Chapter 6

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'The killer in me is the killer in you, my love I send this smile to you.' - Smashing Pumpkins, Disarm

By the time my house was within sight, I had well and truly lost every last will to live. My knee from the incident that morning was black and blue- and I'm pretty sure the limp it gave me made me look sloshed out of my skull.

The day hadn't gone all that well- this kid slipped on a fry on the floor and I just so happened to be standing in front of him when he was holding the biggest fucking electric blue slushy if ever seen in all my life. So basically- my yellow polo was no longer yellow. I had tried for a good hour in the bathrooms to clean it all out of my hair which resulted in me having a head like a busted couch as of right now.

"The goddamn handle-" I groaned tomyself and stopped, inspecting the front lawn it had landed in that morning, only to see that it was no longer there.

Strolling up to the driveway, I dug my keys from my bag before something caught my eye on the side of my car.

Right there- was my handle, fixed just like it had never been broken... And on the side, was a small post -it note.

"What the..." plucking it off with my thumb and forefinger I smiled at the scruffy, undeniably familiar scrawl on the note.

'Your welcome, bitch.'

Grinning widely to myself, I bit my lip and held the note to my sticky, blue and yellow chest.

I had to go and see him again.

Rushing up the porch steps I already started unbuttoning my pants in anticipation to be ready to go and get changed before banging down Jesse's door.

It was then that the most disgusting, overpowering, rancid smell I had ever experienced filled the air. Choking slightly, I held a hand over my mouth and glanced around- I would be lying if I said raccoons never climbed under the porch and died, but the smell wasn't on this level. Moving my head west, the smell just got worse when I realised it was coming from Reggie's window, the curtains tightly shut.

"Jesus, Reg..." I grunted, placing down my back and hopping over the fence that divided the tiny shared porch before rapping my knuckles on his door.

"REGGIE! YO!" I called, smacking my hand a little harder on the door, "Something stinks in the house, man..."

"Reggie..." my voice lowered as I stood on my tip toes and peered through the small peeping hole, but it was completely pitch black.

"Okay then..." I murmured, bending down and fetching the key that he kept underneath the tatty 'Home Sweet Home' mat.

Sliding the key into the door, the smell hit me for a second time, this time so overpowering I felt vomit rise in my throat for the tenth time today. I'd never smelt anything like it- if I had to compare it to something, the only thing I could think of was death.

"Reggie?" I called, but the house remained deadly silent.

"Reg are you here?" entering the kitchen, I flicked on the large light (I knew the place back to front, me and Jane spent an entire summer refurbishing it before I rented it out to Reggie), the kitchen was substantially clean, apart from one plate and fork where the food had turned a mouldy green and rock-hard. Gagging again, I made my way back out of the kitchen and then noticed the living room door was closed tightly.

"Reggie..." I called, opening up the door as it cracked as though it had been closed for a good while. The small light poured in from the gap in the curtains from the streetlight outside, making it seem as though the dust was dancing wildly.

"Reg-" my heart caught in my throat as I saw him sitting upright in his chair, watching out the window contently.

"Oh god oh god oh god..." my voice shook, wiping my clammy palms on my pants I reached over and slowly tilted his head to the side, before my shriek echoed through the house.

His throat was slit, from ear to ear- eyes gouged from his skull.

"HEY HEY HEY-" two hands grabbed me from the back, dragging me out of the living room as we both collapsed on the floor in the hall, still screaming at the top of my lungs.

"HEY- IT'S OK, IT'S ALRIGHT I'M HERE I'M HERE.." Jesse rocked me back and forth as I clutched his arm with an iron grip, heart hammering as I shook violently.

Plot twist! Keep voting and commenting it means a lot! Hope your enjoying ~ Cat.

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