Chapter 3

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'I need an easy friend, I do with an ear to lend, I do think you fit this shoe, I do won't you have a clue?' - Nirvana, About A Girl

"In your BED?!" Jane pulled a face and shuddered, flicking the cigarette ash into the glass tray that sat on her small garden table.

"I'm literally going to have to incinerate the entire room..." I leant back on the cool balcony and took a swift sip from my cool bottle of Corona. As it was getting increasingly dark, the Alberqerque air was getting chillier and chillier, but with her small wood burner that sat in the corner of the small yard- it was a substantial enough temperature to wear simply my yellow work polo and black pants comfortably.

"That's disgusting- how long do you think it's been going on for?" she asked, taking another drag of her cigarette. Considering we spent virtually our entire life in her yard as she smokes like a chimney my lungs were probably just as black as hers was.

"Well as long as he's been taking late shifts probably, so a couple weeks..." I shrugged.

"You seem shockingly cavalier about it all..."

"I mean, I don't know I can't describe it... It's like I'm hurt that he's done it but I'm sort of relieved I don't have the stress of a guy being around anymore..." I leant back on the old striped deck chair that had long adapted to the outline of my frame.

"Mhm I guess so...." I looked to her hand where she was idly fiddling with a small silver coin marked '48 months'. It was a token of celebration of her 48 months clean from heroin, I guess she had her Dad to thank who had her in rehab as soon as he found out.

"You think you can finish this off soon?" I slipped my foot out of my flip flop to display the uncoloured outline of the rose she had started to tattoo a couple months ago.

"Yeah... I was thinking watercolour maybe?" she bent over, stroking the inked skin with her forefinger, her wrist jingling with the huge array of silver bangles she wore.

"Your the artist." I laughed as she grinned and pursed her scarlet lips, taking a third drag.

"Hey have you seen Reggie?" I asked, slipping off my other shoe and tucking my feet more comfortably underneath me.

"Not for a couple days no..." she shook her head.



"Me neither. I'm like 90% sure he's dead." I exclaimed as she let out a giggle, "Your sick Mila.."

"Hey- have you got your new tenant?" I lowered my voice and pointed to the back door right next to us, as they were small bungalows the yard was practically shared- the only divide being a low yellow wall.

"I have! He moved in today." she nodded.

"Ooh so it's a he?" I raised my eyebrows as she blushed slightly.

"Is he cute?"

"Yeaaaahh..." she nodded and hid her face.

"Awheeeee!!!" I cried, poking her tummy as she hid away in embarrassment, "Stop!! Ssssh he might hear you!"

"Did you address him with the D.B.A.A?" I pondered, since we were opposite landlords we had both made up a D.B.A.A policy that we run past all of our tenants- the only rule that we had, Don't Be An Asshole.

"Indeed I did. He was cool about it." she nodded.

"Niiice... I can't wait to meet this fine young man." I mocked a posh accent, "Hey- Salem what you doing on this side of the road?" I turned to see my small black cat padding towards us, meowing and rubbing up against our legs.

"I'll go get him something to eat." Jane announced, stubbing out her cigarette and running a hand over Salems fluffy little head, before disappearing through her back door.

Whipping out my phone, I tapped a quick message to my best friend Rebecca who was currently living in New Orleans, we were meeting up next week and due to the long distance, we were both excited to have a good catch up.

'Got so much 2 tell u. Roll on next week!' I typed before stuffing the phone back into my pocket.

Suddenly, the creak of the door behind my head made me jump- I smiled as I craned my neck to get a good view of Jane's new tenant. But when I got a view of the young man's face- my heart plummeted.

Jesse Pinkman.

Here he is :) Sorry this was so short, I just wanted a quick update while I had time. Hope your enjoying, Please vote it means a lot. ~ Cat.

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