Chapter 34

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"How's it cookin..." Jesse murmured as I concentrated on wiggling my toes on top of the marble island.

"I'd say my toes... but that sounds kinda gross..."

"Hey you've got movement in em now! Nice!" Jesse chuckled as I wrinkled my nose at him.

"You stink of meth lab."

"Probably because I spent my whole day in one doll."

Gus, Mr White and Jesse had come to some sort of agreement, I didn't know what, they didn't involve me. Jesse's and my plan was off before it had even began, but he'd stuck with the college promise and Gus has mentioned negotiations when I was better, whatever that meant.

"What's up little man?" he ran his hand down Salem's back who purred and pushed his head against Jesse affectionately as he grinned at me.

"You look like you again, almost." Jesse examined my face a little too closely as I pulled away awkwardly, "Like your cuts and bruises and shit.. they're nearly gone now."

"Except this motherfucker." I pointed to the back of my head, rubbing it and wincing- the cut was gross. It was all raised and scabbed and seemed to bleed every single time it was knocked.

"Let me see..." he sucked his teeth as he examined my head, "Shit's gnarly."

Wincing, I stood up slowly, cracked ribs were slower healers than cuts.

"Hey, take it easy alright-" Jesse placed his hand on my back as I stood, the other digging around in an open bag of tortilla chips.

"What's your plan for tonight?" I opened up a few of the cupboards, most of them bare. Jesse had been faultless, he was out a lot of the time at the lab Gus had set up for him but when he was there he couldn't have done enough.

"Smoke a fat bowl, eat my weight in pepperoni pizza then pass out. You?" he crunched through the chips noisily.

"Well... considering I'm the one playing house wife it doesnt seem fair for you to be the one cooking all day..." I shrugged, examining a miraculously in date jar of pesto. The thought of Jesse throwing this in his cart at Wal-Mart couldnt help but make me smile.


"Why don't I cook some dinner? For the two of us. That'll be nice, right? THEN you smoke a fat bowl and pass out." seemed pesto was the only new surprise about Jesse I was going to discover in the kitchen apparently.

"Yeah I uh, I forgot you were a pretty good cook. You did that uh.... pasta stuff with the chicken.." Jesse nodded slowly, squinting his eyes as if it helped him to remember.

"Yeah did you not put two and two together that I'd ventured out on my life long dream when you found out I was flipping burgers?" I shook my head sarcastically.

"I mean... that's kinda cooking, right?"



"Well, hot cheetos and cream cheese is NOT a meal by any stretch of the imagination so why dont we go grocery shopping and we can eat something that isnt pizza or chinese food?" I said hopefully as he frowned.

"You aren't all better yet M. Doc said you shouldnt be walking around too much."

"I wont be walking too much. Around the store, we can drive there and back. Please Jesse I gotta get out of here just for an hour." I stuck out my bottom lip as he rolled his eyes in defeat.

"Fine. I'll wash the meth off me and we can go."

"Awesome I'll go get ready!" pecking his cheek in gratitude, I hobbled awkwardly across the kitchen and slowly began to mount the stairs, wheezing and hissing with every step.

"Come on mama we aint got all day!" he teased, hand landing on my ass as he tried to elevate me up a little quicker.

"Hand. Off. Ass."

"Hmph." he grunted like a child, getting a little squeeze in before releasing. I jumped as the doorbell rang, Jesse sighing loudly.

"Probably Skinny Pete or Badger- go up and I'll get rid of em." he ushered me up before plodding back downstairs and swinging the door open. I still wasnt halfway up when I started to hear voices.

"Hey you got nothing on me yo, you can call my lawyer Saul Goodman. Talk to my lawyer alright?" It sounded like he was shouting at whoever was there. Freezing, I crouched and listened.

"Hey you hear me? I got nothing to say call my-" Jesse was cut off as a loud thump echoed across the hall, followed by a second much louder one.

"CHRIST-" Jesse cried out as another thump sounded.




A few more thumps sounded as I edged down the stairs and peered around the corner, heart pounding as I saw Hank Schrader knelt over a battered and bloody Jesse.

"Oh my god..." my voice shook as Hank looked up, suddenly standing and holding up his hands in shock as he slowly backed away.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM-!" ignoring the dull ache from every inch of my body, I hobbled over at lightning speed and dropped to my knees before Jesse, cupping his face. One eye had already swollen shut with bruising and there was a deep gash across his nose.

"I'm-" Hank stammered, hand over his mouth.

"Jesse.... Jess come on..." I shook him lightly, placing my ear to chest, there was still a steady beat, thank fuck for that.

"WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?" I shrieked, wiping away involuntary tears as he stared in disbelief.


"O-Okay..." Hank nodded, fumbling for his phone as I turned back to Jesse, resting his head on my lap.

"It's alright Jess, I got you..." I whispered, hands trembling, "I got you I'm here I'm not leaving." stroking his hair, I glared at Hank.

"They're seven minutes away."


Christ all these guys seem to do is get beat up. Do we want fluff next? I think you guys deserve it.


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