Chapter 32

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But the pain never came.

The pain that rips through your skin and knocks you to your knees. The pain that I thought was going to be the last thing I ever felt. Maybe I was already dead, and I just couldn't feel it. I have to admit, I always thought hell would feel a lot hotter than this.

I hadn't even realised I was holding my breath. I exhaled slowly, my ears ringing from the gunshot. Hands were shaking me, and warm breath was on my face, along with a muffled yelling.

Opening my eyes slowly, I looked ahead to see two wise old brown ones staring back at me, their brow in an urgent furrow. He was mouthing my name, I could tell by the phonetics, but my mind that was running so fast I couldn't make out who it was other than the fact it wasnt Danny.


Back in the room I was.

"Mr White?" I whispered, falling onto him as he grunted and tried to keep me steady.

"Come on we need to get you out of here before the cops come."

"How did you-" I muttered as he dragged me towards the green pontiac that was parked probably a mile into the distance with its lights off- probably how it snuck up without us noticing.

"Ask me questions on the way home we need to get you out of here-" glancing over my shoulder, I noticed Danny's still body now alongside Combo's.

"Oh my g-"

"Lets go.." he supported my back and briskly walked towards the car, keeping my eyes closed and breathing steady, I wobbled on my foot but eventually made it back to the vehicle. Opening the door for me, Mr White helped me inside before slamming it shut and running around to his own side. There was another van behind us.

"Whose that?" I wiped a few wet strands from my face as I grabbed the bottle of water from the cup holder and downing the whole thing, gasping as I took air.


"Whose back up?"

"A friends." Mr White grunted, nodding to the driver of the van as we pulled away. Craning my neck, I watched two men in the growing distance climb out.

"Okay Mr White, you saved my life. Thank you, I appreciate it I really do but you gotta start talking now. My ex wanted to kill me and drain me for every penny I'm worth I'm not really sure on who to trust right now." I snapped, pulling down the sunshield and glancing at the mirror.

"Jesus Christ... they really messed me up." my face was littered in blue patches and cuts, I looked like I'd done ten rounds with Tyson. Looking down at my legs and arms I gasped, they were even worse.

"You can trust me." He seemed exasperated, he did just kill a man I guess.

"Can I trust Jesse?"

"I think you're the only person in the world who can trust Jesse."

"How did you find me?" I said a lot sterner this time, wincing as I examined my bloodied hair line.

"NOT ON THE-" Mr White cut himself off with a loud sigh, rubbing at the headrest behind me that was now stained with my head wound.


"I don't think I can tell you how I knew." Mr White's knuckles pulled tight as he looked around frantically, the headlights of the van had now disappeared and we were nearing the freeway.

"Is it Fring?"

"How do you know about Fring?" He glanced at me worryingly.

"Jesse told me. He also told me that you owe him half of a job."

"That kid just cant keep his mouth shut can he? And actually, Mila I think you'll find that saving his girlfriends life and killing a man that he could simmer down a little on the whole payment thing!" Mr White yelled angrily.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I pouted childishly as he rolled his eyes, again.

"I owed Fring a favour. He found out about the connection with Jesse and he kept his eye on you, he respected that you stayed quiet about him and found out you were in some trouble. He didn't wanna do the dirty work himself and... I didn't tell Jesse, he's too involved and when he's too involved he fucks things up. It was the least I could do after..." he waved his hand, he didn't even know her name.


"Exactly. he nodded as the car fell silent for a few moments before I start to sniff and the watery eyes came.

"Mr White he's dead. Combo's dead, Jane's dead... even REGGIE! He never did a thing I'm like the angel of death!" I burst out crying, holding my head in my hands as my breathing turned ragged.

"In through the nose and out through the mouth sweetheart. It was Danny, not you. Without him there'd be a lot less blood on everyone's hands. Danny owed a good few grand to some pretty nasty dealers, the cops will put two and two together." Mr White said slowly and carefully, as if he was describing elements or compounds or something.

"How did this happen?" I continued to cry a little quieter now, rolling down the window slightly to give myself some air. Mr White stayed silent, opening his mouth before closing it again.

"The worst part is... Everything before all of this, I could blame Jesse for. Or partly anyway, I've never had the full load of guilt and I don't know if I can handle it. I'm like a time-bomb Mr White, everyone dies around me eventually." my stomach sank as I suddenly remembered Jesse.

Almost as if he read my mind, Mr White said; "The kid rang me in hysterics. He could barely breathe he was crying that hard. He thinks it's all his fault too. You kids are like fire and gasoline."

"Are you taking me to him?" I said quietly.

"I'm taking you to a hospital."

"They're going to ask-" I began before Mr White interjected.

"And you're going to come up with a lie so convincing they're going to feel sorry for you. They're going to know Danny did this because his skin will be behind your fingernails. He threatened you and told you that if he didn't sell the houses to pay off his debt he'd kill you. You got away, and the rest is the original story. You got that?" Mr White instructed again slowly.

"My blood will be all over that van. All over Combo too."

"That's what backup is for. Clean-up."

"Wouldn't it be just easier if they took the bodies too? Cant they clean that up as well?" I shook violently, panic setting in again as my common sense kicked in waves, realising the severity of the situation.

"The cover up will be taken seriously, if he just went missing there'd be an investigation and that's the last thing that we need."

I breathed a sigh of relief, "This is all too easy."

"Not if you keep your mouth shut."

"I've gotten pretty good at that." I chuckled as he raised his eyebrows fondly, "Me too."

"Oof.." I sat up, a sharp pain shooting up my side as Iooked down to see a huge black bruise. Being body slammed to the floor by a guy literally three times your size really isn't fun.

"Christ, they really dinged you up huh?" Mr White craned his neck to see my torso as I sat back, being sat, battered as shit, half naked in my sports wear in my old chemistry teachers car really wasn't how I expected to spend my Tuesday.

"I've had worse..." I gritted my teeth as I tried to shift myself into a comfortable position in the car seat as Mr White slowed at a red light.

"Oh SHIT." he sighed, attempting to cover his face with his hand, whipping his head to face away from the car next to us.

"HEY- WALT!" I turned to see none other than fucking Hank Schrader in the car next to us.


I should honestly get a certificate in cliffhangers, sorry for being an asshole but I'm still trying to upload every day so you'll get the update tomorrow. Thank you for the continued support, I'm glad I still have a few readers your likes and comments are all appreciated so so much! Hang in there guys!


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