Chapter 29

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I'd been stuck in the house for almost a week now.

My vagina was a strong and independent woman and didn't disappoint me again, so far. There may have been some close passes but thinking of dead dogs seemed to make the feeling subside. Jesse had invested in another bed and we stayed in different rooms instead of sharing the blow-up where there was just TOO much room for activity.

"Alright I'm gonna go out for a little while. You need anything? Snacks, dipsticks?"


"You know. Girly shit." Jesse shrugged.

"I think I'm good Prince Charming."

"Alright. Catch you later." he slammed the door behind him as I glanced around. He hadn't really left me on my own much, only to go to the back yard to make some phone calls or go downstairs into the basement to "cook". I'm telling you, for someone whose whole career rode on that term he was abysmal in the kitchen department.

The house felt strange without his presence, and I didn't like that I felt almost, sad?

What a wimp.

"Alright Salem lets go. Takeaway is good but my ass is wiggling a little too much for my personal liking." grabbing the mini set of hand weights and my yoga mat, I strode out into the hot desert sun, raising my face to the sky and soaking it in for a few moments before plonking down ungracefully on the floor.

"First you gotta stretch." I informed Salem, who rolled onto his back in a small patch of shade, baring his belly at me as he batted aimlessly in the air at a passing mosquito. Whipping off my t-shirt, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail as I was left in my cycling shorts and sports bra. Yet another reason why this was best to do when Jesse wasn't lurking.

Flicking through my Spotify, I selected a playlist lazily before reaching to the sky and squatting slowly, feeling my joints slowly release.

Looking down to the mat, I flinched at the spatter of dark nail polish on its edge.

"Keep your hands still dumbass!" Jane chuckled, as my digits shook with laughter- the polish brush pointed at my index finger.

"Okay okay!" I wiped away a tear of laughter, smudging the polish across my face, "FUCK-"

Erupting into laughter, Jane kicked over the bottle as black exploded over the patio.

"Oh noooooo!"

Snapping out of my daydream, I swallowed hard and reached again, this time leaning on the opposite leg. Closing my eyes, I felt an arm wrap around my middle as I was slammed to the floor. Pain shot up my side as I looked up to only feel what I'm assuming was a fist connect with my jaw. Then the taste of blood came.

"FUCK!" I yelled, kicking with my bare feet as hard as I could as I heard a grunt and string of curse words.

Spitting and slapping at my attackers balaclava covered face as I was lifted up, I kicked and smacked and scratched with all of my might.

"I'LL KILL YOU GET OFF ME-" I glanced between the two men, my eyes were watery and I couldn't make out what features they had revealed properly.

"Jesus Christ this bitch don't give up." one grunted as he secured my ankles in his large hands.

"Just shut the fuck up and get her in the van." they ran towards the gate as I flailed, my face was starting to smart and blood had began dripping from my nose where his elbow had connected in our fight. I think one of them caught one of my ears too- all I was getting was white noise.

"NO!" I screamed feebly, I wasn't going to be the girl that went missing, I wasn't going to be another statistic.

Slamming my fist as hard as I possibly could against the guy who had my feets face, he cried out and dropped me. Biting down on the other's hand, I surged forward to bolt towards the gate that led to the front of the house, before something curled around my ankle and I slapped onto the boiling concrete, smacking my head.

Blinking hard, I was suddenly in the air, being carried by the men- I must have blacked out for a few seconds and they saw their chance. Both swinging me slightly, they threw me against the hard back of a van as though they were tossing me into water.

"MILA-" I heard a familiar voice yell as I scrambled towards the doors just before they slammed.

"YO- HEY-"

"JESSE!" I screamed, banging my hands on the door, before being thrown back roughly onto the floor as the van surged forward.


Told ya you'd be getting some action! Hope you're all still hanging in there. Got a few pre-written chapters to come for all of your lock down entertainment!


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