Chapter 20

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'A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert but I'm holding you closer than most, because you are my heaven.' - Ron Pope, A Drop in the Ocean

"Jesse... don't..." I shook my head, slipping his hands away.

"Why?" He breathed into my neck, his hands lacing across my stomach slowly.

"Jane just died..."

"So?" He grunted- burying his head deeper into my hair.

"Jesse, get off." I ordered sternly, but this only encouraged him to grab me harder.

"Jess-" I turned around, facing his eyes that were glazed over just the way I remembered so sorely.

"The last time someone looked at me like that I got laid." I grinned lightly.

"If that's what-" he began as there was a loud bang on the door.

"Aw shit fuck. We're gonna get arrested. We're getting fucking arrested." I smacked my hands on my forehead as Jesse grabbed my arm.

"Get off me. Your like a horny leprechaun! Christ!" I shoved him away.

"Agent Schrader. DEA. Open the door." A grumble came from outside as Jesse's face fell.

"Shit- yo- bitch, I'm out! Holla!" He stumbled away and unto the back where I heard a little fumble and crash of him presumably breaking my bathroom window.


What a dickhead.

"DEA OPEN THE DOOR." Schrader repeated, as I straightened my hair with my hands and glanced at my reflection- hmm... Swiping off my bra from under my vest (no one could ever say I wasn't skillful) I nodded with a grin. No one could say no to these nips.

"Agent Schrader... Nice to see you again!" I smiled, "Is this about Reggie?"

"No, we currently have nothing else on Reginald but uh..." I opened the door slightly more and rested my hand on the frame as his eyes flew downwards to my chest.

"I uh... it's your neighbour. Jane Margolis. She's, I'm afraid she's passed." Yet again, it didn't take a lot of me to act shocked.

"H-how?" I stammered.

"She... choked on her own vomit. She was under the influence of heroin." He said gravely.

"Well I uh... how would that happen?" I replied shakily- if it was under suspicion that someone put her on her back, mine and Mr White's fingerprints were all over the house...

"It's pretty common, they roll onto their back and well... yeah. You were close with Miss Margolis?" He leant on the door above me, his breath smelled like caramel.

"Dunkin Donuts?" I whispered enviously.



"I just wanted to ask you a couple questions, about Miss Margolis, what she was like, who she hung around with-" he began as I held my hand up.

"She smoked probably more than Lemmy, fed my fuckin' cat curried beef once which was gross I can tell you right now and the only person she hung about with was me and-" I stopped myself in my tracks.



"Miss Dean, this is an investigation. Someone is dead. You give me accurate information, we get along just fine. You give me false information, we'll be taking a little trip downtown and trust me baby.. a little slice like you won't last two minutes behind bars." His eyes were dark, and if I was a weak bitch I'd be intimidated.

"Her Dad. She said she spoke to her Dad a lot. I don't think he'd want to associate himself with a daughter who'd died due to heroin, honestly." God I was a good liar. I knew I should have taken politics in high school.

"Right. Well- I'll leave you my number. Call me if you hear anything, see anything. There's too many deaths round these parts for this to be coincidence." He held out a small card to me as I plucked it from his meaty grasp.

"I'll treasure it with my heart." I rolled my eyes sarcastically- before realising I should be acting sad, instantly turning on the puppy eyes yet again.

"Good afternoon, Miss Dean." He nodded as I smiled sadly, closing my door behind me- it was official, I deserved an Oscar.

Sitting down slowly, I chewed at my nail. I was off the hook. My friend was dead, but I had 20 grand.

"Maybe I should pay for the funeral..." I whispered under my breath before glancing to the empty space where my TV was supposed to be.

"Or maybe I should go shopping."

"THIS one! This is beautiful- Jesse just look!" I gasped, lacing a finger over the fine pink satin of the baby stroller.

"Mila, my son isn't having pink." He shook his head with a roll of the eyes.

"It might be a girl!"

"It might be a guy!"

"Oh my god. Look at these! Look at how precious they are..." I breathed- pointing to a long row of teddy bears, all embroided with beautiful little tartan bow ties.

"Our little guy is gonna sure be spoiled..." Jesse smiled as he placed a hand on my slightly rounded tummy.

"Just like his Daddy!" I winked with a giggle.

"Just like his Daddy." He pecked me lightly on the cheek and picked up one of the teddies- "Let's get one of both huh? Fuck genocide roles yo."

"You mean gender roles?"

"That's what I said."

Glancing at the small teddy bears sat on the top of the bookshelf, I sighed with a heavy heart.


Thank you for all of your lovely comments and understanding, a lot has hit me super fast and I'm so greatful for my little family of readers for being so lovely! Updates will be coming soon, just keep reading! I hope your enjoying! ~ Cat.

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