Chapter 26

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"Remember when you dropped the nut on that chick because she hit on me?" Jesse smiled as I rolled over under the thin duvet.

"She didn't come near you again."

"Because we weren't allowed in the bar again?" Jesse laughed, placing his hands behind his head.

"Yeah well..." I shrugged, rubbing my forehead at the memory.

"You were one... crazy bitch." He chuckled fondly, "It's why we worked."

"Hmm..." I sighed, eyes fixated on the tattoo across his chest.

"I don't know anyone else who would go along with it..." he shrugged.

"Yeah." Sitting up, I pulled the duvet around my bare torso as he ran a hand down my spine, making me shiver.

"You are. The beautifulest girl I've ever met." He whispered, tracing lines on my back.

"There's never been anyone else."

"Beautifulest isn't a word Jess." I laughed lightly, turning to him.

"There ain't no word to describe you girl. You're perfect."

"Putty in my goddamn hands. You always were." I imagined how mortified Jesse would have been if his friends were listening to this conversation.

"Finest piece of ass in the whole ABQ then how that sound?" He quipped as I let out an involuntary cackle.

"Much better."

"Is it-" I stopped to clear my throat, "Is it better I don't know how you got this house? How... you and Mr White are cooking meth in an RV in the desert? To just wait for you to come home every night with a gun under the pillow again?"

"It's better for you to know. It's easier that you didn't."

"Easy is one thing we aren't." I turned to him.



"Krazy 8 huh. I thought that guy would never die." I didn't exactly have fond memories of the him, but my ex science teacher murdering him with a bike lock probably wasn't the nicest way to go.

"Mr White kept him alive for days. He'd cut the crusts off his sandwiches." Jesse scoffed.

"You're being kinda... cool about all of this." Jesse said in confusion.

"I uh..." I thought back to Jane, covered in vomit looking up at Mr White and I.

If I didn't tell him, it would eat me up until I couldn't take it anymore. With everything out on the table....

"You aren't the only one with blood on your hands Jess."


"You heard me..." I whispered.

"I heard you but I don't... I don't understand M. Blood on your hands? Whose blood?"

"I was there that night." I rubbed the space between my eyes.

"What night?"

"The night you and Jane shot up and she died. I was there." I forced out the words, feeling my skin go cold.

"You were there... what? Why?"

"I thought you were sleeping together and I don't know I was jealous. I came through the back window and..." I chewed my lip anxiously.

"And what Mila." Jesse sat up.

"I came into the room. She started coughing, convulsing. I don't know. I didn't know what to do I panicked. I could have turned her over and I chose not to."

"You chose? You CHOSE?" Jesse bounced up from the air bed, angrily kicking off the duvet and pulling on his jeans.

"I didn't know what to do!"


"You've seemed pretty fine about it up until this point." I rolled my eyes and scowled.

"THIS. This is what it does to a person Mila god-" he pulled up his sleeve to reveal a litter of track marks.

"Oh fuck off Jesse. You were doing that shit long before she died you can put the death on me but don't put the fact you'll always just be a junkie skaghead on me too." I shot back, picking up my clothes.

"A lot different when the needle was hanging out of your arm, whore."

"FOUR years ago at least I grew up." pulling on my jeans and yanking my shirt over my head I began to lace up my shoes angrily.

"Oh whatever just run back to your asshole boyfriend. Happy wherever you can bounce on a cock right? That's what really makes you feel at home." He spat, his brow in a furious furrow.

"Suck my dick, Jesse."

"May aswell return the favour huh?"

"Asshole." I grumbled, storming out of the house, bag in hand.

"Don't even THINK about coming back here bitch!"

"Oh how I'd EVER live without Pinkman manor you goddamn moron."  I shielded my eyes from the sun as I saw a car creeping up the road.

"Jess-" I started walking backwards.

"I said get the hell off my-" he cut himself off as his eyes latched onto the car.

"Is that them?" His voice softened, grabbing my arm and yanking me roughly behind him and back into the house.

"That's them."

"Get upstairs now. Go." He urged as I sprinted up the staircase, slamming the door on another completely derelict room, crouching to look out of the window.

"YO!" I heard Jesse yell, walking to the end of the driveway.

"YOU LISTENING TO ME HUH?" Waving his arm in the air, he held a handgun.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE MAN OR ITS GONNA BE CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG BITCH!" He yelled, as the car took a sharp u-turn and screeched off down the road.

"Yeah you better fuck off!" He cried, before running back into the house and slamming the door.

Ahhh so many emotions in this chapter! Sorry for sorta missing out the romance part, there'll be more to come :) Please let me know if you're still enjoying!

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