𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱

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⇢ "Come dance y/n and Katsuki!" Mina waves you two over when it was a slow song playing.

You and Bakugou join the other couples and dance closely, "Baby, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I pushed her off and left as soon as she tried to touch me." Bakugou grabs your hand and kisses it multiple times, "Look at me." he grabs your chin and turns it to face him. "Don't pout baby or I might just put my dick in between—"

"You're sick Kat." you mutter and slap his hand away, "I believe you. I believe that you didn't let it go anywhere." you look at your boyfriend, "That doesn't mean I'm not still upset." you sigh and he hugs you close while going to the slow beat.

Bakugou dips you slowly, "As long as you don't think I'm a cheater baby." he kisses your cheek and lifts you back up, "I would never jeopardize—" you cup his cheeks and kiss his lips.

"I know, I know." you whisper and kiss him again, "I wouldn't either." 

"Fuck, I love you." he breathes and caresses your cheek.

Mina drags you away before you could say anything, "Time to throw the flowers!" she giggles and shoves you in the middle of the crowd. 

You didn't try to catch them because of how many girls were already and were utterly shocked when they landed in your crossed arms, "Oh shit." you whisper and look for your boyfriend.

"Yay!!" Mina claps and runs to hug you, "You know I was the one to catch it at the last wedding we went to! It's a sign!"

"I-i don't know Min, this is just superstition right?" you look at the bouquet, "What if this gives him the idea? I mean we're still so young and this could ruin everything."

"y/n.." she whispers but you were too in your own head.

"I'm sure Kat doesn't want to be a husband right now or if he could even be one. I don't even know if I can be a wife." you sigh and lean back, hitting a person, "Oh sor—" you look back at the person and do a double take, "Kat.."

"Can we talk?" he asks tightly and you give a small nod.



"Did you mean what you said in there? You really don't think I can be a husband?" he asks with a firm tone, "What does it take? For me to let you move in within a month of knowing you? Devoting all my time to protect you? To put my damn life on the line for you? To say and show that I love you? Wait wait, I did all those things!" he raised his hands.

"K-kat.." you whisper, "I didn't mean that, it's just scary. Going into another relationship with my heart out there."

"Where do you think my heart is?" he sounds defeated, "You broke down all my walls and I didn't even fight it, this is scary for me too. I always promised to protect you but I think this time I need to protect my heart.." he looks up at you and has to look away, staring at a wall to not break. 

He takes a deep breath, "You should take time to think about what you want." Bakugou grabs onto your hand and kisses the back of it, "I'm going to congratulate Mina and Eijirou." he then gives a soft kiss to your cheek.

"What about you? Are you going to think about what you want?" you look back and quickly wipe a tear.

"I already know what I want. I only want you."


"Fuck, Mina I fucked it all up!" you cry out while lowering your head to your crossed arms on the table. "I don't want to think about what I want, I know I want him too!"

"You did babe." she rubs your back, "Don't make him do all the chasing, go get him." she insist and forces your shoulders up, "Look at me. You want him right? Even if that means he could break your heart again?" you nod and open your mouth, "Wait. He's taking that same damn chance with you. Katsuki might be all tough but at the end of the day you're the one he thinks about when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up. Put your heart in his hands like he did with his own." she wipes your tears and kisses your cheek.

"Go get him." she pushes you off the chair, "Tell me everything when I get back." she blows a kiss and you nod, leaving without another word.


You rush into his house and run up the stairs, "Kat! Kat!" you open his room door and clench your fists when his room was empty, like no one has been here in the past twenty-four hours. "Shit." you whisper and take off your heels, deciding to wait up for him.

When walking into your room your fingers were already unzipping the dress when you stop and look at Bakugou who was in your bed, clutching onto a pillow and watching a walk to remember on your laptop with noise canceling headphones. "Kat.." you whisper and walk closer, reaching a hand out to touch his shoulder.

Bakugou jumps and looks back, breathing in relief, "y/n—"

"No, let me talk. Please." you kiss both of his cold cheeks, "I want you, I want you in every way and more. You'll always have my heart and I'm not going to fight it because you trusted me with yours and I'll never let it break again." he pulls you onto of him and flips you over, looking down at you as you cup his cheek, "Make me a wife, make me a mother I don't care. I want it all." you smile and reach up to kiss him again, wrapping your arms around him to deepen the kiss.

That night he was sure to make you a mother.


epilogue next :') <3

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