Chapter 16

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'Pacify her, she's getting on my nerves. You don't love her, stop lying with those words.' - Melanie Martinez, Pacify Her.

"Well... here we are... " Jesse pulled up at the side of our houses, killing the engine as I moved in my seat to face him.

"Uhm.. thanks for the ride..." I nodded awkwardly, glancing at my house which was still beside a police tape emblazoned Reggies.

"Ah shit... soon I'm gonna have to clear that place out and rent it... I hope homicide sells." I rolled my eyes.

"Well you know... I can always help out whenever you need it, and uh, you- you could come in for a drink? I mean, if you wanted?" He asked slowly, as if he wasn't too sure about asking.

"What, you and Jane got an extra needle to spare tonight? I'm good, thanks Kurt Cobain." I shook my head in disgust.

"It was a one time thing alright? She offered me it one night over the wall and I don't know it was a moment of weakness I assumed you were into it considering you two were pretty close... " he shrugged.

"Heroin.. what a way to a girls heart..." I rolled my eyes.


"She was two years clean Jesse. Two years. You didn't think to stop her?"

"That chick was gonna shoot up either way, you and I both know that." I realised he was probably right, and let out a long sigh.

"I don't want to be a junkie anymore. I haven't touched it since- since-" I paused and held a hand to my head, we both knew exactly when.

"Mila, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen you know that-"

"And I know that if we hadn't have stopped there something worse would have happened. Christ, when I saw you I was surprised you were still alive. Your a liability, Jesse. You've been back a week and I've already been stuck in the middle of the desert and had to jump a meth making machine with sponges!" I cried as a smirk started to form on his lips.

"Why are you laughing you asshole?"

"You always said you liked dangerous boys..." Jesse raised his eyebrow and I scoffed.

"Yeah Brad Pitt in Mr and Mrs Smith not freaking mini me!" I gestured to his small stature.

"Ouch!" He held his chest, mocking pain as I tried my best to hold back the urge to laugh. He'd always managed to cheer me up in any situation, one of the reasons I lov- no, Mila, shut up.

"I've missed you, Mila. I have. There's never been anyone else." Jesse's eyes were sad, he looked like a kicked puppy. My heart ached.

"Get me my 20 grand. I need a new car. Goodnight, Jesse." I said coldly, grabbing my purse and climbing out of the vehicle and towards my own house, shimmying under the police tape and onto the porch. Shaking myself off, I glanced behind me to see Jesse had already gone inside. A soft mew made me jump slightly as I looked down to see Salem rubbing around my legs.

"Hey buddy! Did Auntie Jane feed you huh? Hmm.. she's bitch Jane from now on got it? No more trekking to the other side. It's the traitor side!" I kissed his fluffy head and reached to unlock the door before I realised it was already open. I had locked it- right? Stepping inside cautiously, I flicked on the light- looking around until I realised. Where the hell had my TV gone.

"Oh for fuc-" I began before looking down at Danny's key on the table. He'd obviously been back whilst I was gone and had a little spree to really leave his mark.

"Some bodyguard you are." I glared at Salem, who waved his tail and blinked innocently before I dumped my bag and coat down and began to look through the house. His smoothie maker and CD collection had been taken too- but apart from that nothing too major like the fridge or the bathroom sink. Where the hell had Jane been? I mean, we weren't on great terms but if I'd seen her ex raiding her house I would have opened a can of whoop ass nonetheless. Opening the bedroom door I cried out as my foot landed in the pile of smashed glass that still hadn't been cleaned up.

"ARGH!' I squealed, holding my foot in pain.

"OW OW FUCKITY OW-" hopping to the kitchen I pulled out the first aid kit and bent my foot onto the sink, running it under the water as I winced in pain. Grabbing the tweezers I'd left in there from a grand splinter incident not too long ago, I started working on pulling the shards from my foot and dropping them into the sink with a soft 'plink'. The first weren't too bad as they weren't lodged in too deep, but I nearly gagged when I saw the huge shard sticking out from the ball of my foot.

"Alright..." grabbing a nearby wooden spoon, I wrapped a dish towel around it and placed it in my mouth- biting down. Mentally counting to three, I clenched my teeth and shrieked as I slowly drew it out, my head feeling faint as blood ran down the drain and white hot pain burned at my foot. Pressing the towel to the wound, I searched for some sort of wrap I could use. It was all gone, Danny had used the last of it when he sent his hand through the window when he had lost a big bet.

"Oh god..." I groaned. I was 100% positive this week couldn't get any worse. Tying a knot in the towel, I swung my foot down- it was still damn painful, but it wasn't enough for stitches and I could just about walk on it, I'd have to swallow my pride and ask for some from Jesse. Hobbling through into the kitchen, I shut the bedroom door with yet again my cats' best interests at heart as I reached my front door. Stopping, I noticed through the window that Jesse was hopping over the fence and into Jane's garden where she greeted him with open arms. The back of my eyes burned, almost as though I was fighting off tears. Why was I so jealous? I didn't want anything else to do with him- did I? No. They were junkies. I'd bleed out before I'd get any help from either of them.


Ooh! Milas jealous 😉 Just saying the opening song is perfect for Milas attitudes to Jane. Don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote! ~ Cat.

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