Chapter 17

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'I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn bad. Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint. Forever in debt to your priceless advice.' - Nirvana, Heart Shaped Box.

A couple days passed without anything from Jane or Jesse. I had booked a few weeks off work, I'd recently been building up my paid holiday allowance so I now had the chance to clear out the now deep cleaned house of Reggie's and look for another person to rent to. His case was closed as far as I knew, and Agent Schrader hadn't been back with any news. I hadn't asked about the money Jesse owed me, I decided to wait a week until I'd confront him- there's only so many times you can watch farting cats on YouTube until your actually missing TV advertisements. I also had a little trouble getting around now I didn't have a car, and my brick of a replacement phone could barely text. But- I had enough money in the bank to get by, and a visit to the supermarket for some groceries were in order. The journey there was sweaty, almost reminding me of my time in the RV with a faint fondness. As much as I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't help but miss the few days out in the desert with Jesse and Mr White. Obviously I didn't miss the heat or the burning thirst and having to wee in a hole with the constant fear that a spider would bite my vagina in any given second- but Mr White was a brilliant man, who could make any conversation about any topic endlessly fascinating to me, and Jesse was... well.. he was Jesse.

"Thanks-" I called to the bus driver, hopping off the bus and sighing in relief as the slightly cooler air breezed my face. Luckily, the supermarket was virtually empty. Only a couple pensioners that looked like they were about to die in the cooked meats aisle and the obligatory soccer moms. Strolling through the aisles, I glanced idly and dropped a couple items in my cart every now and then. Food shopping had always been blindingly boring to me- and I was only ten minutes in before I was ready to throw myself under a mobility scooter.

"What else..." I murmured to myself, squinting at the scruffy list in my palm I had scrawled earlier.

'Tinned tomatoes'

Craning my neck upwards, I groaned. Of course, like everything else I needed they were right at the very back of the top shelf. Getting on my tiptoes, I scrunched up my face and strained my arm up to the shelf, letting out a wheeze, my fingers just brushing the red little bastard of a tin.

"Come on..." I panted.

"Here." A deep and familiar voice spoke from behind me, their larger and much more capable hand stretching upwards to grab my tin, bringing it down to me.

"Oh- thank you-" I smiled to my savior- "Mr White?"

"Mila!" He said in surprise, "What are the odds?"

"How are you? How is everything?" I grinned brightly.

"Well I uh, I'm in remission." He tried to hide a smile.

"Congratulations! Oh my god- wow that's great news!"

"Yeah my tumor has shrunk by 80% it's responding well to the therapy, I'm not completely out of the woods just yet but there's a good chance I'm gonna beat this thing." He nodded as I opened my arms and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so happy for you- I bet your wife is over the moon, and your kids!" He looked almost flattered that I gave a shit.

"Yeah... they are." He nodded.

"So, that means your gonna stop..." I lowered my voice "Cooking?"

"I uh, I don't really wanna talk about this here." He shook his head and nervously glanced around under his glasses.

"Mr White, your a lot older than me and I respect you and don't want to tell you how to live your life but... get out while you can. Get the money from Jesse and don't look back-" I pleaded, if the cancer now wasn't going to kill him- I had a terrible feeling that something else Jesse or meth related would.

"I haven't seen a dime since we got back from the desert. If I had the money I'd be gone. Look- I have to go my wife is waiting- have a good day." And with that, he turned on his heel and was off down the aisle.

"WAIT- Mr White!" I called after him- but no reply. He wasn't the only one who wanted his damn money.


Kinda a short shitty update, sorry for the lack of Jesse I know that's why most of you are here but it's a working progress 😉 don't forget to vote and comment. ~ Cat.

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