Chapter 31

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Swinging open the door, I squinted, expecting a burst of light but instead was met with complete darkness and my two captors staring back at me.

"Get out."

"Hmph-grumphk!" I protested, shaking my bound ankles at them.

"Oh-yeah. Sorry." pulling a pocket knife from his pocket, he sliced the tape apart, nicking my ankle in the process as I let out a grunt of pain.

"Take the tape off." one instructed the other as they grabbed and ripped my gag.

"OW! Fuck me!" I yelled wiggling my face in pain, "I didn't realise a free lip wax came with getting kidnapped!"

"Shut up and get out." the same low voice grunted as I slid, hands still bound to the edge of the van before sliding out and glancing between the men. The floor was dusty and lukewarm under my bare feet. We were outside, it was dark and the air was cool, it felt amazing. I must have been in the back of the van for ten hours at the very least, it was like jumping in a cold pool in the dead of summer.

"Where are we?" I looked around.

"Walk." one instructed as I edged forward slowly, eyes still adjusting to the darkness, holding my bound hands out wide as I took baby steps further and further.

"WHOA-" my heart leapt as my toes met a drop, stumbling backwards as I realised that we were on a cliff edge. The van headlights slightly illuminated the area, but all I could see below me was darkness.

"Shit.." I turned back around to face the men, now with their masks off and one pointing a gun at me.

"Oh what the fuck."

"Hi baby." Danny said quietly, gun in hand.


"Sorry M." the other man looked down.

"What is this? Is this about Jesse? What are you doing?" my eyes flicked between the two.

"The little ratbag that knocked you up and got you shot? No. It's not about him. It's about you." Danny waved the gun as he spoke, eyes wild.

"Me? What the fuck have I done?"

"You really are as stupid as you look aren't you whore?" Danny continued, Combo looking nervously between him and I.


"Reggie? Do you remember him?" Danny raised his eyebrows and waved his arms like I was blind.

"What about Reggie he's dead?"

"Ever wondered how he died? Or were you so scared about your past you didn't bother to read the DEA letters that came through your door?"

I shook my head in confusion, "Danny, I literally have no idea what you're talking about-"

"It wasn't an overdose. It was contaminated meth, rat poison. He was also in a house that was worth 30 grand, in your name." Danny grinned darkly.

"You killed Reggie?" I cried, "Did you have anything to do with this?" I looked to Combo whose eyes were cemented on his feet. He shook his head.

"Now, one landlord with her only two tenants being found dead. A pretty colourful criminal record. That all seems a little too consequential, right?" Danny continued, walking closer.

"You- you killed Jane?"

"No honey, that was all you. Beat me to it." he laughed.

"Come on man you said you weren't gonna hurt her just scare her-" Combo began as Danny pointed his gun at him now.

"Shut up asshole before I blow your brains all over the desert floor."

"Mila I'm sorry I-" Combo's voice trembled as I glared at him, "This is why you aren't involved in Jesse's new dealership isn't it? You felt too guilty. How much is he paying you?"

"None of your business." Danny pointed the gun back at me, "Those two houses alone are sixty grand on the market. Add yours we're nearly at one hundred. You die, where are those houses gonna go?"

"To my family, who I left them to if anything ever happened to me." I spat, "Your name was never on anything and your're pretty freakin' deluded if you ever thought that it was."

"You also never read what you sign, dumb bitch. You signed them over to me months ago, not remember the forms?" he chuckled.

"FUCK!" I yelled, glaring up at the star scattered sky- there was a few times Danny brought me things to sign, I just never bothered to read them and assumed they were for vet bills or for broadband or something. I know, but forgive me for not thinking my boyfriend was trying to extort and kill me.

"My record is clean, baby. You however spent a good few years of your life involved in some very, very bad people. So, picture this. They killed your tenants to scare you. They came after me and I got away. I knew you'd put up a fight now I got the cuts and bruises to prove it. You end up dead in the desert, like I said your criminal record is pretty impressive- they put it down to a revenge plot. I get the houses, I sell them, 100 grand in my back pocket." Danny explained flamboyantly, clapping his hands together and laughing as though he was some sort of theatre performer.

"All of this for 100 grand? Really?" my hands started to tremble, was I really going to die?

"When you kicked me out you left me with not even a pot to piss in." he accused.

"What did you expect me to do? I come home to see you screwing a slut and suddenly I'm the bad guy?"

"I got a few people to pay off too, alright?" he narrowed his eyes as I rolled my own.

"Imagine finding a guy that WASN'T a junkie-"

"This has all gone too far man you just said you were gonna threaten her." Combo nudged him with his elbow.

"Talk again, motherfucker I've already told you once." Danny warned.

"I'm not a murderer man, shes a good girl she just-"

"I said TALK AGAIN!" Danny yelled, swinging around pulling the trigger on his gun, Combo collapsing as the bullet smacked into his forehead.

"Oh my god-" I felt my stomach turn as I looked away from the dark puddle pooling around his head, tears started to prickle in my eyes and my legs felt as though they were going to give way. How long was the drop really from the cliff side? I'd maybe break a leg... no one would find me before the coyotes.

"I told meathead a 30 per cent cut if he helped find you. He knew you were at Pinkman's and he could get inside. I got it all planned beautiful." he came forward to cup my face with his hands, the cold metal of the gun pressing against my soaked cheeks.

"What did I ever do to you?" I whispered, there wasn't even a shred of the guy I met at the bar in there anymore. His brown eyes were cold and dead, and very clearly showed not a shred of mercy for me.

"You never loved me as much as you loved him. You know how much that can kill a person inside?" he jaw clenched as he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Goodnight, Princess." I closed my eyes and tilted my head towards the sky. The air was still, peaceful almost, all I could hear was the crickets and my own heartbeat.

The gunshot echoed across the desert.


No authors note needed!


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