Chapter 36

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Pulling up outside Los Pollos was like deja vu. Clutching my folded uniform, I rested my head in my hands and took a breath before stepping out of the car. Hobbling forwards, I glanced around. It was pitch black outside and there were only a few cars in the lot- it would be closing time soon and they were probably getting ready to go home. The looks I got when I walked through the front door you'd have thought a bomb was strapped to my chest.

Placing my uniform on the counter, I looked around.

"Gus." I glared at Cynthia, who folded her arms and raised her eyebrows.

"Where the hell have you been?" she hissed, "Who do you think you are just walking back in here-"

"Another word, and your ugly ass, stupid ass, NOSY ass, old ass is going into the deep fat fryer." I squinted my eyes as she tried to save face.

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"You." grabbing hold of the back of her head,  I slammed it hard into the counter, before bringing her back up with a spray of blood. Clutching at the cut in her forehead, she cried out as I kept hold of her head.

"Now I think I asked you something. Where is Gus." I hissed into her ear as she pointed to the office.

"Good." letting her go, I shoved past a few of the teen employees, that never did anything but stare at my chest or ask how to put 'medium fries' through the register.

Reaching for the handle, I stopped myself before knocking on the door.

"Come in." a voice echoed as I entered to see Fring at his desk, flipping through some pages before him.

"Hi Gus... this a bad time?" I said nervously as he shook his head without looking up, gesturing his hand to the seat across from him.

"How are you Mila." placing the papers in a filing cabinet next to him, he folded his hands before him, looking at me intently.

"I'm... fine. Hoping you filled up the first aid kit." I nodded behind me as he let out a chuckle.

"Dont worry about her." he crooked his head towards the security camera screens next to him, "She'll be fine. Had it coming."

I laughed awkwardly, before looking around the office. It was amazing how well this guy had just hid his whole secret career- the room couldnt look more boring or normal.

"I'm assuming that this isnt just to hand in your resignation."

"No..." I shook my head, before nervously looking at him, eyes boring into me intently.

"Then what are you proposing." he adjusted his shirt sleeves with a small sniff.

"I think that Hank Schrader knows something. Something about you and Jesse and Mr White. He came to Jesse and he hurt him really, really bad." his expression didnt change as I spoke.

"Hank Schrader, the DEA officer?"


"I see..." he nodded slowly.

"I thought I owed it you after... you know.." I gestured to my face as he shot a small smile.

"You are a smart girl arent you? You didnt bring the uniform because you cared about this establishment. You brought it so everyone out there just thought you were resigning. You brought it as a statement. So they would immediately assume what we were talking about in here."

"Uh-" I guess I did think it through.

"I like people like you. You're smart, you're patient-"

"I just concussed your supervisor-"

"After years and years of harassment and bullying from her." he pointed out.

"Look I'm not interested in praise, I'm not interested if you like me or not. I'm forever thankful I am.. I really am. I'd be dead right now without you, but this time I dont think it's just me thats involved..." I swallowed as he stayed silent, listening intently.

"Where is this going, Mila."

"He could ruin my life, he could find out about Danny, he could find out about Jesse, he could find out all about you and Mr White..." I clenched my jaw, I wouldnt look intimidated or nervous.

"Go on..." he smiled darkly.

"I think... no, I'm asking. If you put a hit out on Hank Schrader."


"See... told ya you'd be out soon. I was quicker though and had more damage so that makes me the superior one." I stuffed a few belongings into Jesse's bag as he struggled to pull on his jeans.

"You weren't quicker you were in like a day longer than I was."

"Yeah but you just got a fucked up face I got my ribs and my foot. It's basic math." I teased, catching him roll his eyes as he buckled up his belt.

"Skinny will be here soon so shake your ass."

"I'm trying, bitch..." Jesse grumbled, attempting to find the head hole of his shirt.

"Here..." I sighed, holding it open for him as he slid it on after a string of grunts and whines.

"There ya go."

"Thanks..." he smiled, my hands staying on his shoulders. Ducking my head lower, I rested my forehead against his as he snaked his arms around my waist.



"Mr Pinkman?" a male nurse appeared, wheelchair before him.

"No way." he rolled his eyes as I let out a cackle.

"That's awesome!" I continued to giggle as Jesse slumped into the chair with an exasperated grunt.

"Would you do the honours?" the guy asked, holding his hands out to the chair.

"Like shit I will, I only just got out of here. I aint no pack mule." dumping the bag on Jesse's lap, I gestured the same way the guy did much to his dismay.

"Oh, um.." nodding awkwardly, he began to push the wheelchair through the hospital, staying at a slow pace so I could keep up with them.

"Would you like some crutches, Miss?"

"No I would not." I exclaimed through gritted teeth.

Coming to the front of the hospital, the nurse set Jesse still at the pick up bay. Pulling a pack from his pocket, Jesse placed a cigarette in his mouth and silently handed me one.

"Oh, guys if you would like to smoke you're going to have to be at least more 20 more feet away from the door." the nurse held out his hands as Jesse and I glared at him simultaneously.

"Then roll me further, bitch."

Looking between us a second time nervously, the guy took probably the wisest choice of walking away silently.

"God I hate these places." I sighed between drags.

"You and be both..."

"Ooooh my god. It's Grey's damn Anatomy." I nodded to a speeding ambulance that sped towards the entrance, two doctors running out to meet the paramedics.

"Wonder what happened?" Jesse craned his neck to see, eyes wide with curiosity and excitement.

Shaking my head, I strolled a little further, nearly choking on my cigarette as I saw Hank Schrader being pulled out on a stretcher, covered in blood and seemingly unresponsive. They swarmed him frantically, wheeling him into the building. Taking another shaky drag, I looked to Jesse who was wearing a shit-eating grin.

"That who I thought it was?"

"Uh... I think so... yeah." I nodded quietly.

"Let's hope the asshole walks to the light." he chuckled, raising his arm as Skinny Pete pulled up.


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