Chapter 7

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'If terror falls upon your bed, and sleep no longer comes, remember the words I said and be still, be still.' - The Fray, Be Still

"So you just... Found him there..." the young police officer looked unsure, his pen poised at his paper.

"Yeah I- I had no idea.." I shook my head and ran a jittery hand through my hair, pulling the blanket tighter around me- Open ambulances weren't warm.

"We found this..." another guy strolled from Reggie's house, holding up a small packet containing a blue substance- I'd know it anywhere. Crystal Methamphetamine.

"Agent Schrader." he held up his badge and tucked it away before I got a good glimpse, "Do you have any idea where Mr Foreacre could have obtained this class of drug?"

"I don't even know what that is." I lied, with one ex addict and two ex manufacturers living about ten feet away from him in any direction I had to attempt to play as dumb as I could.

"Crystal Meth. This is serious stuff, the people in cartels have a habit of executing like this, did you have any idea he was taking drugs?" he crossed his large arms over his burly chest.

"You think this was a cartel?!-"

"Answer the question, Miss Dean."

"Oh, no- I'm sorry... He always seemed like such a normal guy.. A little messy of course but he was never an issue this is really out of character-" my voice shook from nerves as I spoke.

"Well if you have any idea, then call this number here and ask for Hank." he handed me a small card emblazoned with 'DEA'.

"Thank you, Agent." I smiled weakly as he nodded sternly before walking away.

"Hey- How you holding up?" a voice came from behind me, as I turned to see Jesse, hands in his pockets.

"I'm not." I shrugged, before feeling hot tears begin to burn, all I could think of was the empty sockets in Reggie's head, the fact that I'd been living next to it for days on end, I couldn't even help him.

"Hey- no more tears- come here.." he wrapped his arm around me tightly, rubbing my shoulder as I blubbered violently, my breath catching every time I opened my mouth- it was the sort of ugly crying you had no control over that made you jolt and choke.

"Hey Mila?"


"Why are you blue?" he whispered as I let out a light laugh, wiping at my eyes.

"An infant with terrible balance and a slushy." I chuckled.

"Well I think it suits you. Ya kinda look like a cute smurf-"

"Mila?" he was cut off as Jane appeared. My chest felt hot and my head ached - he thought I would make a cute smurf.

"Oh my god are you okay?" she took me in her arms, enshrouding me with her usual smell of spicy perfume and cigarettes.

"I'll be okay..." I nodded- "Hey and thanks for fixing my car handle-" I pointed out.

"Oh I didn't-" Jane began.

"Guilty as charged..." Jesse waved his hand awkwardly.

"That's really sweet Jesse-" Jane began before Agent Schrader tapped her on the shoulder in anticipation to be excused.

As she disappeared, I breathed out loudly and hung my head- folding my arms as there was a few minutes silence.

"You don't have to hold it together every single day of your life you know..." Jesse began.

"Oh but I do." I lowered my head, before Jane quickly returned.

"48 months clean and they still have me under suspicion for possession." she threw her arms in the air and shook her head,

"Anyway- your house is gonna be blocked off until tomorrow so what do you say we order a couple pizzas and you crash at mine?" Jane suggested.

"I'm down for that." Jesse grinned.

I nodded. Maybe it was just what I needed.

Sorry this update is so short it's more of a filler chapter. Hope your enjoying, votes and comments always appreciated! ~Cat.

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