she flips through the book and see's a small note on the last page. he's watching. "You told me about not walking with Bakugou, totally understand so he's out. You should've seen how angry he got when we uninvited him." Mina laughs and so do you.

"Thank you! I actually have a date." you sit at the front desk computer, typing go with it. "Slow day today." you note and erase the message.

"Do tell." your friend leans against you, "Please be someone better than Bakugou." she sighs.

"I know when we were first friends I was dating someone and now we just reconnected. All the feelings came back." she takes note of the double meaning. "So tell everyone I have a new date, I would hate for them to get confused." you walk away from the computer and blow a kiss.

Dabi smiled in satisfaction and solidified his trust with you.


no one's pov

"She's bringing him to the rehearsal?" Eijirou asked in shock at what his fiancée. They were all on Bakugou's couch, eating pizza Mina brought.

"So we can save her dumbass!" Bakugou punch his harm and the red head yelps loudly, "We have to be careful." he mutters.

Everyone thought about plans and stayed up all night until they had a solid one.


As they got ready for the dinner Bakugou slipped on an all black outfit, he couldn't let anyone see him near the building. He drove a different car and took the long route to park in the back. "I'm here." he says into the small ear piece he wore.

"Go through the third right side door, Eli is there to open it." Shouto muttered while helping Momo out of the limousine everyone rode in together.

"Fucking hell." Bakugou said when Eli was brightly waving him over and slashed a finger across his throat that made his movements stop. "Do you want to get us found out?" he growled.

"Sorry." he muttered, "Up through there you can see over everything discreetly." he points to the small overhead window. "I'll keep a look out."

"Keep those fucking eyes open." Bakugou blows fire at his feet, "Just to wake you up." he says then leave Eli who was shocked, how did he manage to get so close and not hit me?

When looking over he sees the married couple greeting everyone and thanking them for coming. His breathing momentarily stops when seeing y/n and Dabi walk in, arm in arm. Eijirou discreetly gives a look to Izuku who gives the same to Shouto from a ways away.

"y/n and Dabi!" Mina smiles brightly and hugs both without another question.

Eijirou put on his usual smile and does the same, "Thanks for coming, table numbers are over there." he points at where his other hero friends were.

Mina watches in sadness, "This better work Kiri." she says with a smile.

"It will babe." he reassures her.

Izuku and Ochaco talk to y/n and Dabi, "y/n! Cute dress, you two matched well!" Ochaco compliments. "Can I see the brand?" she randomly asks, since there was no way of letting y/n in the know of the plan they prayed she picked up the message.

She did.

"Yeah I meant to tell you, it's a new one." she moves her hair out of the way.

Ochaco pretends to fumble, k is here she traces with her finger when her boyfriend was talking Dabi's ear off. "I've never heard of that one!" Ochaco notices the small line coming out through the dresses fabric, wires?

"Ochaco, let's go set down our gift." Izuku holds up the small box and leads his girlfriend away.

"She has fucking wires around her.." his girlfriend whispers sadly, "One wrong move or suspicion and she's dead." everyone momentarily stops their movements around the room.

"Think every move through, this could all be one joke and he was going to kill her anyways." Bakugou says loudly, "Eli, get your ass up here."

"What?" he groans as one of Mina's college girl friends was on him, "I'm kind of busy."

"This is what you're fucking busy with!" Bakugou shouts and turns to walk down there himself.

"y/n don't fucking forget I own you." everyone hears over Eli's mic, "If one of those little hero's try to stop us then in one click you're all dead."

Eli grabs the girl and flips her around, kissing her roughly against the wall as they blindly passed him. Just thinking they were another horny couple at a wedding. "Holy shit." Eli pulls away and whispers.

"I know." the random giggles and goes back in for a kiss until Bakugou reaches around and pulls Eli by his collar.

Once in the small room he could feel the disappointment, "Shit shit sorry." Eli says.

"Just stay in here, I'm going outside." Bakugou sighs and walks out, "I'm going to see if anything is in their car." he lets everyone know.

In the quite night Bakugou walked past all the cars until he sees a familiar one. He's never told anyone but every so often he would see the same car pass by his house and he was sure it was him. Every night he would wake up every hour on the hour to make sure y/n was still in his arms.

He let out a small fire pop to the trunk and gulped at how many wires there were, it could be any one of them. "Fuck, I found the wires but there's so many." he whispers.

"We'll try to find out." Izuku speaks while looking at y/n from across the table. Bakugou remembered all the training from the hero course and cut all the fake ones and it was down to the last two.

"It could either be yellow or red." he muttered and wiped sweat off of his forehead. He softly closed the trunk but not all the way and walked back inside. He met back with Eli and saw him with the same girl on his lap. "What the fuck are you doing?" he shot fire at the both of them. Beyond angry.

The girl giggles and backs away, Eli was unconscious.

"You're going to tell me what the fuck you did to them." he seethes out, gripping the girl by her throat and slowly raising her off. "Mina you're fucking loser friend drugged Eli!" he throws her to the side and attempts to slap Eli awake.

"Ew as if I would invite any uni friends." Mina mutters and they all look up at where Bkaugou and Eli were, seeing blue flames erupt. "Kat—"

"—suki Bakugou, I knew I smelled a trash." Dabi murmurs behind the hero.

"Sorry about your friend, I only asked her to give him a small dosage.. not the whole thing."



𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now