Chapter 4

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'I breathe you in with smoke, in the backyard lights. We used to laugh until we choked, into the wasted night. It was the best time of my life, but now I sleep alone. So darling don't, don't wake me up, 'cause my thrill is gone. And the sunset turning red behind the smoke, forever alone' - Pierce The Veil, Bulletproof Love

*5 Years Ago*

Jesse pulled up alongside Tuco, his two brutes in the back seat. We were no match for this- all Jesse had was his old red Toyota Tercel and a shivering girlfriend, Tuco had a sports car and two guys that would eat us both AND our car alive. We looked pathetic.
"This is all of it." Jesse handed over the bag, glancing around as he did so. My eyes bored into the gun one of the brutes held, he was swaying it casually between myself and Jesse's face.

Whipping open the bag, Tuco flicked through the money and grimaced.

"Your 2 thousand missing, Pinkman." he grunted in a broad Mexican accent.

"We had a small problem-"

"And that isn't MY problem!" he shrugged.

"Look I'm sure we can get the money, get something sorted out and give it to you as soon as possible!" I emerged from the darkness of the passenger seat as Tuco frowned.

"The deadline was tonight. No exceptions." he exclaimed, before nodding to one of his henchmen in the back seat who swiftly positioned their gun and fired.

*Present Day*

I ran a finger over the puckered, scarred skin on my shoulder as I shivered at my reflection in the mirror. That's what you got from being with men like Jesse Pinkman. A gun shot to the shoulder.

Back then we were engaged, I loved him way too much to leave him after the realisation of the drug dealing- well, 'manufacturing' as he said before showing me a sheet of paper he'd screenshotted off Wikipedia, so I decided to enter the business and help him. It brought in a hell of a lot of money and with me also working at the newspaper meant we were virtually getting three large wages. But after the Tuco incident I couldn't take it anymore. If I was going to get married and have kids with Jesse I knew we weren't going to be able to raise them with two parents in the business. So I left and never looked back.

Sighing and rubbing my eyes tiredly from the days' events, I shuffled into the kitchen and ran a hand over Salem who had jumped up onto the serving hatch that looked into my living room. It was cosy and warm in my tiny little house, two big fabric sofas covered in cushions, pictures littering the walls with fairy lights and inexpensive artwork I would buy off artists in the street when I was in the city. I had three bookcases against the main wall of the living room, overspilling with books, CDs and DVDs. It was moments like this where I knew I wouldn't change my little haven for the world.

I glanced at my buzzing phone for a second time, three missed calls from Jane. You would think living across the road she would just come and bang on the door- but with the thick awkwardness already in the air from me mumbling an apology and running out her house as soon as I laid my eyes on Jesse, maybe she just didn't want any confused confrontation quite yet.

Pulling out a large bag of Cheetos from under the kitchen counter, I chomped away miserably as I entered my bedroom- only to realise glass still littered the floor and my mattress most likely needed to be burned before I could go anywhere near it again. Closing the door so Salem wouldn't accidentally cut himself, I grabbed a huge blanket from the top airing cupboard in the bathroom and settled down on the sofa. Flicking on the TV, I surfed a couple channels before I settled on Jerry Springer.

My eyes soon began to drop before I heard a quiet knock on the front door. Assuming it was Jane, I groaned loudly and dragged myself to the door, blanket around my head like a hood.

"Jane not now-" I cut myself off as I came face to face with Jesse. Thrashing around I threw my blanket to the floor and folded my arms as casually as possible.

"What do you want." I frowned.

Jesse still looked the same. A hoodie and jeans way too big for him- a beanie hiding scruffy blonde hair with clear blue eyes. I could see he still had that absolutely shit tribal tattoo on his hand, and he had still not grown past 5'6". The same height as me, if anything he was slightly taller. He grinned widely, that cheeky smile he had always given when he was in trouble, too bad it wasn't going to work anymore.

"That's very welcoming." he nodded sarcastically as I flinched slightly at the sound of his voice, I had spent the last 5 years trying to forget that voice, now there he was standing on my porch grinning like a idiot, as if nothing ever happened.

"That didn't answer my question." I shot back.

"I just wanted to say hi, see how everything was going with you... You look good." he scanned me swiftly from head to toe as I fidgeted uncomfortably.

"And you still look like a shaved monkey that's been thrown through a thrift store Jesse now please I don't want to do this right now-" I shook my head as he laughed. LAUGHED.

"I- I don't know why your being such a bitch, honestly." he shrugged, leaning against the doorframe.

"Being such a bitch, Jesse? Did you get shot in the goddamn shoulder and then get told I had to 'get over it?!' Fine then I'm a huge bitch and sometimes you HAVE to be a bitch to get shit done!" I fumed.

"Your the one who sold your engagement ring for-"

"JESSE! I don't want you here. I don't want anything else to do with you and seeing you like this isn't letting me move on with my life, okay??" I snapped.


"Look Jesse, sometimes you have to do what's right, not what's easy. That's exactly what I did. I know your still in the business because you smell like Willie Nelson and no way do you have the mental capacity to hold down a real job to afford that house." I pointed across the road.

"You know what- forget I bothered. I'm not gonna bother you again, have a nice life, bitch." he flipped up his middle fingers casually before strolling down the porch steps.


"OH GO HAVE YOUR PERIOD IN A SHARK TANK!" he yelled back, before reaching his house and slamming the door hard behind him. So did I.

Not a nice return from Jesse there, anyway hope your enjoying and don't forget to vote! ~ Cat.

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