Chapter 18

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'You know I got a grenade and it's got your name on it ima spit on your grave and draw a dick on it.' - Hollywood Undead, Dead Bite.

After spending about 20 minutes contemplating whether the robbery of a dead man's TV would send me to hell or not, I had finally started to paint Reggie's living room. The forensics or whoevers job it was had scrubbed the blood off the floor and walls, but Reggie wasn't the cleanest, and it needed a good lick of paint long before his death. The carpets and curtains stunk of marujuana and there were countless cigarettes holes in the arm of the sagging leather couch. Much like the supermarket, painting walls were also of great difficulty to me regarding my height. But, to stem the general overall eerieness of the place and my disgust towards my unfortunate genetics- I blared the radio as loudly as I could, and not to mention it would piss Jesse and Jane off. Jesse hated Green Day.

"Waaaake me up when September eeeendsss!" I wailed, dancing back and forth, waving my paintbrush in the air and completely oblivious to the fact I was giving my newly adopted TV a beautiful baby blue speckle effect. Shaking my little ass soon got tiring, and I decided to sit down for a well earned break. Virtually none of the painting was done- but who needed new tenants when your cardio was flawless? Turning off the radio, I reached for my bottle of coors before a loud yelling from across the road suddenly sounded. Standing next to the window, I peeped out of the curtains nosily- to see Mr White stood at Jane's door, Jesse behind her.

"Your not seeing straight Jesse- Your making a mistake!" I heard Mr White yell as Jane snatched a large leather bag from his hand and slammed the door.

Frowning in confusion, I ran out of the front door and over to Mr White.

"What's going on? What did you give Jane-" I exclaimed.

"Your not getting a whiff of that money." He shook his head and brushed past me, rubbing his chin as he climbed into a car and slammed the door behind him, squealing off.

"Money..." I whispered, before turning to Jane's house. Why the hell did she have my money. Why did THEY have my money. Running over to the door, hopping and swearing every so often on my bandaged foot, I smacked my fists into the door.

"HEY! JANE! JESSE! OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR-" smacking my good foot into the hardwood with a thump, there was no reply.

"LET ME IN!" my voice cracked as I yelled. Slamming my hand into the door one last time, I fumbled around in my pocket for my set of keys I'd kept on me whilst I was in Reggie's, I'd always had a key for hers. Sliding it into the door, I cursed as it jammed. She had a trick of keeping the key in the back of the door when she was shooting up so no one even with a key could disturb her. Wait... could that mean...

If they were both on a bender I could crawl in through the back and they wouldnt even know I'd been and taken the money.

Lowering myself down, I ran around the side of the house and around to the back window. Standing on my tip toes I could just see into the back room which Jane had made her bedroom. Jesse and Jane were lying on her bed- thankfully fully clothed and comatose, both placed carefully on their side, Jane had a black belt still around her forearm. Perfect. Pushing my palms against the window, I swore as I realised it was also locked.

The bathroom window.

It had been jammed open ever since Jane moved in and she'd never managed to close it. Running around to the bathroom side, I laughed in delight as I saw it wedged open. Slithering over the low wall, I grabbed one of the deck chairs in which we'd spent many nights smoking and drinking on, and placed it under the window as I pulled it open further. Placing my foot on the window ledge, I boosted myself up and shoved my head through the window. Reaching one arm through, I balanced both hands on the ledge and cursed as my bottom end got wedged and made a mental note to stop buying the Reeses pieces share bags. Grabbing the head of the toilet, I heaved my torso through as my legs dropped behind me and I landed with a loud thump on the tiled floor, not quite high enough to hurt myself but more than enough to let anyone know there was someone else in the house. Freezing, I clenched my jaw and slowly got to my feet, edging my way out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed me and my heart nearly stopped, "WHAT THE F-" I hissed as Mr White placed a hand over my mouth.

"How did you get in?" I squinted, as he pointed to the cardboard box covering the smashed backdoor.

"Oh... yeah..." he rolled his eyes and shook his head as I gestured to the open bathroom window.

"Look- what's going on?"

"She's blackmailed Jesse. Then she blackmailed me. She wants to take all the money for herself she told me on the phone... she's going to leave tomorrow and not tell Jesse." He hissed.

"So why are you here..." I whispered.

"Why are you here?"

"I need that money Mr White.." I hung my head.

"We'll get it Mila... come on..." leading me into the bedroom, I watched as Mr White stopped and picked up a stray needle that sat on the side next to a disjointed candle. Looking back to me, he held it up and I sighed.

"Jesse... hey, Jesse you gotta wake up... Jesse come on.." Mr White whispered, shaking his arm as I glanced around the pigsty of a house.

"Jesse! Wake up!" He said, sterner now as Jane slumped onto her back.

"Jess-" he began as Jane suddenly began convulsing and choking.

"Oh my god-" holding my hand over my mouth, we watched as vomit sprayed violently from her mouth, choking and coughing in her sleep.

"We have to help her-" I began but neither of us moved forward. We both knew. We both needed the money.

The choking continued. More vomit emerged as her eyes slightly opened and I was terrified for a second she'd seen me and it was all a set up. With one last breath, her body went stiff. Jane was dead, and neither of us even bothered to help her.


Just a side note, in this fanfiction Jesse isn't in love with Jane and there isn't a sexual relationship- she is using him for money and he is using her for Heroin. But of course Mila thinks otherwise. Just don't wanna confuse you all. Hope your enjoying, don't forget to vote and comment! ~ Cat.

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