10 Years Ago

809 21 0

"Mila, take a seat." I strolled into detention, huffing loudly as I plonked down at one of the desks among the rest of the delinquents.

"Okay everybody... you got any homework to work on, get it out. You dont, just sit down and shut up. I really don't care just don't bother me and don't talk to each other. I'll let you go in an hour." Mr Tobolowsky grunted, before sitting back at his own desk at the front of the class, newspaper in hand.

I cant believe I was here. For smoking a goddamn cigarette, I knew for a fact most of the kids were in here for throwing chairs or fighting or something. I definitely know that Chanel Hartley was here because she set fire to one of the freshmans hair last week. Why wasnt detention segregation a thing?

Pulling out my English books, I took out a pen and began to read- hell, if I was stuck here with nothing to do I may aswell use my time wisely and not get my ass kicked when I went home for not doing my homework.

After a couple of short questions, I glanced at the clock. Fifteen minutes?! How had I only been sat here for a quarter of an hour? Chewing on my pen I glanced around at my fellow offenders. There was a couple I knew from some of my classes, but no one I was really chatty with. The kid next to me realised I was watching and glanced up at me. He hadn't as much brought a pen, never mind his homework. Looking down awkwardly at being caught out, I felt his eyes continue to burn into the side of my face.

"What?" I mouthed, looking back at him. He was cute and scruffy, with big blue eyes that had absolutely nothing innocent about them, he was in my chemistry class I think, the one at the back who always tried to burn holes in his books with the chemicals.

"Not seen you here before." He mouthed back, shooting an evil grin. I chewed my lip in attempt not to mirror him.

As I went to reply, there was a yell from Mr Tobolowsky- "I SEE YOU, SHUT UP."

Rolling our eyes simultaneously, I slowly tore out a page from my notebook and scribbled;

That's because a good criminal never gets caught.

Watching our prison guard carefully, I waited until his eyes were back to his newspaper before passing the page to the kid along with the pen. Grinning as he read, he wrote back speedily, watching before passing the note back.

I must be a pretty shitty one then.

"Must be." I mouthed back as he continued to bare that devilish smile. Nodding to me to pass the page back to him, I gave it him back as he began to write again. I watched him intently, before taking the paper off him once again.

If you need a partner anytime- 5051483369


Just a little flashback for you all. I'll be double uploading today so you can find out what happens next, I just thought it would be fun to show you guys how Mila and Jesse met.

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