Chapter 30

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I don't know how long the van had drove, but it had been stationery for a few hours now. I heard the doors slam closed and maybe a shutter? The guys were clever, there wasn't a thing left in the back, not even a nickel. It irritated me that bitches in horror films got whole ass tool bags and I only got oxygen to work with.

I was in pain too. So much goddamn pain. I had gotten into my fair share of fights in my lifetimes, at school, out drinking so the aching fists didn't concern me too much. But I'd never taken two men on at a time. I still had all my teeth and they were intact luckily- the bitch didnt sucker punch me hard enough for that one. But my jaw ached, my nose stung so much that my eyes hadn't stopped pouring and I couldn't touch it without crying out in pain. I couldn't see in the dark, but the back of my head was wet and the metallic smell of blood was making my stomach churn. There was my legs too, they were dinged up but probably not anything too serious beyond the aesthetics. One of the brutes had stepped on my foot and due to the lack of movement I was pretty convinced a couple of toes were broken.

The possibilities that swarmed my mind. What was this? Who was this? I didn't know what was worse, the time creeping forward in the boiling van or the fact that I had absolutely no idea what I was up against. A SAW trap was at the fore front, horrifyingly.

I winced as I wiped the sweat from my forehead, knocking my nose accidentally- now I knew why you didn't leave dogs in cars.

I jumped as I heard a muffled bang and some voices, clenching my fists, I rose to my feet, arms forward.

"She's gonna jump as soon as we open the door so hold it there-" I vaguely heard someone say as the door swung open, to see the same men, one pointing a gun and the other holding a roll of duct tape.

"You're gonna be quiet, or we're going to shoot you in the face." lowering my arms, my eyes flicked between the two, I was struggling again adjusting to the sudden light. What I could make out, we were in some sort of garage with a couple caged windows on the shutter doors, other than that- just concrete.

"Lie down." the same one spoke, as I watched the other, whose hand was trembling on the gun. Whoever he was, he wasn't experienced. That meant by me trying to escape, he'd either completely miss and get lucky, or shoot me blindly and probably let me bleed out.

"What are you gonna do to me? What do you want?" I lay down slowly as my feet were grabbed and roughly bound with the tape.

"No questions. Give me your wrists."

Holding them out, he tied them up as I peered at the balaclava, trying with all my might to recognise the perpetrator, but I got found blank.

"Now, think you can close that pretty little mouth for me?"

"Suck my dick." I spat as the last piece of tape was roughly placed over my lips.

"Stay still. We're going for a ride." Slamming the doors for a second time, I was enshrouded in darkness again.

Not like I have much option to move, genius.


Panicking, I tried to slow my breathing through my aching nose as I closed my eyes. Best case scenario: ransom. Jesse had money, he would help me. Of course he would. Wouldn't he? But where the fuck was he? I heard him, did he chase us? Did they hurt him? Is he coming after me? My head was spinning so fast, man.

Was it someone to do with Jane? Had they found out? Surely Mr White wouldn't tell anybody about that without somehow damaging himself. I did have two dead tenants, maybe Reggie got involved with some guys and they needed the money, but why go for his landlord?

Gus Fring? He didn't seem like the kidnap a girl for ransom type, but he sure as shit didn't seem like a drug king either. Could my involvement with Jesse and Los Pollos got out and somehow that pissed somebody off? Surely not.

The drive went on for what felt like hours, my throat burned with thirst and I was surprised that the sweat pouring off me hadn't loosened the tape. I saw too many movies and documentaries to know how this will end. Or, give me extremely far fetched and gruesome ideas.

Images of me on a table, white as a sheet with a blue mouth as my parents and sister stood over me. That's if they found me of course, they'd probably inject me with stuff to keep me compliant and addicted. The idea of being stuck in a meat grinder suddenly didn't seem too bad after all.

"Pull up man, we're here."


Who do you all think it is? Leave your ideas in the comments below- how is she gonna get out of this one? Hope you're all still enjoying dolls!


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