Chapter 35

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"Yo, Mila." I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped slightly to see Skinny Pete and Badger behind me.

"Hey guys..." I smiled, placing my palm on top of Skinny's.

"How's he holding up? How are you holding up?" Badger cocked his head to the side and examined Jesse's face before his eyes flicked to my own.

"How the fuck you think they're doing asshole? They got the jesus beat right outta em how would you be doing?" Skinny spat at Badger, "Actually don't answer that you'd be dead you couldnt take a punch from my damn Grandma."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

"You come here with any reason other to be annoying?" I turned to face them both as Skinny shrugged.

"Heard about Combo. That's uh. Pretty shitty right?"

"Shut UP." I hissed, looking around.

"What? I-"

"Just. Don't mention anything here. I dont know whose listening." I whispered, rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"Fuck the feds, man..." Badger sighed sadly, taking a bag of chips from his pocket, "Want some?"

"Yes." Holding out my hand I continued to watch Jesse's chest rise and fall like I had for the past six hours, I almost felt cross eyed watching him. The nurses were the same that treated me, and I was pretty convinced that they'd just settled on the fact that we must clearly beat the living shit out of each other.

"Does it hurt?" Skinny poked the back of my head.


"Miss, are these men bothering you?" a nurse poked her head around the corner of the curtain, looking Skinny and Badger up and down gingerly.

"Ye-" I began and then sighed, "No. No they're fine."

"Well. Looks like they're here just in time to say hello!" she exclaimed brightly, pointed to Jesse who hazily opened the eye that wasnt closed shut.

"J? You okay?" I grabbed his hand.

"Yo, good morning man!" Badger and Skinny smiled as Jesse nodded slowly.

"Hey beautiful." he grinned.

"He's on some pretty heavy painkillers, he may say a few... confusing things. Do you want to give them some privacy?" she glared at the boys, something told me that she didnt want them in her ward.

"No we're good." Badger shook his head as Skinny grabbed his jacket and pulled him along.

"Catch you later M."

"Jess, can you hear me?" his grip on my hand tightened as the Nurse began to check a few of the appliances around him, flipping switches and whatever she does.

"Mr Pinkman." she took his face in her hand and shone a torch in his eye with a swift nod, "He's alright. Some concussion. Not as bad as what you had, just knocked out a little longer."

"I will NEVER let you live that down." I whispered with an evil giggle.

"I'll leave you to it."

"What happened?" Jesse sat up slightly, his eyes widening dizzily as he clearly regretted his decision. Standing up, I propped the pillow up behind his head- "Take it easy."

"That asshole Hank Schrader from the DEA came round and knocked seven shades of shit out of you is what happened." I thought of Schrader, his big ugly face when they took the badge and gun off him outside the house.

"Schrader... goddamn it. The cops been here yet?"

"Nope. They seemed more interested in him than they did you. What have you got on him Jess? I think he was scared... he was mad that you knew stuff." I tried to remember the conversation I overheard when on the stairs.

"Stuff? What stuff?"

"He said something about phone numbers and his wife." I shrugged, "I don't really remember I was too scared hearing you getting pummeled to take brisk notes."

"You were scared." he grinned.


"You were scared, because I was hurt." his smirk didnt stop as I scowled back.

"We need to stop making habits of getting the shit beaten out of us and ending up in this place. They're gonna put a restraining order against us." I quickly changed the subject.

"I couldnt stay away from you if I tried." I noticed that his fingers were still locked with mine- I didnt bother to move them.

"You look pretty fucked up. Kinda like... that chick off mob-wives-"

"I forgot you do that." he looked at our hand and chuckled.

"Do what?"

"Every time I try and be nice to you, you change the subject." he ran his thumb across the back of my hand.

"Taking compliments isnt really my forte." I felt my cheeks blush red.

"Well you better start. Because there isnt gonna be a day that goes by no more that I dont tell you that you're the most funny... intelligentest piece of ass in the ABQ." he whispered.

"Intelligentest isnt a word." I whispered with a laugh.

"Is now. And you're it, yo."

"Jesse..." I began.

"Mila, I'm still in lov-"

"Mr Pinkman? You have a guest? Mr White." the Nurse popped her head around the curtain a second time.

"Want me to leave you guys to it?" I looked to Jesse, who looked as though he was about to explode.

"Uh... yeah..." he nodded as I stood up.

"I'll be here for when he leaves. You want anything?"

He shook his head, eyes facing down.

"Alright... see you in a bit." getting up, I left the curtain before bumping into Mr White.

"Hello, Mila. Should have guessed you were here! You're looking much better." he smiled brightly. It was the same smile he wore the first time I saw him at Los Pollos. It wasnt genuine, and my third eye could tell I wasnt the only one in the room that felt like their heart had been ripped out.

"What the fuck is Schraders deal huh?" I poked my finger in his chest as his face fell, "Why is he coming around to Jesse's and beating the shit out of him? Hm?" I glared up at him.

"Mila, not here-"

"Then where? Hm? He could have killed him. Hell, he probably would have if I wasnt there. All you do is get him into trouble! Everything always comes back to you. Whats the deal?" I raised my voice.

"Dont be a child. I'll discuss it with you Mila but not here-"


"Miss I'm going to have to ask you to calm down or leave-" a doctor placed his arm on my elbow as I ripped it away.

"I'm going to get some food, and I'm going to get some coffee. If you're still here when I come back, so help me god I will shove-" I grabbed the doctors stethoscope from his neck as he let out a panicked noise, "THIS up your sorry ass. You hear me? WALT." I mimicked Hank's voice. Before letting the doctor go and beginning to walk away.

"And some advice? Saul Goodman? Shitty fucking lawyer!" I added, before hobbling out of the room, a number of nurses and patients gasping.

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