Chapter 11

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'I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes but it's home to me and I walk alone. I walk this empty street, on the boulevard of broken dreams.' - Green Day, Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

After slipping into something more comfortable and grabbing a couple necessities, I was on the road. Jesse's instructions were vague, and didn't tell me an awful lot to be quite honest, but I knew the roads well and found it pretty hard to get lost so I was more than fairly confident.

After around an hour driving, I spotted an old sign pointing towards a service station, hopefully one that had some sort of fast food joint- I hadn't eaten all day.

Pulling over, I grunted at the run down, sad excuse of a gas station. The pumps looked like they had been there since 1930 and the store was old and virtually desolate.

"Better be open I swear to god.." I grumbled to myself, slamming the door shut and sighing loudly in exasperation.

'Kick meter to work' an shitty laminated sign read above the pump, as I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"Kick..." I muttered... Before smacking my boot as hard as I could against the old pump.

"No no no... Kick start-" a young man dressed in overalls stood over me, grabbing a pair of pliers that sat on the side and balancing them on an old knob in which I had absolutely no idea of its purpose.

"You need to be a little more specific there buddy..." I grinned, rubbing my toe.

"I uh, I guess we do, yeah!" the guy laughed lightly. He was quite handsome, with chin length dirty blonde hair and large blue eyes, he was about 5'10" and fairly stocky.

"Hm..." I nodded, sticking the pump nozzle into the car, him staying put.
"I uhm... I think I got it now..." I exclaimed, nervously eyeing him.

"Just making sure, not often you get a pretty girl passing through on her own." he smiled brightly. Damn, he was hot.

"I bet you say that to all the girls..." I blushed, I didn't look my best, my hair was in a scruffy bun and a great deal of my make up had melted off throughout the day, with all of the heat in the car and working over hot chicken and fries.

"So what's the deal? You all on your own?"

"I'm helping out a friend in need... Well, 'friend'" I rolled my eyes, removing the pump.

"Is it a guy?"

"Yeah but, not like that..." I shook my head, awkwardly making my way in the direction of the shop as he followed, "I'm kinda off guys for the time being?"

"Ah I see..." he nodded slowly as I swung open the door and was hit with cool air by an old beaten fan that sat on the desk.

Grabbing a couple waters from the fridge and some jumbo bags of chips I dropped everything on the counter, taking note of the pump I'd used- before hot mystery blonde appeared again.

"Do you do everything around here?" I smiled, digging around in my purse and handing him a couple notes.

"Oop, paying in cash, you aren't on like, a murder spree are you?" he slowly placed the money into the till, handing me a receipt.

"If I was, do you not think I'd have killed you by now?"

"Well I-" he was cut off as my phone began to ring loudly.

"Sorry.." I muttered as I swiftly clicked 'answer'.

"Yo Mila, whats the deal-"

"Jesse I set off two hours ago I'll be there as soon as I can-" I looked to the guy and rolled my eyes again, mocking the buzz of Jesse's voice silently as he chuckled in amusement.

"Okay- Phone gonna die, if I get a call from a random number- answer it." I repeated.

"Please say your bringing chow I could completely hoe out on a burger right now-"
"I'm a person Jesse, not In N Out."

"Alright no need to get such a stick up your ass... Bitch."

"I'm doing a favor, for you Jesse." I turned towards the door.

"30 GRAND BI-" the line went dead, guess his phone died sooner than expected.

"Was that your guy friend?"'

"You ask a lot of questions." tucking my phone away he shot me another crooked smile.

"I'm Seth, by the way. Just in case you pass through again."

"Mila." I waved awkwardly, mentally kicking myself as soon as I did it.

"Oh and if you ever decide your no longer 'off guys'.. Here's my number." handing me a small rag of paper I tried my best not to beam like an idiot.

"Sweet." I nodded, again- this time a mental punch to the face.

"I'll take that as a 'I'll be expecting your call?'" he raised an eyebrow.

"I do highly visually enjoy you so uh- yeah." I cringed slightly, "I'm gonna leave now."

"Bye-" he raised his hand as I rushed back to the car, sticking the keys into the ignition.

"Sweet? I visually enjoy you?! MILA." I grunted angrily under my breath.

"WAIT-" there was a yell as I wound my window down frantically.

"You forgot your bag." handing me the water and chips I sighed of relief, "Oh, thanks!"

"No problem- safe journey Mila." he winked, as I smiled and pulled away, glancing in the rearview mirror as he grew smaller and smaller.

"I would climb that like a tree." I stated.

"HAVE YOU EVER LOVED AND LOST SOMEBODY WISH THERE WAS A CHANCE TO SAY I'M SORRY CAAAAAN YOU SEEEEE THAT'S THE WAY I FEEL, ABOUT YOU AND ME BABY HAVE YOU EVER FELT YOUR HEART WAS BREAAAAKING LOOKING DOWN THE ROAD YOU SHOULD BE TAAAAKING I SHOULD KNOOOOOW, 'CAUSE I LOVED AND LOST THE DAY I LET YOOOOOU GOOOOO!" I sang at the top of my voice, I saw finding my 'S Club 7' CD in the car as an absolute blessing after about 5 hours of consecutive driving, Jesse wasn't kidding when he said they were deep in the desert.

The sky was growing dark, my eyes were drooping, phone was dying and I'd already drank two waters and ate two bags of chips. But, all I could see was 30 grand at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

The street lights had long stopped lining the dusty roads, all there was for absolutely miles was dry mountains- lurking with who the hell knows what. To be honest, all I could picture was the cast of 'The Hills Have Eyes' and if you have seen that movie, you will know that's not good, especially on your own. To be honest, the road had looked exactly the same for the last hour at least, but Jesse's instructions were to just follow the main road and turn into the dirt track.

"REACH FOR THE STAAAARS DODODOOO!" I sang, clicking my fingers before there was a loud bang- the car shuddering.

"Oh fuck." I groaned, as the car coughed a couple times, before stopping.

Quite a long update, a lot of shit happened. I'll keep trying to update regularly, hope your all enjoying! Btw, I picture Seth to look like Luke Bracey?~ Cat.

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