Chapter 1

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'I need something to believe in, because I don't believe in myself. And I'm sick and tired of getting nowhere. Guess it'll all work out.' - Newton Faulkner, I Need Something

My eyes scanned the bustling restaurant of Los Pollos Hermanos. Well, restaurant being the operative word. As per usual, nothing was worth watching- a new couple with their screaming baby trying to prise his tiny mouth open for his heated bottle, a businessman with an expensive looking laptop obviously on his break, as well as the imsomnious college kids hunched in the corner over coffee and chicken wings. Sometimes I just wished that some thug would run in, gun in hand to raid the place, it would be a hell of a lot more exciting than standing serving chicken and fries all day. I guessed I just wasn't cut out for a bland life, I wanted car chases and explosions and fear, but life wasn't a movie and I wasn't Angelina Jolie. Tucking a long strand of brunette hair behind my ear and into the once-white-but-now-dirty-grey cap upon my head, I chewed at the chipped black polish on my nails and folded my arms, my dark green eyes outlined delicately in dark eyeliner and mascara (which can I say looked on point today) warily watching the clock. 5:39pm. Exactly 51 minutes until my slight freedom of a microwave meal, bubble bath and a large glass of wine.

"Mila." I was snapped out of my daydream as Cynthia passed me a tray consisting of a diet coke, popcorn chicken and fries.

"Make your ass useful and take this to the guy at table 12?" she asked, jowls wobbling as she swiped a hand through her bonnet of black hair.

"So unfortunate you've lost use of your legs..." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" she barked as I smiled sweetly, "Nothing, Cynthia."

"Yeah it'll be nothing when your scrubbing at the sh- Hi! Welcome to Los Pollos Hermanos best fried chicken in the South Western United States!" her expression completely changed as a young man approached her, 20 dollar note in hand.

"Looking bright as ever Mila..." Gus, the big manager of the chain raised his eyebrows.

"I profusely apologise that putting up with Cynthia's shit is not on my to-do list today- can you please let her know that unless she's my thong she can get the hell out of my ass." I winked as he chucked lightly, "It's a good job your my favourite, kid."

Making my way over to the table I placed the tray down, "Enjoy your meal, Sir."

"Mila Dean?"

"Erm-" I glanced at the guys face, his head was shaved yet he still had the beginning of a rough beard, glasses perched on the end of his nose and deep creases in his forehead. He looked so familiar... Shirt, tie, v-neck jumper, corduroys with extremely sensible shoes. That's it.

"Mr White?" I grinned brightly, my old Chemistry teacher back at high school, I'd always been fond of Mr White, a good sense of humour, wasn't too strict and generally a nice guy.

"How've you been kiddo?" he smiled pleasantly, I'd remembered one night I was forced to resit a chem test after hours, and after I'd finished we just sat and chatted for a good hour, which sort of turned into tradition every Thursday evening- needless to say, I breezed my Chemistry exam.

"Well... Got engaged not long after I left high school, found out my fiancé was drug manufacturing and being the supportive partner I am decided to help him out, got shot in the shoulder by a cartel, my work found out I lost my job at the Alberqerque Newspaper and landed myself this bullshit job where I stink of chicken 24/7, live off macaroni cheese and get a vaguely worrying urge to skin every person who walks through those doors. And you?" I babbled, summing up my life since high school to a tee.

"Well I uh, I've recently been diagnosed with Inoperable Lung Cancer, that's the uh-" he gestured to his shaved head.

"Oh I'm- I'm sorry... You win" I exclaimed guiltily. It angered me that guys like Mr White who are good hearted with moral jobs got a horrifying disease like cancer, always the guys who deserved a long and happy life.

"It's alright..." he held up his hand before offering me a fry.

"Oh no thanks, Cynthia will axe me if she sees me cracking a smile." I gestured to my employee.

"You were such a promising student... Your better than this, you know it's not too late to turn yourself around." he nodded slowly.


"DEAN." Cynthia shrieked from behind the counter, wielding a toilet brush manically.

"I've got to go Mr White, I really hope you get better, you deserve it!" I smiled.

"You too Mila- WAIT-" he tapped my arm as I went to turn away.

"Do you know of a Gustavos Fring?" he asked.

"Who, Gus? Yeah your in luck he's in- if you've got a problem I could always forward it onto him.." I shrugged, glancing back to Gus who was currently showing Teddy the new kid who I had discovered was extremely dim how to operate the drinks dispenser.

"It's more of a business enquiry..."

"Fried Chicken is nothing but business I guess," I laughed, "See you around Mr White"

"You too Mila..."

"Gus- the guy at table 12 wants to speak with you- I'll take over here." I gestured to the acne ridden teen who's buck teeth were poking from his bloody bitten lips.

"Alright neanderthal- grab the cup, press the button it's not rocket science." I demonstrated as he nodded quietly and copied slowly, spilling a little Sprite in the process- but it was a definite improvement.

"Your exponentially quiet today..." I glanced to him, shovelling a few chips into the small paper container.

"I'd rather stay quiet than tell my problems to people who didn't care..." he shrugged and looked down.

"Out of the 2 weeks that I've known you that is quite possibly the most intelligent thing you've said... But, I have a good part of an hour left before I leave so shoot." I said.

"H-Have you ever been in love?"

"Once. It was painful, overrated and pointless, why, do you have a mystery lady?" I peered at the order note and poured out two more according Fantas.

"Let me see your bra-"

"WHAT??" I snapped.

"Nothing!" his eyes were wide and alarmed.

"Listen here you little shit- You say anything like that to me ever again or ANY woman for that matter the next thing that will be coming out of your mouth will be your teeth-"

"DEAN!" Cynthia's ear piercing squawk filled the air for a second time, both Teddy and I looking up simultaneously before I got a swift smack in the face by a hurtling toilet brush.

"Grab the bleach Mr Stevens has had another accident."

A/N Sorry this chapter wasn't particularly exciting, It is just here as an introduction for Mila. Hope you enjoyed, thanks! ~ Cat

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