𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱

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One time long ago y/n was in a happy relationship.

It was a regular day at work and she was the only one who didn't have an appointment so she stayed in the front to help assist anyone who came in. When the bell rings she looks up from her book to see a tall man around her age, he had a hoodie over his slightly lowered head. "May I help you?" she asks, he didn't seem like he was ok.

"Sorry to come in without an appointment but am I able to see someone now?" he asks and she nods with a smile.

"That's no problem, I'm actually free so follow me." she hops off the chair and gives him a robe and slippers, "Just change through there and I'm in room six."

he nods and does so, he was in agonizing pain and thought a massage might help release some stress. Or he might kill someone.

He walks into y/n's room, admiring her humming as she lights candles to set the ambiance. "Do I just lay here?" he asks, scaring her. "Sorry."

"No no, my fault for zoning out." she laughs while getting a good look at him. She frowns slightly at his scars and messy hair. He stares at her back, he thought she was too cute for her own good. "But yes, lay down when you're ready." she clears her throat and turns around with a blush on her face.

The male smirks to himself and does so, mumbling an "I'm ready."

y/n turns around again and begins her routine, she delicately touches his skin and makes sure she wasn't making it painful for him. He sighs in content, her hands were so soft and he was melting under them. He never wanted to be without this touch, he felt as if he's been missing out this whole time.

"How does that feel?" she comes down to whisper.

"Amazing." he says truthfully, he was enjoying himself more than he thought and it was all because of you. Thats when he decided that she was his, it was that easy.

"I'm glad." y/n smiles and stays silent the rest of the time. She even lets the man enjoy an extra thirty minutes after his hour.

He was so relaxed, he forgot all about killing people which was rare.

After he changed he met y/n back at the desk to pay, "You're really good." he complements the girl who blushes.

"Thank you.. you're a really good customer." she tries to compliment back but feels weird once the words leave her lips. "Have a good day." she bids him and hands back his card.

He slips the wallet back into his jeans and leans on the counter with one elbow, "Could I possibly set up another appointment, with you of course."

"Yeah that's no problem!" she says happily while going into the only booking page, "Date and time?"

"How about thursday at three and for two hours." he didn't know if he was busy but he would clear anything for her.

"Sounds good and I just need a name." she looks up at his eyes, they were so vibrant and admirable.

"Dabi." he replies smoothly as she obviously typed in this information.

They both couldn't wait.


On thursday y/n woke up happy for some reason and went to work with a smile on her face. During her shift she waited for three to roll around and when it did she was hurt that Dabi didn't show up.

She thought maybe he forgot, he must be a busy man. She went as far as to make a scar treatment for him and put it to the side in case he did come.

But he didn't.

At night she was one of the last ones to leave and when walking down the sidewalk she was suddenly pulled into the deep alleyway. Her screams were muffled by the strangers hand as they whispered shh in her ear.

"It's me doll." hey eyes widened at the sound of Dabi's smooth voice, "Sorry I couldn't make it, I had some business to take care of. You're not mad right?" he spins her around to face him and cups her cheek.

y/n shakes her head blindly, "No.. I understand." she says shyly.

"Come on.. I can make it up to you." he offers and pulls her deeper into the alley. She watched for weird animals and made sure to stay extra close to Dabi.

"An abandoned building?" she looks around confused, it was dark until he flipped a switch and it was fully furnished with new furniture. "Oh wow, do you live here?" she asks.

"Something like that." Dabi shrugs and takes her to the kitchen, "Hungry?" he asks and when she shakes her head he pulls her close against him. "Well I am." he mumbles.

"Oh, you should eat." she speaks out and feeling his hand go under her shirt to touch the desirable skin.

"Let me apologize the right way." he lowers down to his knees and swiftly pulls down her pants, smiling at the sight. "You're adorable doll, I'm so glad I met you." he kisses the slightly shaking thighs.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."


They went on dating, y/n was happy to have Dabi in her life, he was like no one she's ever met before.

After a month of casually seeing each other Dabi asked to make it official. y/n was over the moon about being his girlfriend and would stay over often since she was living off of a friends couch. "y/n what did I say about leaving all this damn makeup on the counter." Dabi groans.

She walks in and sees a pair of eyelashes and lipgloss from the night before when they went out, "Dabi.. that's like two things, calm down." she tells her boyfriend and tries to go past him to clean up her 'mess' but he quickly grips her arm to stop her.

"And why did I find a fucking apartment application on the desk?" he grits out. Dabi was very short tempered she quickly learned and almost always knew how to help. Sex.

"I thought you would enjoy having some space to yourself." she tried to seem normal as if his actions or tone didn't faze her.

"Did I fucking say I wanted space? Or is there another reason? Did you see a guy you wanted to fuck walk in or something?" he was breathing deeper and deeper by the second. Not in a way to calm down but he was close to doing something he was always tempted to do.

"Dabi you sound craz—" before she could even finish her sentence a backhand was met with her cheek, causing her to fall onto the floor as her legs gave out in shock.

"Shit, sorry." Dabi says and quickly helps her up.

She also learned that he never said I'm sorry, just sorry.. as if it was her fault and he actually tricked her into thinking that it was.


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