Chapter 38

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I pulled up to Jesse's to see the porch light still on and the car parked in the driveway. Glancing to the chicken box, I grunted and shoved it in the glove compartment. I didn't need any more questions and he didnt need to know my conversation with Gus about Hank. Grabbing my bag, I reached under the doormat for the spare key and let myself in quietly. Jesse was fast asleep on the couch, TV still buzzing on low with Salem rubbing around belly upward next to him, paws against his leg.

My little family.

Smiling, I tossed a stray blanket over his knees and knocked the tv off, ready to retire to bed myself. Seeing Hank's family had frankly made me lose my appetite and the dull ache from all of my injuries was too intense for me to stand for too long.

"Come on, bud." I whispered, patting my leg as he Salem out a whiny meow before resting his head on Jesse's knee.

"Daddy's girl hm? Well kiss your treat privileges away you furry little asshole." I grumbled, hobbling up the stairs and to my room.

After a shower and a flick through the tv channels, I fell into a restful sleep.


"Fuck sake..." I sighed, opening my eyes to see a pair of green ones looking back down at me, his paws rested on my collarbones.

"Morning..." I smiled, running my hand over his head, "You're my baby now you want fed, right?"


"Take that as a yeah..." as I sat up, I looked at the clock which read 9.38am. I suddenly felt a hot flush, my mouth filling up with saliva and my stomach churn.

"Ugh..." I burped, holding a hand over my mouth before a hot feeling rose in my throat.

"Oh god..." jumping out of bed, I almost launched Salem across the room, missing him narrowly as I stumbled down the hall and to the bathroom, collapsing to my knees at the toilet bowl. A good few minutes and a hell of a lot of vomit after, I held my head and closed the seat, plonking myself down.

"What the hell was that..." I shuddered, the feeling had already passed, and apart from the small ache in my ribs and the gross taste in my mouth- I felt fine again.

Weird. Scrubbing my teeth quickly, I rooted through the medicine cabinet to find a can of shaving foam, an empty bottle of deodorant and a spare tooth paste. Any pills in this house wasn't likely to be of the legal variety.

"Come on then fatty." swiping Salem who had followed me into the bathroom up into my arms, I plodded downstairs and was surprised to have a sweet, cooking smell meet me instead of weed and tobacco.

"Jess?" I called, peeping my head into the kitchen to see him at the stove with a pan.

Had pigs grown wings?

"What the motherfuck, should I take a picture? Jesse Pinkman is... cooking?!" I gasped, as he turned with a roll of the eyes. Digging out some food for Salem, I popped it into a bowl and craned my neck to see what Jesse was making.


"You got it, bitch. Hope you're hungry." Plonking myself down at the breakfast bar, I watched him in amazement.

"You not at work today?"

"I'm going in a little later. Something to do with distillation times or some science shit... no point being there till its finished." he shrugged, sliding some pancakes onto a plate and placing them in front of me.

"Thank you!" I grinned brightly.

"Yeah well, if I remember just before I got my ass beat you were gonna cook so it's your turn next." he winked.

"That's okay with me..." pouring over some syrup, is when he started to rant.

"Yo, so I spoke to Goodman yesterday, the lawyer right? He wants me to open up a nail salon. Something about taxes and laundering my money right. I don't know. And Fring? You dont even wanna know how much money he's cheapin me out of. He's making upward of... what, I dont know... seventy million? And here I am his bitch getting a cut of like, 3?" he rambled, shaking his head and puffing a cigarette as he spoke.

"These pancakes are really good!"

"Yo are you even listening to what I'm saying?"

"I'm listening, I just thought I'd let you know."

"Well long story short..." he turned to grab the syrup for his own pancakes now, "I'm gonna start slinging again."

"What? Really? How you gonna manage that? I thought that plan was out the window?" I frowned.

"He's cheapin' me, I'll cheap him."

"Jesse, I dont think Gus is the kinda guy to really let things like that slide. This isn't shitty little dealers from down the street no more this is... big. You got a whole damn lab you aren't cooking in a kitchen anymore." after seeing what Gus was capable of, the thought of him up against Jesse made me do nothing but shudder.

"Thats because he isnt gonna know what I'm doing."

"How are you gonna hide the fact you're stealing his product?" I frowned, watching as he shovelled pancake after pancake in. 

"Whenever I weigh it, knock off a couple of grams. Only ever enough that its like lost inventory like... spillage and shit." He explained, I really didnt want him to sell me on the plan- but with the amount of money he had rolling in I couldnt hide my curiosity.

"So, how much have you managed to take so far?"

Digging around in his pocket, he slid over a small bag of blue crystals.

"Wow. So that's why they call it blue." holding it up to the light, I nodded impressively.

"Purest crystal on the market."

"Well... a couple years ago I'd ask for a bash but uh, we could do without that right now." I laughed, sliding it back to him.

"It's just for a little extra on the side. What I deserve." he shrugged.

"So, these pancakes were buttering me up to deal for you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What? Shit, no Mila. Badger and Skinny Pete will be doing the deals. Don't worry about that shit."

"Jess, I'm going crazy in this house, I'm waiting for the removal companies to clear out Jane's and Reggie's so I can start having viewing's for new tenants. I'm too beat up to go and get a job, let me do a few deals whilst you're at work?" I whined.

"No. Sorry M. I wish I could say yeah but we remember what happened the last time." he glanced at his pinging phone and grunted.

"I gotta go... but Skinny and Badg will be here to pick up the blue in a couple hours so could you give it em?"

"Sure..." I smiled.


Cute domestic stuff from Mila and Jesse. Thank you for all of the recent support with the likes, it means the world.


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