Chapter 12

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'This is the first thing I thought, this is the last thing that I want, you were the the first thing I loved, you were the first love I lost.' You Me At Six, This Is The First Thing.

"Well... SHIT!" I announced, placing my hands on my hips as I glanced down at the contents of the car hood. My Dad owned a garage when I was a kid- a real grease monkey, so I vaguely knew my way around an engine- and I certainly knew when one was screwed beyond recognition.

It didn't really surprise me, the car was an old beater and I'd just been waiting for months for it to die out- NOW of all times.

Digging my phone from my pocket, I racked my brains for who I could call. Pride simply stopped me from contacting Jane, Jesse was obviously AWOL... I suppose I could try Rebecca- but she was all the way in Jersey. I then heard the buzz and chime of doom- as my screen turned off. It was dead.

"BITCH SUCK." I announced, flinging the phone at the car and covering my eyes, only to hear an ear deafening smash.

"How the fu-" I frowned, pulling a face at my phone lodged in the windscreen of my car. If anything I was impressed it could create that much damage.

Glancing out into the rapidly darkening desert, I groaned in exasperation... I mustn't be too long from Jesse and his friend by now- maybe they would know how to fix it?

A busted engine, a smashed windshield, a totalled phone? Jesse couldn't even change a light bulb.

Itching my head, I ducked around the back door, grabbing my bag and throwing in a bottle of water before throwing it over my shoulder- along with a light hoodie. Ensuring the car was locked, (not like anyone would bother themself to steal it) I begun to walk head on.

"You suck at this..." I concentrated on the screen before us, tapping away at the remote in my hands.

"Be ready to eat your words, bitch." Jesse shot back.

"BOOM. Who's eating what? Hm?" I threw the remote in the air as I came in first place, Jesse's face a picture as he sat back in the couch.

"Okay okay victory make out come onnn" he opened his arms as I smiled and leant against his chest.

Drawing in closer, my eyes slowly closed as I cupped Jesse's face and was flipped right onto my back on the sofa.



"Jess- JESS... SERIOUSLY JESSE STOP-" I writhed and squealed as his hands tickled my stomach.


"NO I'LL NEVER SAY IT!" I cackled loudly. This only made his tickling even worse.


"NEEEEEVEEERRRR!" I shrieked in laughter.




"OKAY OKAY JESSE IS AWESOME!" I exclaimed breathlessly, defeated.

"There we go." Jesse sat back in triumph, a huge shit-eating grin upon his face.

"I love you, Jess."



My head thudded, my lips cracked and dry. The road seemed to never end and there hadn't been a car in sight for hours. I'd started to feel the desert dust gather in the back of my throat and my skin burned from the spitting sand that whipped at my bare legs in the wind.

Why the fuck did I only bring one bottle of water. I guessed I would have seen the van by now, to be honest I was starting to think that Jesse was kidding and there was no van after all.

Coughing loudly, I looked out into the distance.

"Is that..." rubbing at my eyes furiously I squinted and edged forward slowly.

What was that thing that you got when you were delirious? A mirage? I have tripped enough times in my life to know for a fact that this was no illusion, this was real right in front of me.

"RV?" I murmured to myself.


Hey guys sorry for the HUGE delay on the update I've just been super super busy, sorry it's also not the best chapter I just wanted you guys to know I'm not dead. Please leave comments of what you think so far and if I should carry on? Thanks!

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