𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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After a few hours you all ride down the elevator and walk to the cars parked in a row. You and Mina took a taxi so you walk with her to Kirishima's car, "Wait, y/n why don't you ride with Bakugou?"

You look at the blonde leaning against his car, "I'm sure he doesn't want-"

"Get in." he demands before opening his door.

Subtly you raise a middle finger at the pink haired girl as she smiles and sends you a hand heart. Your heels click against the pavement and you carefully opened the passenger door to his expensive sports car. "Sorry." you mumble as he takes off.

"If I minded I wouldn't have let you come in my car." he shortly says, not looking at you.

You just nod, not sure what to say. He was pretty calm and it was an interesting thing to see. It was quiet, only the radio playing and you turned it up when a song you liked played, "This song is so good." you smile a bit.

Waves of blue filled the car and you looked at Bakugou, noticing how tense he looked. "Loosen up Mr. Bakugou." you grin, raising a hand to massage his right shoulder. "When the night is young, tell me something so sweet." you say in a sing-song voice, getting close to his ear. "You really take me there!"

"Your singing is awful." he mumbles but doesn't attempt to push you away. "Don't ruin a great song."

"It is a great song!" you and him listen, humming along together the rest of the way.


You two were the last to arrive at the high end restaurant. Bakugou led the way to the private room and opened the door for you. "Thank you, Mr. Bakugou." you smile a bit and walk in, instantly greeted by your friends.

"Finally, did you two get lost?" Kirishima asked his best friend. Bakugou rolled his eyes and pulled out a chair for you before sitting in the one next to it.

The blonde didn't want to admit it but he had taken the longer route, enjoying that you two were civil while listening to music and it was calming to him. "No, couldn't find a damn spot." he grumbles, picking up his menu. The group didn't ask anymore questions and started to talk amongst themselves.

You hum waves of blue softly while taking a look at the menu, and Bakugou slightly grins to himself. "Mm, I don't know what to get." you frown, Ochaco points something out that you might like, "Ooh." you nod, looking at what it was. "What are you getting Mr. Bakugou?"

"Why do you keep calling me that?" he asks, not looking away from the sheet in front of him.

"I dunno, you were a client of mine and I have a feeling you only like your friends to call you casual names." you shrug, "Don't you like it?" you get closer, able to smell his cologne. "You don't know how kinky I can be." you whisper under your breath.

Bakugou closes his eyes, feeling your breath on his neck. "I don't not hate it. I guess." he readjusts, looking up at the waiter making his way around the table. "Spicy shrimp pasta." he says and hands the menu over.

"And for you?"

You jump and look up at the waiter, "Hm, what do you recommend?"

He looked around your age and wasn't bad looking, "Well our pastas are popular so I would recommend that." he bends down to show you the options.

"Maybe, do you guys have-"

"I would like to eat within the next year." Bakugou tch's and leans back in his chair, looking at the waiter who's gotten closer to your breasts subtly with fire in his eyes.

You roll your eyes, "Fine, I'll get what he got but instead of shrimp can I get chicken?"

"Y-yeah, it'll be right out." he blushes and stands to to rush away.

With that you turn and speak to your friends and Bakugou does the same, side eyeing you every few seconds. Until he completely ignores Izuku and Denki to listen to your voice.

"I know! If I never see him again I wouldn't mind." you laugh with your friends.

"He liked you a lot y/n, always requesting you and whatnot, leaving you tips." Momo points out. "But so secretive, and he gave you a fake name."

"He got crazy." you mumble, "He would just always be there." you wince when looking back at it, you were so blind. "It was as if he would stalked me to know my work schedule and then catch me off guard."

"Well, you haven't seen him in months so don't worry." Ochaco rubs your arm.

Bakugou was listening, she had a stalker? Is he gone for good?

The food is placed and you move onto another subject, something more happy but Bakugou was still thinking about if you were in danger, would she call for help or try to resolve it herself?

"Mr. Bakugou, how's your food?" you turn to ask, while sipping some water. "Too spicy?"

"Not enough spice." he twirls the pasta around the fork, "Can't handle it?" he eyes your puffy lips and your tongue poking out in attempt to cool it down.

"I thought I could." you laugh a bit, "Now I'm out of water." you sigh and set down the empty glass, looking for the waiter.

"Here." he slides his nearly full glass over.

You look at him in shock, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, now drink it before I change my mind."

Instantly the cup is in your hands and his straw in between your lips. "Mm, you can have mine." you slide over the bowl to him and he surprisingly takes it, adding them together and eating a piece of chicken.

You keep sipping on the water and everyone was nearly done with their food, chatting about what to do after.

"Wait before we leave, I have to do something." Kirishima stands up, pulling out his girlfriend from the table.

"Mina, I love you with all my being. When I first met you at the loft two years ago I knew you were someone special. You're my light in this dark world. I have no doubt of putting my life on the line for you. You're always so caring and when I'm down about something you know just what to do to cheer me up. I have no shame when I'm with you and no doubt that I want you till the end of time. So, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?" Kirishima gets down on one knee and pulls out a small back box, opening it.

All the girls gasp, Bakugou looks at how tears are already in your eyes and hands you a tissue.

Mina's eyes widen, feeling as if this is a dream and hopes she never wakes up. "Yes! Yes Kiri, make me a wife!" she cries as he slips on the big ring and she raises it to her girls as you all cheer for your best friend. Mina stands up, kissing her new fiancée with passion. "Now, let's go drink!" she jumps into Kirishima's arms.

All the couples file out and last are you and Bakugou, "Wanna ride together, nerd?" he doesn't look at you when asking.

"Sure." you smile softly when he hovers his hand on the small of your back as you follow the group out the restaurant.


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now