Chapter 13

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'So you could drag through hell, if it meant it I could hold your hand. I will follow you, cos I'm under your spell and you can throw me to the flames.' Bring me the Horizon, Follow You

Edging towards the RV, I squinted my eyes and glanced around curiously. No Jesse. No raging, gun wielding cartel members. No nothing.

"Hello?" I called out, my voice was scratchy and rough and the sudden urge to hack up a lung washed over me.

"Jess-" I began as two arms wrapped themselves around me, bringing me down to the dusty floor, knocking the air straight out of my chest.

"WHAT THE HELL? WHY ARE YOU JUMPING ME YOU SON OF A-" I shrieked breathlessly, arms flailing as I scraped at the hard earth.

"YO, MR WHITE THAT'S OUR RIDE-" Jesse emerged from behind the RV, "Ah shit, Mila-"

"Mr White?"


Mr White suddenly jumped up, brushing himself off and looking around in panic as I began to sit up- dazed and confused with a mouthful of dirt.

"You brought one of my ex students here?! Didn't you think I'd be in enough trouble with one of you Jesse? Huh?" Mr White snapped, as Jesse looked to the side and rolled his eyes.

"She's the only person I know that wouldnt rat us out or try and get in on anything. She hates me." Jesse explained.

"He's right. I can't stand him." I nodded in agreement.

"Mila, I'm so sorry- I, I thought I saw- look let me help you up-" Mr White offered his hand as I brushed it away.

"Forget the fact you just rock bottomed me, what the hell is going on.." I wobbled upwards, rubbing my bloodied knee that had scraped a rock on my untimely descent.

"Look, we'll explain in the car-" Jesse began as he paused and glanced around the plains.

"Where uh- where's the car?" He frowned.

"We had a technical issue." I began.

"What sort of a technical issue.." he looked to Mr White who also looked alarmed.

"The car broke down a couple miles back- I walked out here-" I babbled.

"Broke down?" Jesse repeated in disbelief.

"Did I stutter? Yeah it broke down a couple miles back I had to walk here-" the sudden realisation of my old beater being their ticket out of the desert started to piece together slowly- we were stranded.

"Did you bring water? Food?" Mr White asked desperately, he looked pasty, like he was going to vomit or pass out. Or both.

"Uh-" I brought out a water bottle from my bag, their faces dropping when they saw it was bone dry.

"MILA!" The men chorused in disbelief.

"I'm sorry that my survival was a little more important to me than yours!" I tried to reason, but the only way I could make myself seem a victim in this case was the fact that the water was warm and gross. Probably wasn't best to tell them that though.

"We're gonna die... we're gonna die..." Jesse wrung his hands out as Mr White leant against the RV, wincing and jumping away as the boiling metal contacted with his bare lower arm.

"Look, if we're gonna die I'd rather die informed... what the hell is going on here?" My eyes flicked between the two men.

"We can trust her. I did for four years." Jesse looked to Mr White, and then back to me with an old fondness that made my stomach churn nervously.

"How do I know? How do I know this isn't just some scheme between students to blackmail their old teacher? Huh?" The heat was obviously getting to Mr Whites t-shirt clad head.

"Blackmail? What- WAIT. Are you two... " I thumped my palms together to make a vulgar clapping noise.

"NO- NO OH GOD!" they cried out in protest and disgust.

"Well I'm sorry, but when two guys are on their own in an RV in the middle of East jesus nowhere it doesn't leave much to the imagination!" I held my hands up in defense.

"Let her in the RV." Mr White nodded to Jesse who strode towards the vehicle, swinging open its door.

Skipping in after Jesse, I glanced around to see a large work station containing countless beljars among a whole load of other things I had recognised from Mr Whites' old classes but didn't quite remember the name of. There was also a hell of a lot of blue. The air was stuffy and humid- more so than the desert, and stunk of chemicals.

"Is this..." I trailed off, it was everywhere.

"42 pounds of crystal methamphetamine." Mr White said darkly- yet I couldn't deny that there was a hint of pride in his tone.

"T-This is some serious dough.." Jesse had done some dealing in his time, but with his mental capacity expanding no further than how many bags of cheetos he could eat in one sitting- I never would have thought he'd have gone anywhere near the cooking field.

"We've estimated 672,000 for us... each."

"I estimated." Mr White rolled his eyes.

"EACH?!" I felt sick. There was over a millions worth of meth in here.

"This, I get from you Jesse but... Mr White, your a chem teacher, you have a family..." I shook my head in disbelief.

"It's a way to rack up so money... before I pass." Mr White paused and coughed furiously into a handkerchief, eyes widening at the contents before stuffing it back into his pocket. It suddenly made sense, Mr White was a brilliant man with a brain like a sponge for chemistry and full access to the equipment, Jesse had a huge history in the drug business. I couldn't think of a better partnership. My hand flew to my shoulder instinctively out of remembrance, Jesse brought chaos wherever he went, and guessing from Mr White's current health I couldn't imagine a bullet wound would even graze the pain that he and his family were going through.

"That doesn't explain us being stranded." I pointed out.

"Dipshit left the keys in the ignition. The battery died out,there was a fire- and Jesse managed to outdo himself by deciding to put it out with the remainder of our drinking water." Mr White glared at Jesse who looked down sheepishly. I didn't even bother to ask about the fire.

"I apologise for thinking on my feet!"

"How long have you guys been out here?" I itched my head, an uncomfortable realisation rising in my throat- were we really stranded out here?

"3 days." Mr White stated, "Both of the phones are dead- WAIT. You have a phone Mila?"

"I did. It's stuck in my cars windscreen." I chewed my lip.

"Are you sure you two aren't related? Stupidity isn't hereditary?" Mr White fumed, glaring at us both before slamming the door of the RV behind him- leaving me and Jesse behind.

We were fucked.


Finally! It's been over a year but I'm back writing and determined to finish this story. Updates are going to be either frequent or few and far between but I'll try my hardest. Sorry if this update is a little shitty it's going to take me a while to get back into the swing of things. Leave your comments and don't forget to vote!


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