Chapter 28

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End of the line



Dear Diary,

Well it's been a while, 32 years 11 months and 3 weeks exactly. What can I say it's been a wild ride, I've certainly learnt a lot. I missed writing in here.

I'm not that little 15 year old girl who would follow her brothers around aimlessly, I admired them and still do (I can't tell them that obviously). I used to spend hours watching them train, interact with others and each other, no wonder people say I ended up like them.

With the years I've been gone they have certainly changed a lot. Thor seems more mature (for him anyway) and is quite focused on his friends and the warriors that he leads. Loki on the otherhand seems more closed off to the world, I can't actually believe him and Thor both run the warriors ranks together. I assume they both argue and disagree over everything, never getting much done.

I hope now that I'm back we can all rekindle our relationships we had before, I missed sneaking round the palace at night or playing around in the gardens.

Anyway, I guess I will pick up where I left off, by joining the warriors ranks hopefully working up to be able to lead along side my brothers.


guess I will still have to participate in normal princess and royal events, it just means dressing up every so often. Surprisingly, I actually don't mind dressing up I've missed the afternoons spend sitting in a chair getting pampered and ready, while my mother would parade round the room showing all the different dresses I could wear. The events only really consist of showing up and greeting people as a sign of respect and keeping our bonds and alliances between other realms. As long as I'm not married off I could care less about what we do.

I'm sure father still hates me I mean I would, I'm the rebellious child who never does what she's told. Some would say that makes me interesting and full of character, but father just sees me as a problem. Give it 10 years or so and he will be fine, probably would have forgotten all of this by then with his old age.

Mother still has my back, she always will. Although she couldn't get me out of prison I know she tried her best to. Ever since I've been back her and Loki seem to be close just like me and her once were, I may even be a tiny bit jealous. It's just that Thor and father get on so well and mother and Loki are closer than I ever was, I'm like the black sheep the forgotten one. I'll make my presence known, once everyone has gotten over how I left them for 30 years.

My friends well, they moved on most busy with their lives, the few who still talk to me seem to only be doing it because I'm a princess and Thor's sister. So I blocked them all out rarely seeing them around, which leaves me with pretty much no-one. I've gotten very close with Sif since I have been back, I love our training matches and heart to heart talks.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I miss my old life, I missed everything about it, how simple it was, how close I was to everyone, and how now talking to some people can be so awkward whenever they would bring their opinion up over my disappearance.

There's going to be a huge ball at the end of this week celebrating my arrival. The story is I left undercover with the help of Thor and Loki to go and track down the Beserker's and how I single handily took them down. I mean half of that is true excluding the year in prison, how I ran away and no-one knew of my existence for all those years.

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