Chapter 2

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'Stay the hell away, while I sit here by myself and figure out how I got this way, before you go there's one thing you oughta know- if you can't hang then there's the door baby' - Sleeping With Sirens, If You Can't Hang

My old baby blue Chevy Camaro slowly rolled up to the outside of my semi-detached bungalow with a sputtered choke. The house was nothing special, yellow brickwork and a substantially neat lawn. It was in better shape than my tenants' was, with overgrown shrubbery and cans littering the front porch- I hadn't seen Reggie since collecting last month's rent money. Making a mental note to visit, I climbed out of the car and strolled up the porch stairs, pushing open the door and tossing my keys in the glass bowl on the table, dropping my bag to the floor.

"Da-" I began to call, before a disgruntled groan echoed down the hallway from the bedroom. Don't tell me-

"Danny?" I called out again to my boyfriend of a year, opening up the bedroom door only to smack into a hard, bare chest.

"B-Baby your home early-"

"Yeah I told you I was finishing two hours early today..." I frowned at his odd behaviour, before trying to skim past him. Danny was tall, well built, with scruffy dark hair that currently resembled a birds nest, his dark brown eyes wide with alarm and worry.

"Oh shit I completely forgot-"

"Yeah you forgot can I get past?" I pushed.

"Erm- N-No! Wait!" he held out his hands. In the one year I had known him, I had long realised he wasn't a particularly complex character unless he had about a litre of whiskey down his throat, which just so happened to be the case the night we met at a little run down bar in South Mexico.

"What are you hiding huh?" I frowned, before poking him hard in his pressure point on his stomach and slipping past- only to see some blonde, orange skinny-ass skank pulling on her tacky mini skirt.

"So this it huh? This is why you've been taking all those late nights? I was gonna apply for fucking cheaters you piece of shit!" I yelled, slapping him hard across the face so hard my palm smarted. Truthfully- this had been a long time coming, sure Danny was hot and arrogant which I usually liked, but there was never much love between us.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know he had a girlfriend-" the blonde began to jabber in a thick New Jersey accent.

"Of course you didn't sweetie." I exclaimed sarcastically, holding up the small framed picture of myself and Danny that sat on the bedside table, "Because this is quite clearly him and his Nan."

Slamming the picture across the room the three of us watched as the glass shattered onto the floor.

"You. Get the hell out of my house. I've never caught an STD and I vow to stay that way." I pointed at the blonde who scrambled on the floor to get the rest of her clothes as I gingerly threw her red lace bra after her.

"Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out!" I yelled after her.

"Baby, Mila I'm so sorry you know I love you-" Danny babbled.

"Of course you do. 'Baby' now get the hell out of my house-"

"Wait- Wha, I have nowhere to go!! I'm so sorry baby it will never happen again please believe me I love you we can still be friends can't we-" he babbled pathetically.

"Saying we can still be friends is like saying the dogs dead but we can still keep it." I exclaimed. I felt numb, it was more of the embarrassment of the situation rather than the upset that my boyfriend had cheated on me.

"Oh god you hate me you hate me don't you?"

"I'm not necessarily excited about your existence I have to say..." working my way around the bedroom I began piling every one of his belongings in sight into a large duffel bag- I saw this to be quite helpful, considering the current circumstance.

"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SO CALM?! YOU KNOW WHAT- Y-YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A HEARTLESS BITCH. YOU-" I drowned his voice out as I slammed the door and left the room, flinging all of the belongings I had gathered onto the front lawn.

Spinning around I came face to face with him for a second time, I suddenly grabbed a clump of his hair and ragged him out of the door, only for him to topple down the stairs into a pathetic, quivering lump on the floor along with a startled yelp.

"Y-YOU- MY NOSE!" he held up a hand to his face, blood spilling through his fingers.

"If you don't get the hell off my property I'm gonna break a lot more than your nose." I hissed, kicking him hard in the stomach for good measure, as he let out a groan before stumbling around in attempt to gather his things.

"Y-You'll regret this-"

"Nah its just a fantastic excuse to get rid of you..." I shrugged.

"H-H-HEARTLESS SLUT!" luckily enough, a slick white beetle pulled up with the skank I had found in my room before inside- running out and pulling him into the passenger seat.

"Thanks for taking him off my hands!" I yelled, before all of the pent up anger I had been saving exploded, and grabbing the nearby plantpot I hurled it against the shiny flawless windscreen, only for it to make an impressive crack and shriek from the blonde, littering dirt everywhere.

"SHE'S CRAZY GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE-" and with that, Danny was gone.

Swiping a hand through my hair, I felt my eyes for tears- nothing. I just didn't care. My head just pounded and stomach felt weak. Glancing over I spotted a figure whip behind the curtain in the house up for rent that had been derelict for weeks, one of my good friends and neighbour Jane Margolis had been working her ass off to try and find someone to live there. Guess she did.

"MILA- HEY ARE YOU OKAY SWEETIE?" Jane suddenly emerged from the front door. She was annoyingly pretty, with a slim pixie- like frame and poker straight black hair- she had quite a gothic style but not one that was too over the top. She had always been there for me, and being a fellow landlord we always had each others backs with disruptive tenants.

Shaking my head, she gestured to come inside.

Hmm I wonder who the new tenant at Jane's is? Yet again, this is more of an ongoing intro before the real stuff starts. Hope you aren't getting bored it will get better soon I promise! Votes and comments will be much appreciated ~ Cat.

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