Chapter 5

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'I'll be your clown, behind the glass, go ahead and laugh, 'cause it's funny I would too if I saw me' - Emeli Sande, Clown

My hands slapped down onto the toilet seat as I retched, vomiting violently. Today was already going to be a terrible day.

After my run in with Jesse, I had foolishly pulled out a bottle of Jack and drank way more than recommended, resulting in the hangover of all hangovers. Stumbling into the front room I glanced at the clock before I felt my heart jump- my shift started in ten minutes.

"SHIT." I cried out, running into the bedroom and cracking my knee on the chest of drawers as I tried to avoid the broken glass. A string of curse words later, I had ragged out a black bra and underwear along with a fresh pair of pants and yellow work polo. Pulling them on I tossed my red apron over my shoulder and grabbed my bag, running out of the house as fast as I could.



There they were- Jesse and Jane sat out on their shared front porch across the road- Jane was crouched in a fetal position, notebook and pen in hand. She looked as though she was sketching, Jesse was leant casually against the wall watching her and chatting contently. I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of jealously... But why? I pushed him away.

"Brilliant..." I murmured to myself, slamming the door shut and sweeping my wild brown tendrils from my face, trotting down the porch steps and towards the car.

"MILA-" Jane called as I glanced up in recognition.

"Uhm yeah?" I exclaimed awkwardly.

"Is everything okay?" she nodded as Jesse looked down and tucked a hand into his hoodie pocket- which could I just add was about nine sizes too big for him.

"Yeah!" I waved her off as I grabbed the door handle of the car before groaning in exasperation. Out of all the bloody days, it decided to jam itself today.

"Come on you bastard..." I grunted, pulling again, harder this time.

"Hey- do you need any help?" Jane called over as Jesse rested a palm over his mouth to hide a smirk.

"You know- I'm a independent woman I can open a car door!" tossing my bag to the floor I used both hands to grip at the handle, propping up my foot against as I tugged.

"Mila honestly-"

"WHAT ARE YOU? MY MOM? BECAUSE THE LAST TIME I CHECKED YOU WEREN'T THE ONE TO SHIT ME OUT THE WOMB!" I cried as she frowned in confusion, Jesse letting out a low chuckle.

Tugging again, I fell backwards- door handle in my palm.

"Oh you know what FUCK THIS!" I yelled, my blood boiling as I threw the handle through the air, it landed in a garden about 3 houses down, "I'LL WALK TO MOTHERFUCKING WORK."

With that, I sauntered off down the road trying to maintain every last shred of dignity that I more than likely didn't have left.


"DEAN." Cynthia shrieked as soon as I set foot through the door.

"I know, I know I'm late, I slept in and I was sick and I had car troubles-" I ran a hand through my hair, truthfully I'd thrown up twice on the walk, and my headache pounded so hard I felt as though my brain was going to fall out of my butt.

"Do you REALISE how much stress I've been under this morning?! DO YOU?!"

"Stop yellinggg..." I moaned, holding a palm to my head.


"There's no one in here." I scanned the room and frowned, there was about 4 customers, quiet even for a Tuesday morning.


"I'm called MILA." I said as loud as I could without making my head feel as though it was going to fall off.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that you little-"

"Cynthia." a stern voice came from behind us, as we both turned around to see Gus who didn't look happy in the slightest.

"S-Sir- I-I didn't see you-" she stammered.

"Mm. It's quite clear Mila hasn't had a good morning so if you want to keep your position as manager at Alberqerque Los Pollos Hermanos I would suggest you take it down a notch." he ordered as she nodded, eyes huge.

"I'm sorry Mila.. Take all the time you need..." she murmured before scuttling away.

"Your a life saver, thank you." I shook my head with a smile as Gus nodded- he wasn't a man of words, I think that was the most I'd ever heard him say at once.

"It's quite alright. Go get yourself cleaned up, take a half hour or so then get back to work, if it gets too much let me know and we'll get you home."

"Thanks Gus." I grinned before turning on my heel to walk away.

"Oh- and Mila?" I glanced back.

"Be careful who your friends with." he said, before walking away.

Hmm I wonder who Gus means? ;) Hope your enjoying! For some reason this chapter has been an absolute bitch to upload. 8th time lucky? ~Cat.

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