Chapter 8

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'We're gonna have a good time tonight, rock and roll music gonna play all night. Come on baby it won't take long, it'll only take a minute just to sing my song.' - INXS, Good Times.

This is so good..." I breathed out and smiled as I dug into the delicious pizza. Chicken, thick cheese and sweetcorn on top of barbeque sauce. It was absolute perfection.

"Aren't you cheating on Los Pollos eating this?" Jane pondered.

"Full. Blown. Affair."

"See, this is nice!" Jesse swigged back a large gulp of beer as I glanced around the small circle table to my two neighbours.

"Just what I needed, definitely!" Jane grinned, nodding and chewing as her eyes rolled back in ecstasy, "This should be illegal" as she spoke, the room fell silent- Jesse flashing her a wide smile.

"I'll be right back-" popping her half eaten pizza slice down onto the plate before her, she stood up and sauntered into the bedroom.

"So what's the deal Jesse? Have you told her about us?" I lowered my voice, he was being ridiculously sweet to both of us.

"No- and I think it might be better if we keep it that way-"

"Why? Oh so your planning a rematch of getting in her pants and emotionally involved before you tell her you're a Meth dealer?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Look- we're going to have to negotiate a fake truce okay it's for the best of us and I don't want your shitty attitude screwing it up." he pointed as I glared.

"Don't stare at me with those judgy little eyes of yours I'm the peace keeper here!" he held up his hands.

"You're the biggest dipshit here." I corrected as he rolled his eyes.

"She's smart, she'll figure everything out and you know that. That's why you want someone you know you can fall back on and lie for you." I exclaimed.

"Whatever. You think I'm an ass whatever I say." Jesse shrugged.

"Did it ever occur to you that people think your an ass because YOU ARE an ass?!"

"Look I don't know what your problem is Mila, I try to make amends with you, I fix your damn car handle which cost a bitch-"

"Materialism, Jesse. I appreciate it I do, but I know exactly what your intentions are here and regarding me- They aren't gonna work buddy. But for Jane- that is also MY business and I won't let you screw her life up the way you screwed mine up."

"Your just damn jealous-"

"JEALOUS?!" I yelled.


"Maybe because I didn't want to get a phonecall from the police at 4am saying they found you dead in an alleyway- then EXCUSE ME for being a concerned girlfriend which is a hell of a lot more than you ever were!" I ranted, keeping my voice low as Jesse did.

"LISTEN UP, BITCH-" Jesse cut himself off as he looked to the bedroom doorway where Jane stood, a small plastic bag in one hand and three syringes in the other.

Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I've been hella busy with coursework but expect more regular updates because I'm in the car for four hours on Friday travelling to Wembley to see All Time Low *shrieks* so I'll have time to write then. Hope your enjoying, vote and comment! ~ Cat.

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