Chapter 6

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Dear diary


Dear diary

I thought I would write in here again seeing as I am allowed back into my room now. The maids and guards cleaned up the mess, I heard from court gossip that Calder was pretty beaten up before taken down to the prison where he is awaiting execution. You would think that after what he did that I would be happy to see him dead, but it is weird that I am sentencing a man to death and made another a wanted man, a fugitive according to father. Mother explained everything to me about Calder saying how I am to young to know and deal with this.

Speaking about brothers, Thor has started training harder than ever with his warrior friends not taking much of a break or playing with me any more, at least he promised to teach me everything he knows when I get older. Loki on the other hand spends to much time with me ever since that night. He is constantly trying too teach me new things mainly to do with my powers so I can 'defend myself' along with obsessing over how my powers seemed weakened and how I did not hear Calder and Ferguson until it was to late.

Mother and father increased security by a vast amount and also a lot more stricter with whom they let inside the palace walls. Father thinks I should spend more time training where mother wants me to spend time being a child and playing with my brothers, but how can I do that when they are to busy doing their own things.

So long for now.

"Hey Kiara I think I found something," Loki burst into my room.

"What now Loki," I moaned.

"Come here and hold your hand out," he instructed as he stood near the edge of my bed.

"Why," I asked as I walked over from my seat at the window ledge.

"Do not tell mother of this," Loki stared me down in a warning glance.

A small flash of green materialized a long sharp needle and a tiny bowl full of some clear liquid.

"What the hell are you doing."

"I just need some blood from you I already did this to Thor and it worked so if it works for you then I will know I was right," he spoke gently, but quickly pricking my finger causing a small amount of blood to drop into the bowl.

"And Thor knew of this."

"Not exactly all it took was a small unfortunate training accident with a dagger of mine and he is non the wiser," Loki smirked now mixing the blood and the clear liquid substance with the needle.

When the new substance turns from pale red to a harsh pink Loki laughs in triumph.

"I knew it I was right all along finally father will be proud," Loki exclaimed with a huge smile across his face.

"Err how does my blood and some water mixed together make you so happy," I asked dabing my finger with a small white cloth Loki gave me.

"Well, you know how earlier this week Calder and Ferguson tried to give us those drinks, but I smelt something weird. It was valerian they must have given it to us during the party the other night to make us all drowsy and pass out," he explained carefully placing his bowl on the near by table.

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