Chapter 22

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"He sucker punched me...." Jesse exclaimed as he held a bag of frozen peas to his swelling face, feet up on the coffee table.

"Maybe offer ballsack injections to someone your own size next time." I laughed, stirring his coffee from the kitchen.

"Mila I'm offering for you to inject my ballsack-" he called as I shook my head and placed the mug before him.

"Whoa look at that shiner, tough guy." I chuckled, taking his hand away from his face to examine the damage.

"Did I scar you that much that your into big guys now?" Jesse winced as I touched it lightly.

"I'm not into any guys now... you need some sort of antiseptic on that you have a cut." Standing up, I rooted through my shelves for the first aid kit.

"You told him I turned you into a junkie?" Jesse asked, as I realised all I had in the first aid box was a hello kitty plaster and a rusty needle. Vodka it was- I had plenty of that in the house.

"I told him I was a junkie when I was with you. I was pretty offended actually, I did all that by myself." I winked, grabbing a bottle from the shelf.

"Come into the bathroom its better lighting." I called, pouring the vodka onto cotton pads I kept at the sink.

"Sit-" I gestured to the toilet as he grinned.

"Ooh Mils, I get all tingly when you take control like that."

Pressing the pad to his cut, I waited for the protest.


"Close your eye then." I said bluntly, taking it away and giving it a quick examine.

"One sec..." I whispered, dabbing lightly at his head as I started to become extremely aware of him staring at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I smiled.

"What? No- nah, uh- what?" He stammered awkwardly.

"You better go, I have work tonight." Rinsing my hands under the faucet, Jesse stood up behind me and looked into the mirror at his face.

"Really? Thats too bad I'm having a couple friends over tonight I was gonna ask if you wanted to join?"

"Sure. Junkie slumber party. Let me guess, Combo? Badger? Skinny Pete?"

"Shut up, Mila."


"Okay so... The Politos Peppers, a side of green chili cheese fries and a pepsi..." I read out the order from the screen- "That will be $10.39 please drive forward to the next window, Thank you."

Switching the mic off on my headset, I yawned and glanced up at the camera- no cars were near the drive thru so I could have a minute to relax.

Resting my head on the desk before me, I closed my eyes. My life was falling to pieces. I had no car, Jesse was back, Jane was dead. My old science teacher was a drug dealer-

"Hello?" I jumped violently as my headset went off, a black car sat at the mic outside.

"Hi, Welcome to Los Pollos Hermanos, please could I take your order?" I exclaimed boredly, I had said those words so many times today it almost poured out like word vomit.

"Mila." Came the voice as I frowned and peered closer at the monitor. Standing up I reached to zoom into the car but I couldn't make out the drivers face in the dark windshield.

"How do you know my name?" I asked slowly, slipping my phone out of my pocket to take a picture of the monitor- to note the make and model.

"I'd watch your back sweetheart." And with that, the car pulled away.

Sorry this was a super choppy/short chapter but if I made it any longer I'd just be cutting to yet another scene! I've decided to stop doing the songs unless completely relevant, I hope you guys dont mind and are all still enjoying! ~ Cat.

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