Chapter 1

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From day one


The day is oddly bright, casting the eagles into dark shadows against a sky of the palest blue. The new day, new sky, the water and the land -ever the same and ever evolving - the embodiment of the moment and the eternal entwined.

Two young prince's were outside playing in their mother's well kept garden, the flowers were a dancing rainbow as if light and music had found a new way to blossom together. In the centre of millions of grassy wands stands a tree, her back so patterned as if carved by her own rain born flash rivers. The brothers grabbed some sticks from the base of the aging tree and started using them as makeshift swords.

"Come on Thor you can do better than that," the raven head brother shouted.

"Well, if you stop cheating, then maybe we can have a decent fight," he replied with a hint of anger filling his voice.

"Come on it is only a few illusions brother, I thought you said you are as good a fighter as father," Loki replied, happy with the fact that he was winding his brother up.

"Your highnesses." a guard dressed in polished gold armour approached the prince's.

"Your father and mother have requested your presence in their chambers," the guard bowed as he stretched out an arm towards the direction of the luxurious palace.

Both brothers looked at each other smiles spread across their faces as they began to run towards their home knowing exactly what this was.
They both slowed to catch their breath as they turned the corner to be met with their father.

"Ahh my sons you have arrived, come I am sure you want to meet her," their father greeted them.

They all walked into the kings chamber to be met with a large, wooden, gold encrusted cradle where there lies a newborn, her arms aloft as if dreaming of cuddling the mother who stands by closely. Thor slides in a pinky finger into her open hand and watched as her fingers curl around it, the baby sleeping on.

"Do you want to hold her?" their mother asked quietly.

Thor nodded in excitement while Loki was more cautious, Frigga placed the newborn baby into Thor's awaiting arms and he and Loki gazed down amazed at their new sister. The baby slowly opened her sleepy eyes, which revealed them to be baby blue just like her brothers.

"I told you Loki she would look just like me," Thor whispered to Loki as he stroked a few of her blonde hair strands down.

"Well, she may look like you, but I will be her favourite brother," Loki snapped back.

"Boys calm down, you will both make good big brothers."

"I'm going to be her big big brother, I am 5 years older," Thor added.

"Your only a year older than me," Loki frowned.

"Loki, would you like to hold your sister?" his mother changed the subject.

Loki looks unsure, but agrees as Frigga takes the baby from Thor and gently places her in Loki's hesitant arms. As he cradled her, her tiny toes peeked out from under her pristine white blanket. The two brothers gazed at their new little sister with amazement as she brought her small, delicate hands up to try and reach Loki's face which brought about a rare smile to form on his lips.

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